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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Although both Turkey and Egypt have threatened to engage in military confrontation by marking Sirte and Jufra as red lines, no country seems to want to engage in direct fighting here. That is why both sides are talking about resolving the crisis through political talks. The beginning of such talks mediated by the United Nations and the main obstacle in the way of a ceasefire is the control of Sirte and Jufra. Military confrontation can be avoided if both sides agree on a formula such as the withdrawal of LNA forces or the joint presence of GNA and LNA, leaving the control of Sirte and Juffra in the hands of international forces. The future of Libya can then be determined through negotiations. That possibility is even greater because the Egyptian military's capabilities are now at an all-time low, no matter how threatening CC is in the war. Although the country has shown heroism in front of the people of its unarmed country, the members of the army have been accustomed to trade and luxury in various ways. This is not the case in Turkey.

Even then, the United Arab Emirates and even Saudi Arabia would like to call on Egypt in Libya to engage in a conflict with Turkey. In this gap, Israel will be able to permanently expand its borders to the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. On the other hand, the ongoing peace process in Syria through the Russia-Iran-Turkey agreement will be prolonged. The humiliating Lausanne Treaty of 2023 to break up the post-World War I Ottoman Caliphate is coming to an end. Then there will be no obligation for Turkey to limit itself. The country will be able to be more active in extracting its natural resources. Some parties may have a strategy to involve Turkey's power in the complex cycle of war before the time comes. However, it is also true that Turkey's initial success in military tests in Syria and Libya has given the country the status of an influential regional power. All in all, the situation in Libya needs to be considered on the larger canvas of the Middle East. There seems to be a lot more to come, on which much depends on the future of the country.
Remember what I said our neighbours are destroying our history and artifacts while at the same time they lecture us about respecting hagia sophia.
yes my dude, the Chinese and other countries around us have done the same... Yes, the time for the conversion of Ayasofya was not optimal, but luckily it was done!
I have just researched that the European Wikipedia pages completely deny Turkish history, leave out facts, and do not mention historians. The only sources they use are german, english, french ... the pages have completely different content, so in their lies - historians like Peter Vaczy, Lajos Ligeti and Jordanes - are completely denied ... this is disgusting politic and propaganda - this turkophobia falsifies history and manipulates people... in their point of view Huns aren't Turks, but "European Huns" are partly germans?! lmfao...

I have a love and hate relationship with wikipedia

I dont mind using it but I hate how people use it as the only source.

Russians are slowing and complicating things while Egyptian retards believe the Turks are afraid of them hence why they did not cross the red line. Dumb egyptians if the Turks were so scared they would not be in Libya at all.
@Mohammed23188 Perma-thread ban issued
@GlobalMillitary96, @Nein Temp. thread-ban issued.

The members who is insisting on posting off-topic or purposely derailling this thread will meet stronger punishment. Unfortunately, That must be done If our friendly advices aren’t heart by our friends. Arab or Turkish girls, Arab race, prostitutes, Turkish history before and after Islam, Muslims in different geography, being Muslim or non-believer is not the subject of this thread.

Just stay on topic !
@Mohammed23188 Perma-thread ban issued
@GlobalMillitary96, @Nein Temp. thread-ban issued.

The members who is insisting on posting off-topic or purposely drailling this thread will meet stronger punishment. Unfortunately, That must be done If our friendly advices aren’t heart by our friends. Arab girls, arabian race, Turkish history before and after Islam, Muslims in different geography, being Muslim or non-believer is not the subject of this thread.

Just stay on topic !
Thank you so much - I thought posting pictures of what Egypt is doing with Turkic history is relevant and maybe connected to the tensions between Turkey and Egypt in Libya... but again it got out of control
even I have more knowledge than all Arab users in PDF

Iraqi Kurds and Iraqi Shiites welcomed invasion of Iraq by the US and the UK in 1991
also American-Israeli backed traitor organization KESNIZANI gave Iraq to the US-the UK

FETO is in Turkiye
KESNIZANI is in Iraq

in 2014 , over 40.000 shiite Iraqi troops left Mosul to less than 1.000 ISIS terrorists without aany conflict, while the security forces affiliated with the Baghdad government were withdrawn to the regions where the Shiites lived, they also left many ammunition and vehicles behind them

only two days after Mosul, ISIS captured the city of Tikrit which was the birthplace of Saddam also ISIS captured Salahaddin , Telafer where mostly Turkmens lived and Sincar where the Ezidis lived

Shitte Iraqi government allowed ISIS to capture 40% of Iraq ... because of order by Iran

and over 150.000 Iraqi Forces+Peshmarga+French,Canadian troops and American-French Airforces bombed Mosul day and night to fight ISIS

without American-French Airforces , Kurds and Shitte Iraqi Forces were full of joke against ISIS

I have to admit that the PKK, which is so highly praised, would not have achieved anything without the full force of the USA and western alliance ...
I still don't know why IrAF has withdrawn - there are maybe political reasons, but no reasonable reasons ...

apart from that back to the topic:

Does this rusty museum shit still work? and should it pose a threat to turkey? seriously!?

You can review and rate the performance of a military better by a battle to battle case. Mosul 2014 fall is not a good example to review Iraq's military as it was lost long before 2014 and the battle was more of a political, than a military battle. The political battle was lost as Atheel al Nujaifi was the governor of Mosul back then, he was Muslim brotherhood and hostile to Baghdad.

That said the pre-2014 army was weak, they weren't an army. They were a checkpoint force and have also been described as such. Manning highways and roads, not the same army of today that fought in many cities.

You can call me camelfucker all day it's no insult to me, you're the one with the useless posts here not me. I even know far more about Turkey than you know about any Arab state, stick to posting pics.

to camel man:

nice what you previously said,>> but << it is mostly the complex-laden Iranians, Europeans and Arabs, who hijack our thread and are like inactive in their own section ...
Out of envy, or hate of 2500 years alternating dominance of Turks... and that's the real deal... annoying...
Not one of you Arab or French or Iranian people has ever contributed anything meaningful or productive to this thread, so in your case, it is 'complex wanking' - not "flag wanking"
Stay on topic guys.. The French got shot at while their convoy was heading to tarhuna.
Then the French said let's go to Al khums instead..
Khoms said:

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