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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

I beg to differ. Arabs had ruled much of the ME and North Africa for centuries, they had had civilizations that contributed much to humanity. Adversely, what did Ottoman hand to us or humanity? Virtually nothing.. They just ruled Arabs in the name of Islam and got driven out after they proved to be incompetent and backward. If Turkish state has been doing great ever since it got independent, what are you doing in Australia along with millions of other Turks around the world including the GCC where you work as barbers and in Shawrma business just to serve us "slaves"?

You know why the Ottomans developed the Balkans more because the balkans was more of their bases operations. Every empire develops the region which is the capital and close to the capital.

You arabs are dumb this is how empires operate. Ummayads developed spain and syria and the Abbassids developed Iraq because it was the centre of their empire.

The Balkans was the centre of the Ottoman Empire henve why even Anatolia was ignored. Im not going to condemn the Ottomans for this. Afterall a lot of Balkan Turks actually developed and founded Republic of Turkey lets not forget how important Anatolian Turks played a role they were the soldiers helped defend and kick the invaders off.

Australia is an immigrant country they even paid people to come here. My mum actually came to australia when she was like 12 while my dad came around 1990 after he married my mum. My dad did not want to go to Australia because he wanted to stay in Turkey while my mum insisted because her family was in Australia.

Yes Australia is a beautiful country Im thankful for the opportunities it has given me. I do see Turkey as my home too it is where my family comes from also my ancestors.

In Australia majority of people have immigrant parents this also includes white australians whose ancestors mainly come from Europe. Only ethnic Australians are the Natives Aboriginal Australians aka First Australians.

I would take Australia over the gulf any day. Nobody respects you arabs anymore. About humanity what do arabs contribute today???? Extremism and terrorism. Aq and isis are all your products.
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Trump called Erdogan an "idiot" in a message and then published it. Not to mention the respect he gets from Trump through sanctions. Moreover, just notice how Putin, Trump and other world leaders revere Saudi rulers and compare it with the way they receive or treat Erdogan. Turkey deserves better than that.

He says these things about virtually all world leaders whenever he's supposed to get higher approval rates from constituents (check his speeches on Youtube). I don't think we should care about what he says as long as his actions suit them.
I was shocked when I saw this video , Turkey deserves better than that
I was shocked when I saw this video , Turkey deserves better than that

Arabs get insulted everyday just like what Trump said where is my favourite dictator hahahahaha
Arabs get insulted everyday just like what Trump said where is my favourite dictator hahahahaha
We can’t hold others tongues , but this scene in kremlin came after the Turkish soldiers get killed in Syria. I need the good for Turkey but I see Erdogan is doing mistakes.
We can’t hold others tongues , but this scene in kremlin came after the Turkish soldiers get killed in Syria. I need the good for Turkey but I see Erdogan is doing mistakes.

Turkish armed forces never insisted on a ceasefire and were sending syrians to hell. Too bad turkish politicians let us down.

Also in libya where wagners were getting sent to hell.

Turks dont fear Russians or Arabs. You arabs are a joke and will always be a joke.
Turkish armed forces never insisted on a ceasefire and were sending syrians to hell. Too bad turkish politicians let us down.

Also in libya where wagners were getting sent to hell.

Turks dont fear Russians or Arabs. You arabs are a joke and will always be a joke.

Turkey has requested SAA to surrender from M-5 but they didn't ,Turkey can't even send her Falcons to cover her soldiers ,too bad for innocent soldiers .

In Libya the situation now is different , Egypt is going to intervene if GNA crossed the red line ,Sisi already said that more than 40 days ago ,it's not a joke .
Turkey has requested SAA to surrender from M-5 but they didn't ,Turkey can't even send her Falcons to cover her soldiers ,too bad for innocent soldiers .

In Libya the situation now is different , Egypt is going to intervene if GNA crossed the red line ,Sisi already said that more than 40 days ago ,it's not a joke .

Yeah and Turkey will be waiting for the incompetent egyptians to fight us.

Sirte operation is loading neither the uae or egypt can do anything about it. Irony is actually its russia that is actually doing all the work.
I was shocked when I saw this video , Turkey deserves better than that

Lol, Such things happen sometimes..... Putin maybe was shitting in WC man, maybe he had diarrhea. So what if Erdoğan waited 1 minute for him. And this is when Putin waited for Erdoğan on his feet in Russia for nearly 2 mins.

I pity your efforts to counter our arguments with such BS things. On one side world leaders humiliate Arab leaders at lowest level and on another side you come up with " ErDoĞAN kePt WaiTeD bY PuTin 1 MiN"
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Yeah and Turkey will be waiting for the incompetent egyptians to fight us.

Sirte operation is loading neither the uae or egypt can do anything about it. Irony is actually its russia that is actually doing all the work.
Russia has no projection power on land in Libya to put any red lines .
Turkey can not face Egypt in Libya .Egypt will introduce a firepower 20 times more than GNA+Turkey ,it's a suicide game .

Lol, Such things happen sometimes..... Putin maybe was shitting in WC man, maybe he had diarrhea. So what if Erdoğan waited 1 minute for him. And this is when Putin waited for Erdoğan on his feet in Russia.

The guy is waiting his guest ,that's completely different ! i love Turkey but i don't like Erdogan politics .
Russia has no projection power on land in Libya to put any red lines .
Turkey can not face Egypt in Libya .Egypt will introduce a firepower 20 times more than GNA+Turkey ,it's a suicide game .

Firepower your f16s are even underequipped only thing you arabs do is buy and buy but dont even know how to use your weapons properly.

Look at this even with a Turkish token force look how they turned the battle made haftar run away.
The guy is waiting his guest ,that's completely different ! i love Turkey but i don't like Erdogan politics .

I can understand that you don't like him. You have right. But since he is an "ELECTED" president of Turkey, your insultings directing us.
I can understand that you don't like him. You have right. But since he is an "ELECTED" president of Turkey, your insultings directing us.

Non Turks who are anti erdogan basically scratch them you find a anti turk person. Them saying we hate erdogan only is just to cover their anti Turkish feelings.
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Firepower your f16s are even underequipped only thing you arabs do is buy and buy but dont even know how to use your weapons properly.

Look at this even with a Turkish token force look how they turned the battle made haftar run away.
Haftar lost in the west because he can't secure his supply routes and Egypt didn't intervene but now Egypt is not going to let Syrian mercenaries to come to her borders ,this is not against Turkey but for Egyptian security .

People who are anti erdogan basically scratch them you find a anti turk person. Them saying we hate erdogan only is just to cover their anti Turkish feelings.
That's wrong ,i respect Turkish people and i love Turkish movies .

I don't remember any world leader out-alphaing Erdogan ever.
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Egypt is not going to let Syrian mercenaries to come to her borders ,this is not against Turkey but for Egyptian security

Can you tell me how a 1000 km far away city can be a threat for Egyptian security? This is nonsense. You can fit literally 50+ country in this space. For negotiations GNA demands LNA to retreat to 2015 situation and borders. This includes Sirte too.

All Sisi doing is to keep Haftar in game because UAE wants him to do so.
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