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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Sisi is blackmailing UAE and SA MBS and MBZ, without him they will collapse and they know it, they send him "loans", he simply gets the GCC money since 2013, that's the unlimited amount of money, now for Israel, are u seriously thinking that the jews can stand one week against the Egyptians ? unless they use nukes they have no chance, as for the Iranians pleaaaaaaaaase don't make me laugh !
not only that, Sisi will get all the technological assistance from France and Russia and China ...
there is no way Turks could stop Egypt in case the Egyptians decide to bring Libya back to the dictatorships club,
unless Turkey convinces Algeria and Tunisia and my country to fight along side GNA, which is totally wishful thinking by me under these regimes.
So, in summary, Turkey must keep up the good work for now, make the west of Libya a stable and prosperous place, keep the soft power strategy, don't forget that most of the Arabs and Muslims are supporting Turkey against the dictators alliance , it's a game of patience, the Almighty will definitely destroy the dictatorships as the prophet's tiding clearly state
I think Sissi's army is being overestimated. In a real war, he won't fair any better than Assad's Army. Nowadays war is won by technical expertise, not by the number of soldiers. If Turkey is willing to go all the way Sissi's Army and his country will be destroyed but it all depends on how much provocations sissi makes against the Turkish army. Maybe InshaAllah Sissi end will be near. Turkish Army has been built to fight head-on against Russia and Im sure they can easily (InshaAllah) take care of sissi's coward army who oppresses its own people
Sisi is blackmailing UAE and SA MBS and MBZ, without him they will collapse and they know it, they send him "loans", he simply gets the GCC money since 2013, that's the unlimited amount of money, now for Israel, are u seriously thinking that the jews can stand one week against the Egyptians ? unless they use nukes they have no chance, as for the Iranians pleaaaaaaaaase don't make me laugh !
not only that, Sisi will get all the technological assistance from France and Russia and China ...
there is no way Turks could stop Egypt in case the Egyptians decide to bring Libya back to the dictatorships club,
unless Turkey convinces Algeria and Tunisia and my country to fight along side GNA, which is totally wishful thinking by me under these regimes.
So, in summary, Turkey must keep up the good work for now, make the west of Libya a stable and prosperous place, keep the soft power strategy, don't forget that most of the Arabs and Muslims are supporting Turkey against the dictators alliance , it's a game of patience, the Almighty will definitely destroy the dictatorships as the prophet's tiding clearly state
You are living in a fantasy world.
I think Sissi's army is being overestimated. In a real war, he won't fair any better than Assad's Army. Nowadays war is won by technical expertise, not by the number of soldiers. If Turkey is willing to go all the way Sissi's Army and his country will be destroyed but it all depends on how much provocations sissi makes against the Turkish army. Maybe InshaAllah Sissi end will be near. Turkish Army has been built to fight head-on against Russia and Im sure they can easily (InshaAllah) take care of sissi's coward army who oppresses its own people

Not even technical expertise in my opinion, but logistics and attrition. Both sides can go to war and lose thousands of military assets and economical development but its the one who can replace them and create more that will ultimately win the war. Turkey has that capacity and therefore can engage in mid-long term warfare in comparison to Egypt which will not be able to do anything from the initial phase onwards simply because its dependence on foreign supply lines. What good does a 3000+ tanks do if you dont have a single shell to fire from them? Same goes for naval and air assets.

That being said i doubt there will be any war between Turkey and Egypt lol. Most people dont support this in either countries and all it does is unneccesary deaths for a piece of desert land. Diplomacy along with some military flexing is all that is going to happen.
Not even technical expertise in my opinion, but logistics and attrition. Both sides can go to war and lose thousands of military assets and economical development but its the one who can replace them and create more that will ultimately win the war. Turkey has that capacity and therefore can engage in mid-long term warfare in comparison to Egypt which will not be able to do anything from the initial phase onwards simply because its dependence on foreign supply lines. What good does a 3000+ tanks do if you dont have a single shell to fire from them? Same goes for naval and air assets.

That being said i doubt there will be any war between Turkey and Egypt lol. Most people dont support this in either countries and all it does is unneccesary deaths for a piece of desert land. Diplomacy along with some military flexing is all that is going to happen.
Man there is no Turkish military presence in Libya but we deployed multiple uav to support GNA, what we need now is to protect GNA land force with air defense because I think LNA will get air support, Egypt military is like a bodybuilder but via steroids and not real muscles :D:D.

Again No direct clash between Turkey and Egypt. They know we are a NATO member and we can do more than we talk
They know we are a NATO member and we can do more than we talk
come on forget about NATO, do you think that NATO will help Turkey in case of war with Egypt, I mean please, do you think the US or UK or Greece or France or Germany would put troops on the ground to bleed and fight against Sisi their beloved dictator and protector of Israel ? who do you think is behind Sisi's statement Today other than your Nato "Ally" France, meanwhile I know for a fact, that Egypt will not go alone at it, they will drag SA and UAE and the other dictatorships ..
the only help Turks could get is from the millions and millions of Silent Muslim/Arab majority.. and the many thousands of Syrian mujahedines, and also Algeria could now stand with Turkey because they surely don't want the Egyptians on their borders


Sisi doesn't matter, either does his red or purple lines that he draws on sand all day long.

Israel, who's being interestingly silent on the matter, and the willingness of the US to act is what matters for Turkey in the end.

An of course Russia, let's see what this will develop into.
come on forget about NATO, do you think that NATO will help Turkey in case of war with Egypt, I mean please, do you think the US or UK or Greece or France or Germany would put troops on the ground to bleed and fight against Sisi their beloved dictator and protector of Israel ? who do you think is behind Sisi's statement Today other than your Nato "Ally" France, meanwhile I know for a fact, that Egypt will not go alone at it, they will drag SA and UAE and the other dictatorships ..
the only help Turks could get is from the millions and millions of Silent Muslim/Arab majority.. and the many thousands of Syrian mujahedines, and also Algeria could now stand with Turkey because they surely don't want the Egyptians on their borders
No I don't mean NATO will support us. I meant that Egyptians doesn't have balls to attack us and this one of the reasons ...
bro, Sisi is not bluffing, and he has got the strongest army in the ME and Africa. and unlimited amount of money, he also could easily get the approval of some European countries and call that "international legitimacy" , also he owns the evil backward ignorant pro Ghaddafi blood thirsty eastern Libyan tribes ... isn't that enough for power ?!!
but I still believe the Arab dictators will fall in the end
Unlimited amount of money?? Egypt needs additional 10B(the number may not be correct but the sum is close) despite recently signing renewed IMF deal
Gulfies for now are quiet(hint:Covid-19)
He certainly doesn’t have the strongest army even in Africa(Algeria is by far the best) let alone in ME(1.Turkey 2.Israel 3.Iran)
He might use terror card to enter Libya but cannot go in central region and most likely Tunisia/Algeria/Turkey won’t sit down while wannabe pharaoh goes on a trip in libyan territory far from the border with Egypt
I dont see a war happening between Turkey and Egypt and I also dont see GNA crossing the line unless tables get turned somehow. Egypt can easily send troops to back Haftar positions and then it will be GNA on the offensive against Haftar and Egyptian army(backed by Saudi,UAE,Kuwait funds). Would Turkey send a large amount of troops to back GNA? Turkey is already involved in Syria, Iraq, Somalia.
Seems like too much damage will be done to all the Muslim countries involved.

The only option is dialogue and a United Libya.
Egypt can easily send troops to back Haftar

Not so easily. Egypt has is own problem with Ethiopia, they will mostly fight over Nile dam.
If Egypt invest too much in Hatar, maybe Turkey will gifts some drone to Ethiopia.....

But the problem is Sisi, the man is dictator who didn't hesiate to sell Egypt lands to SA, or its sea to Greece....his interest (power, money, survy....) would always prime over Egypt interest. So Sisi not wanting a democracy in Libya (election will most likely win by MB like in Egypt) will push to ignore Egypt interest over his own interest.

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