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Developing Commando Units of Para Military Forces


Apr 28, 2011
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Hey every one the way our Commandos of Rangers carried out the operation at Karachi Air Port they did great job but I think we now need to focus on our Para Military forces and establish and increase their Commando Units more and more we need to give them more Snipers and trainer Marksman more cars helicopters and other things they can do great job like they did today
@Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @AUz @Slav Defence @Fulcrum15 @Aether @mafiya @Chak Bamu @Stealth @Multani @balixd @Rafi @tarrar @HRK @PWFI @Icarus
Hey every one the way our Commandos of Rangers carried out the operation at Karachi Air Port they did great job but I think we now need to focus on our Para Military forces and establish and increase their Commando Units more and more we need to give them more Snipers and trainer Marksman more cars helicopters and other things they can do great job like they did today
@Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @AUz @Slav Defence @Fulcrum15 @Aether @mafiya @Chak Bamu @Stealth @Multani @balixd @Rafi @tarrar @HRK @PWFI @Icarus
What abt night vision equipments? and Bullet proof jackets ?(not the one with steel plates)
What abt night vision equipments? and Bullet proof jackets ?(not the one with steel plates)
Yes both are important and we need also Sniper Guys need to added among Air Port Security Force
There are snipers but they are very lazy. I have to go to runway area frequently and never saw one. But have heard that they are on roof sometimes
We need hidden snipers at least 12 of them hidden not clearly open

Every Paramilitary unit already has a counter terrorist unit.
But we need to increase them more
We need hidden snipers at least 12 of them hidden not clearly open

But we need to increase them more
My point is according to papers there are many but on actual duty there is none to be seen. Sometimes they complain that why you(we) people are looking at planes but most of the time no one is there :S
My point is according to papers there are many but on actual duty there is none to be seen. Sometimes they complain that why you(we) people are looking at planes but most of the time no one is there :S
Isnt that how it works? they are not supposed to be seen!
The SSG has worked hand in hand with the most secret and classified US force, the SAD. They have been integral in identifying and sometimes laser-designating targets from the ground inside the FATA for the SAD's UAV assets.

They also train here in the US, so I am certain they are no slouches.
You yara, forget about para military, focus should be that every effing force in the country must have fully trained, ready to go Tactical team be it ASF, Narcotics or Police.
Last night, the operation was under the jurisdiction of ASF, it was no place for RATS, SSG army unless really needed..... We need to build confidence among our forces that they can take these terrorists head on, no need for ssg everytime.... RATS are not some off the planet force, they training inhouse.
On more thing, if these Police commandos were so incompetent then these Politicians wont be trusting their life with them, like CMs.
Isnt that how it works? they are not supposed to be seen!
They should be. But they arent on duty sometimes. Esp during change of shifts. It was the same time when these terrorist struck yesterday
Just interested, does the federal government of Pakistan have a dedicated anti terrorist unit like the Indian NSG or the German GSG 9 ?

AFAIK the anti terrorist ops during the last days events were carried out by Rangers, right?
Just interested, does the federal government of Pakistan have a dedicated anti terrorist unit like the Indian NSG or the German GSG 9 ?

AFAIK the anti terrorist ops during the last days events were carried out by Rangers, right?
Not just one...
Latest equipment and Helicopters ... need of the time

You guys need heli-born quick response force with air drop capability. I am not sure why they didn't use heli-born snipers and air-dropped the SSG team last night. The QRF and the SSG guys are trained by the best of the best from the US military. I am sure they can hold their own and take out a few terrorists
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