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Despite India’s low ranking in the Global Hunger Index, Modi government is hesitant to address the issue

the fundamental difference between india and china (and east asia) is that chinese disasters and dark times are manmade

poor condition of india is natural, no ideology can save it it seems

north and south korea and mao vs deng demonstrates what happens when u stop fuking around in east asia

regardless all societies are better off without deranged jew marxism
The reason is simple , modi and hindutva govt wont do anyting because they dont want other nation to see india's true situation. they will sacrifice hungry indians to save FACE .. indians are prideful and arrogant people and they will spread lie and lie and lie to cover up their inadequacy. Because they rather lie than to remedy any bad situation.

this is the reality of india

this is the real psyche of indian people

even US politicians knew to praise indian politicans to get what they want..
main reason is because people dying of hunger are lower caste
Hindutwa and BJP RSS is upper caste politics
Mostly Tribals and Dalits
. . .
there are natural disasters and manmade disasters

u guys like to starve urselfs for some odd reason

u guys have a penchant for suffering
You must be talking about yourself. who really take you seriously here, lol...the biggest clown in PDF. keep up entertaining us, clown.
the fundamental difference between india and china (and east asia) is that chinese disasters and dark times are manmade

poor condition of india is natural, no ideology can save it it seems

north and south korea and mao vs deng demonstrates what happens when u stop fuking around in east asia

regardless all societies are better off without deranged jew marxism
Because of west sanction, China didn't have the technology to produce a type of steel cylinder that can withstand high pressure. This steel cylinder can be used to produce submarine. It is also indispensable for producing ammonia. Which is the basic material of chemical fertiliser. In Mao's time, China‘s grain output was low because of lack of checmical fertilisers. In 1970's, China overcame the technology of high pressure steel cylinder. More chemical fertiliser was produced, the grain output remarkably increased.
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