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Departing French Envoy Has Frank Words on Afghanistan

If you really live here, you know those wars have little effect here.

Yes, in terms of physical effect...Americans don't "feel" the 'direct' effect but it doesn't mean that they had no effect at all.

U.S economy is exhausted....This could've been prevented if RepubliKKKans had not wasted trillions in useless wars..and took care of crony capitalism going right under their noses...

But again, as a person living here, I know, just as you know too, that all the 'freedom' crap is just bullsh!t..and whole America is literally slave of big corporations...So much so..that corporations even fund the democracy in U.S :lol:

Btw, U.S national debt is 16.8 trillion+ as we speak...and more importantly, ~ 6 trillion is owned by foreign nations..trillions spent on war could've decreased this number atleast :azn:
I know. There is no "Islamic Civilization" etc...these terms are for layman created by 18th century Western idiots (scholars I mean lol)...

There is no "Western Civilization"...similarly, there is no "Islamic Civilization" ...both of these (so called) entities are global, very large, very influential entities that have influenced history in their own way...but they are not 'one' thing..they are multiple different entities clumped together by idiot writers.

There are Turks, Arabs, Persians..and then there are Germans, British, French...No "Islamic" or "Western" civilization to be precise.

Western is a regional term based mostly off racial and philosophical proximity. Islamic is a religious one. There is East Asian civilization as well based off race and Confucius ideology.

In the end its the culture that matters. Pakistanis are closer in culture to south Asia rather than the middle east.
Western is a regional term based mostly off racial and philosophical proximity. Islamic is a religious one. There is East Asian civilization as well based off race and Confucius ideology.

There is no "East Asian" civilization either. Japan and China are a part of one civilization? Vietnam and South Korea too? All of them? Are you kidding me? It is just idiot westerners who make this words up and have things clarified in their minds.

All of these terms originated in colonial period where colonialists needed to separate themselves from the "other" ...

In reality, there isn't any "Western Civilization" just as there isn't any "Islamic Civilization" , "East Asian Civilization" and so forth....

Though we all would like to believe there is...so someone from Spain will have this notion "Oh, I'm the part of "Western Civilization" which is ruling the world right now..You know it gives us assurance and 'warm feeling'..Similarly, some Muslim from South Asia can also say "Oh, I'm the part of Islamic Civilization...the most successful civilization in human history..that remained global leader for 70% of its entire 1400 years history! And now its coming back from its decline" blah blah...

But in reality, only U.S is 'ruling the world' right now, while all other Western countries are energyless entities with no significance at all...No youth, no vibrant political culture , no expanding economies etc etc...

The term 'civilization' itself was created in France during colonial period...

In the end its the culture that matters. Pakistanis are closer in culture to south Asia rather than the middle east.

I know. We Pakistanis are South Asians..duhh...Only dumb-***** in the west will think Pakistan as a part of "Middle-East" (a region which doesn't exist to begin with. The word Middle-East was created by British just for their own sake. But now, everyone uses it..funny)
I know. There is no "Islamic Civilization" etc...these terms are for layman created by 18th century Western idiots (scholars I mean lol)...

There is no "Western Civilization"...similarly, there is no "Islamic Civilization" ...both of these (so called) entities are global, very large, very influential entities that have influenced history in their own way...but they are not 'one' thing..they are multiple different entities clumped together by idiot writers.

There are Turks, Arabs, Persians..and then there are Germans, British, French...No "Islamic" or "Western" civilization to be precise.

I was not talking about civilization (past), I was talking about islamic world (a group of islamic countries). Its mostly NATO + muslim allied countries Vs Some other muslim countries they dont like.
There is difference in capability in NATO countries but most of them have similar views and interest on lot of issues. Same cant be said about muslim countries, so its incorrect to show them as one block.
the saudis and uae sates only provide usefull idiots its usa and west who use them

do you think saudis and uae could plan and implement any plan or proxy that big

sure they can use compass or googli maps but no proxy training,planing all done by usa

afghan Taliban hated soviets but it did not get them stingers by that.they were provided by usa along with where to attack etc etc

Hence the use of the word 'funds' in my post, in regards to Saudi and UAE involvement :)
@AUz , I understand your perspective and it sometimes pisses me off because while there is a very loose alliance in terms of military alliance in the form of NATO, as far as economics and 99% of government affairs are concerned Canadienne are an independent global power between east and west. France is another great global power capable of projecting its might and we witnessed that in MALI operation, when they cleaned out the rebel thugs a la Alqueda maghreb. So please stop lumping all countries as weak because if I remembered Canada and France(especially) plays a big role in global affairs and Canada is nearly 10% chinois, so we can be considered somewhat eastern too ;)
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I was not talking about civilization (past), I was talking about islamic world (a group of islamic countries). Its mostly NATO + muslim allied countries Vs Some other muslim countries they dont like.
There is difference in capability in NATO countries but most of them have similar views and interest on lot of issues. Same cant be said about muslim countries, so its incorrect to show them as one block.

No NATO is strictly a military alliance as far as policies are concerned, please do not lump Canada in your statement as we did not participate in Operation'e Iraqi freedom likewise France did not either so every country has separate policies aside from Britain :). In fact Canada's oil industry is owned in part by chinois investors so we are putting our eggs in both and couple in inde so policy wise every country at the end of the day looks for it's national interest. Europe still has great powers France(OP mali), Deutschland(global manufacteror +military power), UK and Turkie(recent Op in Syria in collaboration with 'Friends of Syria')
I was not talking about civilization (past), I was talking about islamic world (a group of islamic countries). Its mostly NATO + muslim allied countries Vs Some other muslim countries they dont like.
There is difference in capability in NATO countries but most of them have similar views and interest on lot of issues. Same cant be said about muslim countries, so its incorrect to show them as one block.

Who did?

Hence the use of the word 'funds' in my post, in regards to Saudi and UAE involvement :)

my point is funds and useful idiots are totally worthless unless the specific weapons and training is provided which only usa and west is capable of .they use their weapons and their intelligence resource satellite snaps etc etc to use these proxies lethally

usa and isi worked together in afghan war and isi got the experience for proxy war from usa.thats why bush senior said after afghan war to clip the wings of isi so that it does not become a threat

the saudis and uae etc are buying super expensive weapons but that doesn't mean it has experience of turkish and pakistan army

the west is the mennice who use proxies against libya and now destroying syria.why alCIAda dose not attack contractors and bases of usa in iraq while they exploded 10 bombs daily in iraq to kill civilians

if afghan taliban were not fighting in afghanistan usa would have been sitting comfortably in afghanistan

Buddy u are in U.S
it'd be best if you not insult your country like that

In the US we don't consider criticizing our Government as " insulting our country".

In the US , it is the right of every citizen to openly and boldly criticize our Government if we disagree with its Policies.

Heck it is our responsibility to Criticize our Government when we think that what they are doing is wrong.

This is the difference between US and Putin's Russia.

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