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Deosai, Pakistan - Home of the Himalayan brown bear


Nov 21, 2015
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Deosai-the valley of the giants

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The Deosai Plains are additionally home to the Red Fox, Golden Marmot, Himalayan Ibex, Gray Wolf, the Ladakh Urial, the Snow Leopard, and in excess of 124 inhabitant and transient flying creatures. Feathered creatures in the recreation center incorporate the Golden Eagle, Lammergeier, Griffon Vulture, Laggar Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Snowcock.
Riding up to the Deosai Plains, Vblog by a Dutch tourist camping and visiting alone
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Deosai is the second highest plateau in the world...

Deosai is the combination of two words ‘Deo’ (giant) and ‘Sai’ (shadow). For centuries, it is believed that this place is haunted by giants, thus the name ‘The Land of the Giants’ came into being. The weather in quite unpredictable here, sometimes it starts snowing in summer. Sunlight and clouds seem to play hide and seek here, with the sun shining one minute, and overcast in next.

This area remained uncrossable for ages due to abundance of variety of wildlife here. Icy winds, thunderstorms, and presence of wildlife make it impossible to dwell here even in this age, that’s why Deosai is mostly uninhabited.

Nomads from Kashmir pass through the Deosai plains with their herds, it is their path of choice since centuries.

Deosai has a deafening silence, a silence spanning over centuries. The silence is so deep that one can hear his own heartbeat, unless a marmot’s whistle fills the valley.











Deosai is located on the boundary of Karakoram and the western Himalayas, and at no point it is less than 4000 meters above sea level. It remains covered with snow for 8 months. The rest of the year, it hosts a range of beautiful flowers of all hues and colours, but not a single tree is found in this plateau spread over 3000 sq. km.




this place must be keep away from humans man . we Pakistanis are not learnt yet how to keep clean natural environment
One will never find the way unless he realize he is lost.

Unless one realizes 'Journey is the destination'...there is no such thing as a destination, passion for exploring will take you to the Shangri La, best kept hidden and unexplored.

Once you find it...it is gone.
Unless one realizes 'Journey is the destination'...there is no such thing as a destination, passion for exploring will take you to the Shangri La, best kept hidden and unexplored.

I would agree but the Destination exists.

Shangri La EXISTED albeit in someones Imagination. Its existence cannot be denied. A failed journey can be.
manzil na kar qabool...

Right...once you think it is the destination, you lost it...the passion, the wanderlust.

I would agree but the Destination exists.

Shangri La EXISTED albeit in someones Imagination. Its existence cannot be denied. A failed journey can be.

Good that Shangri La was never discovered...

Destination...yes maybe, more often than not, I found the journey more intriguing and pleasant than the destination.
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