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Democracy gives India edge over China, say experts

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Superpower is a forbidden topic in China, the Government does not allow people to talk about superpower, you can never hear official media in China talking about superpower. All the superpower prediction are done by the west.
And chinese forummers find that there is nothing wrong with this .... :laugh:

Tomorrow CPC will ban masturb..tion; and chinese forummers will find nothing strange or wrong with this... (ahh, don't worry about implementing the rule. Where there is a will, there is a way :laugh:).

Heck.. better spend your time and energy in some productive work on the factory floor rather ... rather than "useless" pleasures of life.

Ahhh... now it's clear.. who's got the edge... :laugh:

And then CPC will further boost the productivity of chinese.... pi$$ only once in 8 hrs. Or else, lose your wages for the "time spent".

Heck... let's compete with USA or UK. China isn't where we want to end up. :tup:

'Superpower' tag in doubt - GlobalTimes
'Superpower' tag in doubt

Source: Global Times [08:08 December 31 2010]
Despite an increase in national pride, the Chinese public seems more cautious in evaluating the country's relative international strength, with fewer people in this year's Global Times survey categorizing China as a world superpower, compared with the previous four annual polls.

Despite wide acknowledgement of China's economic might and its political and diplomatic leverage - the two major parameters in defining a superpower - only 12 percent of respondents deemed China to be a "superpower," down by 14.4 percent from 2008.

Chinese Doubts About Superpower Status - China Real Time Report - WSJ
The poll conducted by the Global Times, a tabloid published by the Communist Party mouthpiece the People’s Daily, found that only 12% of respondents view China as already having become a world superpower. That’s down from a similar poll in 2008, the paper says.
One sane post. I agree its not fair to look to a successful democracy like India and say China should have been democratic. There are several examples of failed democracies as well.

See I have no problems with the route China has taken. It is there wish. I hope China becomes Democratic as Chinese citizens now deserve to have the rights. (I would say its discrimination and dictatorship if China doesn't get FULL democratic rights in next 15 years)

But yes the credit must be given where its due- and that is that despite having scores of examples where democracy has failed in developing countries Indians has successfully developed a very good system of democracy for themselves and successfully become the biggest democracy in the world.

A successful Democracy is better then successful Communism. A controlled Communism which can uplift its peoples standard is better then a failed democracy. Failed democracy is better then a failed communist state.

So India falls in 1st. China falls in 2nd
(though its ok but I would say it was unfair for Chinese people as Chinese people were never allowed to have a chance to be a DEMOCRACY by CCP. I would have loved to see China being a democracy and become dictatorship if dmocracy had failed. So we never know how successful Chinese would have been with democracy. Perhaps they might have pulled it off successfully which would have been better then the CCP rule of today. For this CCP is solely guilty)

But Chinese people now having achieved the success and looking to become more stronger over the next 2 decades, must get the full democratic rights and CCP must go. If CCP is still there after 2025 then it makes no sense.

In short I have no probs with the route taken by China so far (as it is not always easy to have a democracy like India for which CCP can be given benefit of doubt given they have achieved much economic success). But I don't approve of the aggressive CCP acts towards its neighbors, and I am doubtful of peaceful intents of CCP, and it is to be seen if CCP will relinquish power peacefully to allow full democratic rights to Chinese people in future- who DESERVE it every bit.

but still would have loved China to be a successful democracy for last few decades. Though I also stand by its better to be late then never. So I hope whatever happened is past, but hopefully Chinese would get full democratic rights and a multi party system in future (between 2025-2030) and the ccp would be AXEDDDD :).
FYI, the Nationalist officially rule mainland China loosely from 1911 to 1950.
The Chinese civil war that happens right after 2nd world war is fought between the Nationalist/Democratic (Republic of China(Taiwan today)) and CPC/Communist (People's Republic of China(Mainland China today)).
It is generally accepted that CPC won over the Nationalist because the Chinese people are sick of the corrupt Nationalist rule.
Superpower is a forbidden topic in China, the Government does not allow people to talk about superpower, you can never hear official media in China talking about superpower. All the superpower prediction are done by the west.

are you stupid or pretending to be stupid again or outright lying?









... there are numerous blogs studies and comments in prints or on the net about that

Suck those up if you can read Chinese properly!
Actually India also abolished feudalism and confiscated the lands of Kings. But didn't kill any one. Some states redistributed lands to poor farmers. I don't necessarily agree with what Mao did. He caused death and destruction in China on an immense scale.I think China started developing only after his death.

India is an extremely diverse nation . So it is all the more difficult to choose a system that will satisfy everyone.

dont glorify india and compare your govenment with Mao

Mao has his contributions and negative impact on China. Regarding the cultural revolutions, great leap forward and all that stuff, China was immensely poor and we were living in the most dangerous era of international isolation, reconstruction of the country, natural disaster and impending invasion by the 2 super-powers of the world after ww2. He has his error of judgement and an imperfect political system which helped foster personal prestige and holding on to power over a distribution of power and accountablity in governance. The destruction was immense causing loss of millions of lives but by number count, india has caused a lot a lot more deaths to its people than Mao!

india is still having over 2 million kids starved to death per year.
do the simple math: india was independent in 1947 = 65 years now
65 * 2 million = 130 million kids dead

and that is just the no for KIDS and the 2 million estimate is just for the conditions of india offering to its people currently. that means, if you take into accounts of the other age groups. and in a much poorer condition before now, the horrible number of indians who have been starved to death is a lot more than 130 millions since india's independence!

This is only one category of social ills in india and its democracy!
may be rich first or democracy first, in some degree, I afraid of stopping richer if change quickly, prefer rich to democracy, If Chinese per GDp reaches 10000$, people will prefer democracy to rich.
Shock therapy of Russia, more danger, when you shock , you may die or relive if lucky, but I can't put all eggs on lucky
Two million children die in India every year and over 60 per cent of them die in the first 28 days of birth, an international charity survey said

Two million kids die in India every year | iGovernment.in

Two million slum children die every year as India booms
Save the Children says state-run health system is failing to give skilled care to poor

Two million slum children die every year as India booms | World news | The Observer

Is India Doing Enough for Its Children?

Despite its drastic economic advances in the last two decades, India still accounts for 20% of the world's child mortality. Of the 26 million children born in India each year, nearly 2 million still die before age 5. Half of those deaths occur within a month of birth from preventable causes like malnutrition, diarrhea and pneumonia. Forty-eight percent of India's children under the age of 5 are chronically malnourished and 22% of India's babies are born with a low birth weight. India's rate of underweight children is three times higher than Ethiopia's.


that kind of things run into pages over pages on the internet! plenty of them!

who is trying to do the make over for the SHAME which is still persistent in democratic india.
:lol:& India will live with this "edge" for another 1000 years while China will become super power in the next 1 or 2 decade....
Food Security for Slum Children
January 20th, 2012 → 12:02 pm @ Nisha Kumar Kulkarni 0

India is home to approximately 25% of the world’s malnourished poor. Government statistics show that 43% of children under the age of five are malnourished across the country. Urbanization has had a hand in skewing this statistic for the worse, despite the country’s economic progress over the last two decades. Today, 28% of the total population lives in cities; this statistic is projected to increase to 41% by 2030. The proliferation of basic needs, such as clean water and access to nutritious food, has not been commensurate with the rapid expansion of India’s urban areas. Needless to say, the most vulnerable are newborns and infants (0-36 months). Child malnutrition rates in India are even worse than those seen in sub-Saharan Africa. According to a study by the Institute of Development Studies, 6,000 children in India die every day.

Food Security for Slum Children
Two million children die in India every year and over 60 per cent of them die in the first 28 days of birth, an international charity survey said

Two million kids die in India every year | iGovernment.in

2009 article

Two million slum children die every year as India booms
Save the Children says state-run health system is failing to give skilled care to poor

Two million slum children die every year as India booms | World news | The Observer

Again 2009 article

that kind of things run into pages over pages on the internet! plenty of them!

who is trying to do the make over for the SHAME which is still persistent in democratic india.

With salivating degenerate poverty **** junkies they certainly do.

Even those above links don't attribute the deaths to only starvation.

The data i have provided is from 2012 UN child mortality report.

Now scavenge the internet for more outdated data in the internet, to satisfy your perverse fantasies :fie:
Food Security for Slum Children
January 20th, 2012 → 12:02 pm @ Nisha Kumar Kulkarni 0

India is home to approximately 25% of the world’s malnourished poor. Government statistics show that 43% of children under the age of five are malnourished across the country. Urbanization has had a hand in skewing this statistic for the worse, despite the country’s economic progress over the last two decades. Today, 28% of the total population lives in cities; this statistic is projected to increase to 41% by 2030. The proliferation of basic needs, such as clean water and access to nutritious food, has not been commensurate with the rapid expansion of India’s urban areas. Needless to say, the most vulnerable are newborns and infants (0-36 months). Child malnutrition rates in India are even worse than those seen in sub-Saharan Africa. According to a study by the Institute of Development Studies, 6,000 children in India die every day.

Food Security for Slum Children

Misquoted data giving poverty **** pervert a hardon. :fie:

Here are search results from Institute of Development Studies:

Institute of Development Studies: News at IDS - Sanitation and Hygiene Week 15-21 March 2008

17 March 2008 Almost 6,000 people, mainly children under five, die every day because of poor sanitation, hygiene and access to clean water, making sanitation one of the most

Institute of Development Studies: Homepage

Almost 6,000 people, mainly children under five,...in the open, encouraging the spread of disease. CLTS has the potential to be a real development success story and has now spread to parts of India, Cambodia, Indonesia, China, Nepal, Pakistan and some African

No mention of India in the above

Hunger is Killing Children in India

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Joy in the Journey: Hunger is Killing Children in India

nikkit3.blogspot.hk ? as a source? which quotes no study or source? :rofl:

You are putting your fellow Chinese poverty **** junkie perverts in shame. Surely you can do better than this :lol:
In school we are taught arithmetic . and also taught ratios. When 99% of developed countries are democracies and 1% are non democracies. In my school of thought , that makes democracies an overwhelming successful project.

secondly, it still baffles me how anyone can cite the china model as successful when you know the model is steeped in secrecy, fudged numbers, heavy censorship. Again in my school of thought, I have learned that if you can't verify the data you can't make an assumption. how do bench mark against propaganda?

Even if you want to believe China, how can you call the world's second largest GDP which is still a 3rd world country as being successful? 300 million out 1.3 whatever billion having a better standard of living is not a model for success. It's better than nothing but nowhere close to be praise worthy like you lot do here. You would imagine at near 7 trillion GDP you would not have a part time worker student flipping hamburgers in the US, earn more in a day than 90% of China's population earns in a day. Either that money is been largely scammed by the few or those numbers are fudged.
It is well accepted that Democracy has won the Cold war. Therefore it is hardly surprising that democracy is the most popular political ideology in the world.

Maybe for you "the model is steeped in secrecy, fudged numbers, heavy censorship", but not for the Chinese that live under the system. Maybe the Chinese is not dumb brainwash people that you seem to imagine them to be. They might not have the full picture but they sure can judge the living standard from their own experience and from what they can see. China is not a closed country like North Korean, it is impossible for the Chinese government to hide everything.
As for benchmark, there are plenty of empirical measure of development that the Chinese member here has posted.

To label China as communist, dictatorship or totalitarianism verge on simplistic caricature. China is a big populous country. Obviously the system would be very complex. It is a system that evolve from mixes of tradition, evolving national aspiration and pragmatic adaptation. The Chinese system is a system that is under constant reform. It is impossible to serve as a model for anybody.

However, China did serve as an example that Democracy is not the only road that lead to Rome. And China development model do provide valuable lesson for other country to emulate. For example, opening up internal market in exchange for FDI and transfer of technology, setting up inter-political party, commercial, agriculture and cultural exchange with virtually any countries of the world. Investment on infrastructure as a growth driver etc.

The Chinese system is more than what meets the eye, to view her system base on Cold world simplistic ideological divide is muddle-headed.

I do not know the statistic you quote is true or not, but bear in mind that there are currently 1.3/1.4 billion people in China. The workforce would be huge and very competitive. Chinese worker are willing to earn less now to have a better future. Because of that, the world over is able to enjoy a wide range of cheap products. I would argue that they have contributed significantly to the raising of world living standard.
Discussions on Indian/Chinese economy is a banned topic. Get back to the original topic, fast.
Democracy only strengthen corruption and ways to hide corruption in both India and Pakistan and also the paid analyst like the one written the topic
No, I didn't change my passport, I'm just studying in the US. But I want to be a sea turtle in the future to be part of the history of reunification and the return of China to the top of the world. ;)

Taiwan is ok I guess in term of Economy (ECFA really helped Taiwan a great deal). But politically it's in turmoil .....and in gridlock.............

Indeed many of the Chinese diaspora return home, as for reunification if the the DPP drops the useless independence bid then a peace treaty can be signed between the Taipei & China and removing the missiles :). Taipei economy ok despite the global economic slowdown.
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