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Democracy after NATO revolution in Libya

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
BBC News - Deaths at Libya anti-militia protest in Tripoli

At least 13 people have been killed and 130 injured in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, state media say, after militiamen opened fire on protesters.

The demonstrators had marched to the headquarters of the Misrata militia to demand that it leave Tripoli.

Hours after the incident, armed men returned to storm the compound, where militiamen are still holed up.

The Libyan government has been struggling to contain numerous militias who control many parts of the country.


This is the achievement of democracy, dividing the country and stealing Libya's wealth and oil..

Libyan autonomy group forms oil firm, challenges government| Reuters
I thought Al Qaeda only kill shias kufars?

When you consider the number of people died in Libya because of revolution and how many killed(not died) by Assad's never ending indiscriminate bombing because there was no NATO invasion in Syria its certain which side was lucky. Do i need to post photos of whole Syrian cities' completely flattened with air bombardments or artillery strikes?
Actually,currently, Lybia doesn't even export 1/10 of its capacity because of the infighting,so nobody gets anything.Shameless propaganda from you.
don't worry, there are European companies working far away from the fighting... Libya has a huge desert filled with oil.. shameless stupidity from you...
When you consider the number of people died in Libya because of revolution and how many killed(not died) by Assad's never ending indiscriminate bombing because there was no NATO invasion in Syria its certain which side was lucky. Do i need to post photos of whole Syrian cities' completely flattened with air bombardments or artillery strikes?
you are missing the main point here, both Syria and Libya were peaceful countries, this chaos happened when western countries interfered, if the terrorists in Syria didn't get any support the war would have been over long time ago.. however the west supports those terrorists thus the bloodshed is happening, and how can you blame Alasad for all the death? Alasad was in power since 2000 and nothing happened to Syrian people, we lived in peace and happiness, it wasn't until terrorists F$A came which destroyed the country... thus the main group to blame is the west and their puppet terrorists in Syria...

the main point here is the west dividing the Arab countries, as we see in Libya, Iraq ( Kurdistan), Sudan, and they are trying to divide Syria....

Plus the number of people died in Libya because of NATO is over 50k...
Yo,crazy rambler,choke on this :

Libyan Oil Production Struggles to Restart

instead of throwing your crap about europeans stealing the oil secretly in the desert,lol.What a clown you are.

seriously kid, you are trying to convince me now that the west is just letting Libya's oil alone?? The west is actually taking advantage of Libyan chaos, because it means cheap oil....

grow up kid.... Libya's oil plays an important role in the world economy...

Libyan autonomy group forms oil firm, challenges government| Reuters
The khaleejis don’t spend money on them anymore after they helped bomb it.

Yes, I guess the Qatari's are now indifferent to them.

Good thing that we stayed away from that drama. 
Yo,crazy rambler,choke on this :

Libyan Oil Production Struggles to Restart

instead of throwing your crap about europeans stealing the oil secretly in the desert,lol.What a clown you are.

Conspiracy theorists. Funnily enough, not all EU states managed to win all oil contracts, yet, a nut job like him still think they got it all.

We won a contract in Libya BTW ;) ..
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