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Delta variant proves Covid-19 lab leak theory is ‘extremely unlikely’, says scientist

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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Delta variant proves Covid-19 lab leak theory is ‘extremely unlikely’, says scientist
  • Evolutionary biologist slams ‘school kids’ politics over Covid-19 origins and says scientists should be ‘more circumspect’
  • Lingering questions over role of Wuhan institute should be addressed, asserts virologist
Linda Lew
Linda Lew

Published: 6:00am, 20 Aug, 2021
An image from a scanning electron microscope shows coronavirus particles in green on an infected human cell. Photo: EPA-EFE

An image from a scanning electron microscope shows coronavirus particles in green on an infected human cell. Photo: EPA-EFE

Childish squabbles over the origins of Covid-19 are distracting the public and researchers from more urgent work, a scientist said, as a peer called for answers to lingering questions about the virus research carried out at a laboratory at the centre of the controversy.

The theory that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology engineered Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, was very unlikely, Wu Chung-I, an evolutionary biologist who has spent most of his career at the University of Chicago, said during an online seminar hosted by Beijing-based think tank the Global Governance Institute.

For months, China and the US have traded barbs on the issue, accusing each other of politicising the origins investigation and pushing theories that the virus may have escaped from a laboratory in the other country.

“For us to spend so much time and energy on this low probability event, we look like a bunch of school kids fighting in the playground. We’re not trying to solve anything … It’s a complete waste of time,” Wu said at the seminar on Wednesday.

The example of the Delta variant, which is spreading globally and has undergone multiple mutations on the basis of the wild strain of Covid-19, shows it is highly unlikely that researchers could just tinker with the virus to add a few mutations and expect it to become super efficient at infecting the human population, Wu argued.

“The virus has to go through a very long process to become extremely well-adapted to human conditions,” he said.

“It’s inconceivable either through lab synthesis or through taking a virus from nature, from any animal, and releasing it into the human population and expecting it to burn through the population. I consider it extremely unlikely.

“Politicians can be very sure about what the origin is but scientists should be more circumspect about this,” Wu said.

Virologist Jonathan Stoye from the Francis Crick Institute in Britain, however, said questions remained over the “gain of function research” carried out by Wuhan institute researcher Shi Zhengli and University of North Carolina epidemiologist Ralph Baric, and the possibility of the virus accidentally escaping from the lab, something that has happened before.

Gain of function refers to research which modifies a pathogen to make it more transmissible or take on new qualities.

“Simply denying this possibility does not help resolve the question. A thorough lab audit conducted in the early stages of the investigation with a group experienced in such matters, and given the opportunity to examine all the lab records and hold discussions with all staff might well have solved this problem,” Stoye said at the seminar.

Last month, Beijing rejected the World Health Organization’s plans for a second phase of investigation, including audits of relevant laboratories in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the first Covid-19 cases were reported in late 2019.

An official with China’s National Health Commission called the lab hypothesis – centred on the Wuhan Institute of Virology – a rumour, while the foreign ministry has in recent months promoted the theory that a lab at the Fort Detrick US military base in Maryland was the more likely source.

Separately, Chinese and Scottish scientists in a letter to Science Magazine said that the evidence did not support the lab leak theory, and suggested that trade in wild animals may have been behind the Covid-19 virus’ jump into the human population.

The letter, published this week, said the shortage of pork, the main meat product of China, caused by African swine fever saw about 150 million pigs being culled and a reduction of roughly 11.5 million metric tonnes in pork supply in 2019.

I don't think coronavirus makes a very good bio weapon. Rhinovirus makes much better bioweapon considering it's only 30 nm so it flies thorough mask like mosquito through fence. @Mista
I don't think coronavirus makes a very good bio weapon. Rhinovirus makes much better bioweapon considering it's only 30 nm so it flies thorough mask like mosquito through fence. @Mista

Its a double edged sword , you don't want to let loose , what you cannot contain.
He didn't distinguish between intentional and accidental. I would say the former is very unlikely but the latter is still possible.
Blame Trump. He's the one who started trade war which Biden had to clean up after his mess.
The trade war is inevitable regardless who is the president. Within US labor markets, the high-skilled workers are well protected, thanks to small H1 limit, country-based immigration quota and lengthy immigration process. It thus ensures their compensation being lucrative. But low-skilled workers are exposed to too much competition, from illegal immigrants, from low-cost labors overseas (thanks to globalization and cheap imports). Their complain will eventually be addressed by politicians, especially those who want to be the president. Comparing with stopping illegal immigrants, trade war with China is a low-hanging fruit to pick.

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