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Delhi under Hindutva attack: Women describe how Diwali riot escalated into sexual threat

You are seriously fooled by the evil congress. They and the ISI and the Chinese and the Wahabis and the Arabs and the Jamat e Islami BD were behind the ban on RSS and you are denying it. Got to rush and take admission in RSS madarsa fast my dear.

PS: I know they don't teach about Muhammad Bin Qasim who lost the war and failed to win even an inch of Indian subcontinent. They only give courses about Indian victory in the conquest of Kotli and the conversion of people of Kotli to virat hinduism.
You need to take that course fast and immediately.

Your judiciary imposes a fine of 30000RS for union carbide episode. :rofl:

Anyways I never said our judiciary is better. But using Indian judiciary to prove innocence of Modi is a joke. Only you guys can accept it. Don't bring it to us.

But our Judiciary dont show their bravness by giving capital punishment in the name of blasphemy.Union Carbide case was sabotaged by politicians but that is case a happened about two decades ago.
This is why I said to wide open your eyes this 2014 .India also changed more than you can imagine but you and your land is still in 1980.
Look how one of the most powerful business men Subrato Roy of Sahara is in jail by our SC.But your fellows are already made a list of threads of corruption of your own PM.
Wake up boy this 2014. :lol:
Someone needs a reality check! Muslim men didn't run away it was Hindu men who ran away.

Look up videos trikolpuri on youtube. Muslim men despite being minority were fighting back.

Then they had to call the police to protect you know who :P
Actually, it was the riot b/w anti-social elemenets of both Hindus and Muslims. So you trying to prove blah blah blah by giving no withstanding proof and just trying to gain attention by derailing the thread.
Ask women from Muslim community in India to raise cultured deshbhakth children instead of rioters.

"cultured deshbhakth"... that is such a paradox... reality is, people move towards high-culture when they discard deshbhakhti-ness ( nationalism )... as the old saying "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel"...

Kudos to Ms. Zinta for the courage shown in throwing out that ingrate from the cinema hall.

oh, yes... ms. zinta waves flag of the "suicide capital of the world"... the flag of "honor killing capital of the world"... "job-culture capital of the world"... "dog capital of the world"... "idolatry capital of the world"...

what a nice sight that will be... :hitwall:

she is delusionary... she needs to go back to her mountainous shimla and take some rest...
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Not surprised that hindutvas love to sexually harass women.

of course... they hate female sexuality... they see ladies as just child-bearing tools who will bear more viraat bharatiya heroes who will crush the evil godless chinese and evil muslims and evil missionary christians...

hindutva-vaadi's are no different from taliban... it is no surprise that friend of taliban, nawaz sharif, is on such good terms with modi...

religion... :hitwall:
They want to topple democracy for sangh rule. steadily, they are gaining supporters. thanks to photoshop and cyber coolies spreading FUD apart from brainwashing against minorities by RSS and such groups. I know, that Islamic extremism and Sunni aggression is true in northern India. But, they are nowhere near the real threat of Sanghparivar. The killers of Gandhi and the worshipers of Hitler and Mussolini are to be wiped off from India for regional stability. When ISS/NDF is banned, why RSS is still here?
bullshit blog thread lol look at the jihadi link he posted
They want to topple democracy for sangh rule. steadily, they are gaining supporters. thanks to photoshop and cyber coolies spreading FUD apart from brainwashing against minorities by RSS and such groups. I know, that Islamic extremism and Sunni aggression is true in northern India. But, they are nowhere near the real threat of Sanghparivar. The killers of Gandhi and the worshipers of Hitler and Mussolini are to be wiped off from India for regional stability. When ISS/NDF is banned, why RSS is still here?

Padre you spend too much time fighting with Muslims and disregard that the greater threat to your people will come from the saffronies but carry on your Muslim hatred, just remember when the hindutvas are done with the crescent they will come after the cross.
You are seriously fooled by the evil congress. They and the ISI and the Chinese and the Wahabis and the Arabs and the Jamat e Islami BD were behind the ban on RSS and you are denying it. Got to rush and take admission in RSS madarsa fast my dear.

PS: I know they don't teach about Muhammad Bin Qasim who lost the war and failed to win even an inch of Indian subcontinent. They only give courses about Indian victory in the conquest of Kotli and the conversion of people of Kotli to virat hinduism.
You need to take that course fast and immediately.
Your wrong again bro. Pakistanis aka Arabs, or wahabis or jamatis never did anything against Indians. Ever. You guys are just not programmed that way. Its only Indians doing evil things to you guys, you know.

PS: No way. Bin Qasim and Pakistani Sub-Continent were together created by God 4.5 billion years ago.:lol: (Bin Qasim is the first Pakistani, remember?) He never had to fight any war. He was an undisputed king of Pakistan. How dare you forget your history? Looks like you are going to the Bad Taliban madarsa. Come to the good taliban with me.
@Hasan Uz-Zaman

you write well, with simple direct points, common sense, good comparison with literature and generally good understanding of societies... but i would suggest two things...

1. improvement in grammar... i do not speak of commas and things like that... just simple things like tense.

example... you wrote...
It was not easy to rose in such power, popularity, and famous in the political platform.

but it can be...
It was not easy to rise to such power and popularity on the political platform.

2. your calling muammar gaddafi as "dictator" is quite wrong... for about 30 years, he had stepped down from position as temporary leader of libya and had become "guide of the al-fatah revolution"... please do read sites like ( Mathaba - Independent News Agency ), ( http:Green Charter Movement ) and ( За Каддафи и его народ | Меня невозможно убить, я в сердцах миллионов with google-translate ) for better understanding of muammar gaddafi and his jamahiriya system.

continue writing,
my regards.... :-)
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Your wrong again bro. Pakistanis aka Arabs, or wahabis or jamatis never did anything against Indians. Ever. You guys are just not programmed that way. Its only Indians doing evil things to you guys, you know.

PS: No way. Bin Qasim and Pakistani Sub-Continent were together created by God 4.5 billion years ago.:lol: (Bin Qasim is the first Pakistani, remember?) He never had to fight any war. He was an undisputed king of Pakistan. How dare you forget your history? Looks like you are going to the Bad Taliban madarsa. Come to the good taliban with me.

Wrong again. Indian govt never banned a shining organization like RSS. It was ISI, Chinese, Arabs, Wahabis, JI Bangladesh, Hafiz Saeed, JuD, LeT and martians who banned RSS in the past. You don't know it since you didn't go to RSS madarsa and didn't wear that cute brown chaddi.

PS: Wrong again. Muhammad Bin Qasim never won any war. Nor he conquered anything. Not even an inch of subcontinent. He didn't even exist. It is all evil Muslim lies. There is no king of Pakistan since no Pakistan exists. We already converted all Muslims of subcontnent back to virat Hinduism 67 years ago and now we are going to convert evil Catholics of Brazil to virat Hinduism under the leadership of Modi and Dr Swamy. Other than Brazil whole world including the monkeys of Delhi are now followers of virat Hinduism. :lol:
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