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Delhi screws up Commonwealth

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Jun 27, 2010
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Is Delhi ready to host the 2010 Commonwealth Games? Well, judge for yourselves. Last month, an Indian swimmer was injured as she slipped on a loose grill on the day of the inauguration of the Jawaharlal Nehru stadium. The Times of India reports scathingly:
The test event, National Federation Cup, was held to demonstrate that the swimming complex was games-ready. Instead, it looked far from ready. Loose tiles, loose grills, protruding iron rods, unfinished staircases and tonnes of rubbish outside told a sad story of unpreparedness, and worse, a slapdash attitude towards an event that’s billed to raise India’s international prestige, but could easily end up as an embarrassment.
This mishap underscores the pitfalls the organisers have to deal with in this land of contrasts. As for the country, so it is for the Commonwealth Games. For every successful inauguration there is a stadium mishap. And for every completed project there are yet more examples of woefully inadequate infrastructure.
I drove past the Nehru stadium recently and it felt as if I was in the movie Inception; the architecture was in place but the dream was collapsing around it. I could see the expressways – but I had been stuck in traffic for an hour. No wonder the Queen has decided her schedule is a bit busy in October.
True, the Delhi metro is a commuter’s paradise compared with London’s Tube. And the recently opened Terminal 3 of Indira Gandhi airport is as impressive as Heathrow’s Terminal Five. But the internecine squabbles mean bureaucracy and corruption may yet destroy India’s hope of a successful Games. The Indian Government is already over budget and a huge number of projects are behind schedule.
Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar, a former Sports Minister, has said publicly that he hopes the Games are “unsuccessful”. He explained that the funds should have been put to better use, saying: “If the Commonwealth Games are successful, they will further organise Asian Games and other events… I will be happy if the Games are spoilt.”
An unbelievable comment, but possibly made to disassociate himself from the widespread allegations of bribery and corruption associated with the Games. In a belated response to complaints from (increasingly vigilant) anti-corruption activists, India’s Central Bureau of Investigation and Vigilance Commission says it has found irregularities in contracts for fourteen Commonwealth Games-related projects.
Consequently, investigators will now have to make a thorough audit of the tenders for all Games venues and infrastructure, a process that will be going on long after the closing ceremony on October 13.
It’s not only the anti-corruption lobby that’s been piling pressure on the beleaguered organisers. The Delhi Legal Services Authority (DLSA), along with the labour department and Delhi authorities, has ensured the rights of workers under labour laws, meaning more than 2,000 workers have been registered and verified.
This protection for labourers is seen as a further setback for panicking contractors, made worse by Delhi’s chief minister Sheila Dikshit, who threatened to blacklist any companies if they failed to meet construction deadlines.
As I write this, the newspaper on my desk tells me that India’s first hydrogen bus will make its trial run during the Commonwealth Games. I can’t help but smile. If things carry on as they are it’ll need a hydrogen bomb – neatly placed under the organisers’ backsides – to make these Games a success.
Alot of the buildings for the games are very dodgy, built with fake building permtis etc.

Also they used slave labor =\
Lets just hope that we create a good gaming action here, else i will want to be a suspended member:P
Alot of the buildings for the games are very dodgy, built with fake building permtis etc.

Also they used slave labor =\

Wow, if you could not find anything else then "SLAVE LABOUR" - LOL!

I mean yeah there are big problems and I specifically want India to screw up the games so that INDIANS wake up and throw out the freaking corrupt bastards out of power!

Obviously man. Delhi government is known for its corruption, appeasement, inefficiency and lethargy. Typical Congress characteristic.
Wow, if you could not find anything else then "SLAVE LABOUR" - LOL!

I mean yeah there are big problems and I specifically want India to screw up the games so that INDIANS wake up and throw out the freaking corrupt bastards out of power!


Even though there is alot of problems, i hope it succeeds, it will be good for India.
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