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Delhi police says Suresh Chavhanke, chief of Sudarshan News, did not make hate speech


Jul 9, 2014
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Delhi police says 'no hate speech' by Suresh Chavhanke at Dec event, urges 'tolerance to views of others'

The event in question was organised by the Hindu Yuva Vahini in Delhi last year.

By NL Team 14 Apr, 2022

Delhi police says 'no hate speech' by Suresh Chavhanke at Dec event, urges 'tolerance to views of others'

There was purportedly "no anti-Muslim hate speech" by Sudarshan News chief Suresh Chavhanke during an event last December, the Delhi police has told the Supreme Court.

According to LiveLaw, the police conducted an "in-depth investigation of the video and other material" and filed a counter-affidavit stating that "no hate speech was given against any community".

"Therefore, after investigation and evaluation of the purported video clip, it was concluded that the alleged speech contained no hate speech against a particular community," the counter-affidavit stated.

The event in question was held in Delhi on December 19 by members of the Hindu Yuva Vahini. Videos circulated at the time showed Chavhanke administering an oath to the members to make India a “Hindu nation”, and to fight, die and “kill if required” for the purpose.

Chavhanke posted the video on Twitter saying “Lions and Lionesses of Hindu Yuva Vahini taking the oath of Hindu Rashtra with me”. In his tweet, the Sudarshan News editor-in-chief tagged UP chief minister Adityanath.
Will fight, kill if needed to make India Hindu rashtra: Sudarshan News editor’s oath at Delhi event
Another Election Show: Wondering what Hindu Rashtra would look like? Watch this

Days later, a complaint was filed against Chavhanke, flagging the Hindu Yuva Vahini event and also his 2020 show "UPSC Jihad", which purported to show how Muslims have “infiltrated” the civil services in India. A PIL was also filed by journalist Qurban Ali and others seeking action against speakers at the event and also speakers at the Haridwar Dharam Sansad, LiveLaw reported.

The Delhi police's counter-affidavit, which was in response to the PIL, said "nothing was said" at the Hindu Yuva Vahini event "which could create an environment of paranoia amongst any religion". LiveLaw also quoted the police as saying the Hindu Yuva Vahini meeting had "the motive to save the ethics of the community".

"We must practice tolerance to the views of others. Intolerance is as much dangerous to democracy as to the person himself," the counter-affidavit said. The Delhi police added that it had no "territorial jurisdiction" over the Haridwar event.


Jamahir's comment : LOL, Delhi Police at its best. It says that the criminal Chavhanke's speech and the speeches of others in that gathering should be "tolerated in the interest of democracy" even though he and his comrades exhorted Hindus to turn the country it into a full theocracy ( India was a partial theocracy for the last 75 years ), going against the progressive thought of Nehru, Ambedkar and a few others among the founding people of the country, and calling for a genocide of non-Hindus to have a Hindu Rashtra where the current non-Hindutvadi Hindus will have to accept an oppressed status like the lower caste Hindus had that status for 3000 years. So, according to Delhi Police, Chavhanke has to be tolerated by the rational people despite his criminal speech but progressive and innocent people will be jailed by Delhi Police for a long time for protesting about the wrong things happening in the country or for asking simple, rational questions. Delhi Police jails the progressives, the rationals and the innocents on "sedition" and "anti-national activity" charges. Progressive activist Umar Khalid has been in a Delhi jail for the last 1.5 years. Also in jail is JNU student Sharjeel Imam who was arrested for participating in the anti-CAA / NRC protests. Also were arrested, though released last year, two girls from the all-female progressive group Pinjra Tod. Also arrested in 2020 was Safoora Zargar, a pregnant female student who had participated in the anti-CAA / NRC protests and the stupid Hindutvadis ran an online campaign to create a scandal around her by saying that she was pregnant while being unmarried. She was married but what business do these stupid, useless Hindutvadis have with her personal life ? There were so many such illegal, unjust arrests by Delhi Police just in the last two years yet the criminal Suresh Chavhanke's criminal speech has to be "tolerated in the interest of democracy". Kya khoob.
Well, considering that a few months ago, a BJP MP crushed 4 farmers to death with a car and despite video evidence, there was nothing done, this case hardly seems surprising. Neutrality of police and courts has always been a myth in India, but under the new govt, the myth is now a total joke. Earlier governments at least tried to give an illusion of neutrality - police was pressured and bribed to destroy evidence, judges were bribed, zealous officers "transferred" and accused usually walked away, but there was always a court process and in rare cases with overwhelming evidence or if media strongly got involved, there was justice but now even that effort is not made :lol: . Even if there is a clear proof of something happening, the courts dismiss it. A true banana republic. Most mainstream media is now godi media, so there is 0 pressure on the govt. If a BJP MP kills your entire family in broad daylight, good luck getting any justice, you are on your own with even the media on the govt side.
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