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Delhi Metro stumbles upon 17th century mosque demolished by Britishers

That must have been a huge mosque.. But I am not sure if a mosque should be built in that site. Even if built, it may not have the artistry and finesse of the old mosque. I would prefer a museum with the arefacts collected form the site, reminding the coming generation of the event and the structure.
No they have elevation of that historic Mosque & it can be build.

If you go through overview it is Muslims in india who had sacrifice alot for india, they had made your nuke too, in return they deserve respect & their requests/demands should be top most priority.

Although I''m for the mosque to be rebuilt assuming the metro project goes on and restoration is important to Muslims. I must say your reasoning is (typically) flawed.

In India everybody gets and must get equal respect by virtue of their being indian citizens, does not matter what religion one belongs to or what contribution someone else belonging to ones community may have made (duh!).

You are a very apt example of whats wrong in India''s neighborhood.
Please don't rebuild the mosque.

Its over 300 years since it was last demolished! Make the metro/school/offices etc there, where it will bring economical and upbringing to the masses in India.

aside your hindutwa feelings, the mosque was used by freedom fighters which included hindus and muslims alike, hope this will make you feel better
The site should be treated like any other archeological property. Let the law of the land prevail. No biases please!!
Absolutely not.

The metro is a priority over any religious mosque, temple, church whatever.
A nation who forgets history and ignore for its future doesn't last long.

We will lose our identity if we do such things in name of development.

Its 17th century mosque, centuries old than the metro.....
as it is an archeological site, due respect must be offered to law and custom. ASI has stringent rules regarding the construction of works around historic sites. though i am not a big fan of the ASI,(look at the thousands of rotting temples, mosques, churches, fountains, forts so on and so forth) the law must be respected. i am not commenting on the rebuiliding (is it legal for the government to engage in the rebuilding of a religious site ?maybe a private trust can do this), but a site of historic significance must be accorded respect as as such.
Love how Internet Hindutvas are saying demolish it... You wouldnt say this if it was a Hindu temple :)
Love how Internet Hindutvas are saying demolish it... You wouldnt say this if it was a Hindu temple :)

you are not very smart are you.the britons destroyed it. the fragments have been found.Read before you decide to type random sh*t
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