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Delhi lines up to woo Dhaka


she is such a selfish woman really, even after going through the test of loosing most of her family, a God given tragedy, but it did not change her. She claims 17 life attempts, but still she has not changed and become humbled.

How many kings resorted to seclusion after going through such life events .

SHW is in Bangladesh politics, but her only desire is to take revenge on its people for the killing of her father and her family members. She has taken already a very big revenge by killing BA officers in Pilkhana. Now, she is after some other acts that can destroy BD altogether. She is trying to make many more divisions in the country, and if she is elected she will destroy the army by making many conflicting divisions in BA. She is dangerous to the country.
Why india give importance to this pathetic nation :hitwall:
what they provide EXCEPT ILLEAGAL POLE JUMPERS:omghaha::omghaha:
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