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Defending Lanka in the world today


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
by Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

(September 28, Paris, Sri Lanka Guardian) It was just weeks ago that I raised with ‘policy wonks’ in Paris, the possibility that Western over-assertiveness in North Africa, chiefly Libya, would carry the price tag of heightened threat perceptions in Russia and impact upon domestic politics there. I may have been right. Prospects of a greater assertion of multi-polarity and greater resistance to ‘liberal humanitarian interventionism’ have been enhanced with the ruling United Russia party unanimously approving a proposal moved by President Medvedev that Vladimir Putin would be its Presidential candidate at the elections scheduled for March 2012. The tandem will almost certainly remain with President Medvedev reverting to the post of Prime Minister.

That sliver of Sri Lankan opinion and that swathe of Western opinion about Sri Lanka that cannot understand the citizenry’s option for President Rajapaksa, should understand the ingredients of the popularity of Mr. Putin, a triad of a strong re-assertive Russian statist patriotism after the confusion, disintegration, unilateral concessions and ‘national humiliation’ of the Yeltsin years, political stability and security and rapid economic advance.

While the Putin prospect overlaying Russia’s consistent support (most recently at the UNHRC sessions in Geneva) make the world a little safer for Sri Lanka, no country must place its eggs in any single basket.

Take the issue of Palestine, in support of whose independence President Rajapaksa spoke prominently and unambiguously in his address to the UNGA. The militarily powerful state that is simultaneously its occupier, adversary and peace partner, enjoys an open-ended relationship with the world’s sole superpower but finds itself dangerously isolated and vulnerable. Why so? What are the lessons to be learnt? Chiefly, that playing for time must not become a strategy when time is not on one’s side and that digging in and tightening one’s grip on territory and people in the name of security actually enhances one’s insecurity if the factor of time has led to an erosion of sympathy and support in one’s strategic surroundings and in the wider world, especially in the intangible territory of world opinion. The factor of time has caused profound changes in Egypt and Turkey and this sociopolitical shift in the neighbourhood has empowered the militarily virtually powerless Palestinians while rendering much less relevant, decades of tightening in the name of security. Walled in on the ground, the Palestinians nevertheless have far more political and diplomatic space and ‘moral capital’ now, than they ever did.

Any analysis and strategy for Sri Lanka in the face of external pressure must recognize and act on the pivotal role played by the emergent intermediate powers, notably the BRICS —Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa —plus Turkey, Egypt, Indonesia and Iran.

If one has to identify a single critical or crucial variable for Sri Lanka, it is India, but our strategy cannot be reduced to Indian support. The Indian factor must neither be overlooked nor oversimplified. Sri Lanka imperatively needs her neighbour’s friendship and support. India was and is an indispensable factor in a successful defence of Sri Lanka in any international forum, but it is not a sufficient factor to guarantee victory. A few weeks after we fought and won our battle in Geneva in May 2009, Myanmar lost in the same forum though it had the votes of India, Russia and China. So the secret of our victory in 2009 was not simply and solely India, but India AND China AND Russia— and not only these. There was not a single Asian vote against us. We had Asia AND Africa AND Latin America. In short we constructed, by convincing others, a broad, global bloc; a broad united front.

We will find it almost impossible to win without India’s support, and we cannot win if India ever turns against us, but we cannot win only with India’s support. We must always remember that many Asian, Middle Eastern, African and Latin American states will take their cue from India. India has a wide presence and is widely respected among Sri Lanka’s friends. We must rally our neighbourhood in our support. We must have the solid support of our continent, Asia. We must balance the South against hostile sections of the North and the East against hostile sections of the West. India is pivotal in all these defensive moves and it is difficult to implement any of them if India is against or conspicuously on the sidelines. If, as some critical commentaries assert, India’s position has changed, or is changing, or might possibly change, from that of our May 2009 UNHRC victory, we must seek out the reasons and rectify them jointly.

We must certainly strive to countervail the mounting anti-Lankan opinion in Indian civil society and the media, militant opinion in Tamil Nadu and the lobbying of certain Western elements. We must secure Delhi’s support and swing Indian public and political opinion firmly over to Sri Lanka’s side. This cannot be done by purely verbal means but by policy reforms. As a UN based top official of Sri Lanka’s firmest, most powerful international friend told me once, "short of capitulating on or compromising its vital security interests, Sri Lanka must do what it takes to help its friends to help it".

Given the major efforts that are on from hostile sources, to reverse our May 2009 diplomatic success in Geneva, we can understand clearly how important a landmark and a defensive barrier that victory was. Our May 2009 victory at the UNHRC bought Sri Lanka a crucial two years. It is up to History to judge how best we have used those two years. In fact, the opening sentence of the article I published in The Island and on the websites Transcurrents and Groundviews on May 31st/June 1st 2009, a few days after our HRC victory, made the following observation: "Was Geneva the last battle of the Thirty Years (hot) war, the first battle of the next war – a long Cold War against Sri Lanka — or was it a combination? Only future history will tell." ("With a Little Help from Our Friends", The Island June 1st 2009; "Battleground Geneva", Groundviews). My own published writings are clear evidence of what I thought should be done after that victory in those two years.

It is good that we have held elections twice in the former war zones and are engaged today in a process of political dialogue with the elected representatives of the Tamils, primarily the TNA. It is in our National Interest if these talks reach a successful conclusion before our international foes spring the trap they have set for us. Addressing the political alienation of the Tamil community of the North will enable us to unite as a country, remove an excuse (the ‘responsibility to protect’) used by our neocolonial critics to interfere, and provide the best defence against external encirclement and intervention.

Sri Lanka Guardian: Defending Lanka in the world today
No secret though the Indian government doesn't support the Tamil tigers, the Tamils in India have sympathy for the tigers in Sri Lanka.
I heard 2 days ago, some got arrested in Kerala but there are Tamil Tigers in Tamilnadu. It is their play ground, it is funny how banned terror group in India can have such freedom.
I heard 2 days ago, some got arrested in Kerala but there are Tamil Tigers in Tamilnadu. It is their play ground, it is funny how banned terror group in India can have such freedom.

They dont have freedom. They have sympathy with their Tamil brothers in SL
I heard 2 days ago, some got arrested in Kerala but there are Tamil Tigers in Tamilnadu. It is their play ground, it is funny how banned terror group in India can have such freedom.

its funny/amazing how these lankans get hold of such high quality snort.

defending the lankans is like defending osama bin laden...both have their own weird justification for their hate and genocide...
LTTE killed the formar Indian PM Rajiv Gandi, then his party in power at New Delhi, we got a nice chance, we used it very well. So now LTTE is finish....
the article states "
If, as some critical commentaries assert, India’s position has changed, or is changing, or might possibly change, from that of our May 2009 UNHRC victory, we must seek out the reasons and rectify them jointly.

India’s position has changed ..

and the reasons are as follow :

1) lanka promised to make few consitutinal amendements in 2009 , which they back off later ..
2) lanka is now relying more on the veto power of china then the wider support they get in 2009 from across the world..
3) lankan media and politicans are on a course to issue anti-india remarks at the internationa conferences , even the president gone to extent of stating that ltte camps are running in india...
4) what their piliticans are doing in international forums is exectly their people following on internation web-forums ,
a anti-india stand which i just fail to understand ,..
and why only me , even the Former National Security Adviser Brajesh Mishra not getting it..
look what he had said in a reaent conference :
Former National Security Adviser Brajesh Mishra ,Addressing participants at the annual Krishnaswamy Subrahmanyam Memorial Lecture , says "What has happened to Sri Lanka. So much support was given to Sri Lanka when they were supppresing the LTTE, and now, they say it is none of your business."
the article states "
If, as some critical commentaries assert, India’s position has changed, or is changing, or might possibly change, from that of our May 2009 UNHRC victory, we must seek out the reasons and rectify them jointly.

India’s position has changed ..

and the reasons are as follow :

1) lanka promised to make few consitutinal amendements in 2009 , which they back off later ..
2) lanka is now relying more on the veto power of china then the wider support they get in 2009 from across the world..
3) lankan media and politicans are on a course to issue anti-india remarks at the internationa conferences , even the president gone to extent of stating that ltte camps are running in india...
4) what their piliticans are doing in international forums is exectly their people following on internation web-forums ,
a anti-india stand which i just fail to understand ,..
and why only me , even the Former National Security Adviser Brajesh Mishra not getting it..
look what he had said in a reaent conference :
Former National Security Adviser Brajesh Mishra ,Addressing participants at the annual Krishnaswamy Subrahmanyam Memorial Lecture , says "What has happened to Sri Lanka. So much support was given to Sri Lanka when they were supppresing the LTTE, and now, they say it is none of your business."

What I have seen, India is unable to control the activities in TN state.

---------- Post added at 08:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 AM ----------

They dont have freedom. They have sympathy with their Tamil brothers in SL

Every time I get laugh when I see this line, I can write something but it will hurt Tamil brothers in TN.
What I have seen, India is unable to control the activities in TN state.

numbers of refugees from lanka living in TN and they are angree !!
few slaps on the faces of visting lankans in TN is a very minimum retaliation to what they are going through in lanka..

anyway , lanka has choosen their path by choice and india is not a party init , nor the lankans wants india to be now...
plane truth , we too now accepted it....move on !!

just read what Former National Security Adviser Brajesh Mishra feels , i am just a common person..
numbers of refuses from lanka living in TN and they are angree !!
few slaps on the faces of visting lankans in TN is a very minimum retaliation to what they are going through in lanka..

anyway , lanka has choosen their path by choice and india is not a party init , nor the lankans wants india to be now...
plane truth , we too now accepted it....move on !!

Tamilnadu people come and sell textile/saree stuff there and got caught, This is not the first time, even some areas reported some work in paddy fields. They say one thing to media and do another thing here.
I heard 2 days ago, some got arrested in Kerala but there are Tamil Tigers in Tamilnadu. It is their play ground, it is funny how banned terror group in India can have such freedom.

If banned terror group had freedom they would not have been arrested...:hitwall:
Kerala state arrested them.
Tamilnadu state has freedom for Tamil Tiger terrorist group.
Says who? Dont come with baseless allegations. Besides there are so many countries where the LTTE could go but India would be the last country they would think of coming. Mixing Sri Lankan refugees and LTTE is not fair.
Says who? Dont come with baseless allegations. Besides there are so many countries where the LTTE could go but India would be the last country they would think of coming. Mixing Sri Lankan refugees and LTTE is not fair.

KOCHI: The five Sri Lankan Tamils and four Keralites who were arrested on Monday for cheating 34 Sri Lankans at refugee camps in Tamil Nadu are suspected to have had LTTE links. The officials have sought the assistance of Tamil Nadu Q branch in this regard.
Ernakulam Rural SP Harshita Attaluri told ‘Express’ that nine persons, including the agents are suspected to have some connections with the LTTE in the past.”� “The arrested were quizzed in Kalamassery police camp. We keep them under the suspicion and nothing can be confirmed unless the Tamil Nadu Q branch personnel interrogate them. The Q branch officials will arrive here by tonight or tomorrow early morning. The rescued Lankans will be sent back to their respective camps,” Harshitha Attaluri said.
The Crime Branch and intelligence officials said that most of the refugees admitted that they are not happy with the circumstances in the refugee camps and want to get out from there.
�It is learnt that the agents demanded `2 lakh to `4 lakh for transporting them to Australia.
Two More Held
The police arrested two more persons in connection with the case on Tuesday.
The arrested were identified as Antony, 31, a native of Kulachil, Tamil Nadu, and Sareesh, 30, of Kothamangalam. These persons were taken into custody from Kothamangalam.
The police had arrested nine persons - Nathan, Guru, David, Madanan and Selvan of Sri Lanka and Kuriakose, Geo, Shibu and Bibesh of Kothamangalam on Monday.

The police also seized a ferry ‘Varnimol’ from Munambam in which the agents promised to take them to Australia.
The arrested people will be presented before the Kothamangalam Judicial Magistrate.

Arrested Lankans had LTTE links - southindia - Kerala - ibnlive
The officials have sought the assistance of Tamil Nadu Q branch in this regard.

^^ you know what it is?
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