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Defence of country made invincible: Musharraf


Oct 3, 2005
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Defence of country made invincible: Musharraf KARACHI: President General Pervez Musharraf said Tuesday that the defence of Pakistan had become invincible and no body could cast an evil eye to the country.

Addressing an inaugural ceremony of Pak Oil Refinery and Liquid Cargo Terminal here at Ports Qasim, he also said that the image of Pakistan was elevated in international community and its economy was stabilized.

The economy was stabilized due to the continuity of the policies of the present government, he said, adding that the ongoing policies would continue in future.

The privatization process was underway, the president said.

Federal Minister for Ports and Shipping Babar Khan Ghauri addressing on the occasion said that the Liquid Cargo Terminal was being built at the cost of $11.4 million on Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis.
What was inducted to the Pakistans armoury that made it invincible.:confused:
Jana said:
the barve sons of the soil :flag:
Can we please cut your local media rhetoric? Let me ask it this way, if thats the case, you didnt have them before?
Jay_ said:
Can we please cut your local media rhetoric? Let me ask it this way, if thats the case, you didnt have them before?

But other than that, its just our way of telling India that all this talk about military manouvers against Pak will end up in us kicking your behind in retaliation.

Of course he can't say that in public so this would suffice.
Asim Aquil said:

But other than that, its just our way of telling India that all this talk about military manouvers against Pak will end up in us kicking your behind in retaliation.

Of course he can't say that in public so this would suffice.

Can we please cut your local media rhetoric?
I agree.
The media people that you are - cut down on that local pointless rhetoric.

You guys have to do more for your "brave sons of the soil" instead of throwing us these wonderfully wonderfull good-for-morning-newspaper phrases.THAT perhaps would be of some use to the chaps who toil hard.
Owais said:
Defence of country made invincible: Musharraf KARACHI: President General Pervez Musharraf said Tuesday that the defence of Pakistan had become invincible and no body could cast an evil eye to the country.

Addressing an inaugural ceremony of Pak Oil Refinery and Liquid Cargo Terminal here at Ports Qasim, he also said that the image of Pakistan was elevated in international community and its economy was stabilized.

The economy was stabilized due to the continuity of the policies of the present government, he said, adding that the ongoing policies would continue in future.

The privatization process was underway, the president said.

Federal Minister for Ports and Shipping Babar Khan Ghauri addressing on the occasion said that the Liquid Cargo Terminal was being built at the cost of $11.4 million on Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis.
i remember, just few days before pakistan signed a deal of $5bn with US for F-16s. $5bn is a big money for pakistan if we see her total depth is around $36bn. also pakistan, spend about 4.2% of her GDP on defence as compared to 2.3% of india while india spend $20bn on defence while pakistan just $4.5bn because of bigger economy size of India. also pakistani rupees is over valued so in real terms, pakistani expenditure on defense will come around $3.5bn (if pakistani rupees will be rightly valued) as compared to indian $20bn. indian capital expenditure on arm purchase is about $8bn every year. One-two 4-$5bn arm deals for pakistan cant work on long term against india.

i would like to suggest Mr Musharraf, if he buying so much arms then attack on India. because these arms will get old after 8-10 years like other old pakistani aircraft’s and again pakistan will have to buy new arms. specially chinese aircraft’s which will have short life during wars because only advanced aircraft’s like this new F-16s can perform longer against advanced aircraft’s of india which she is buying every year. india is a 7 times bigger economy than pakistan in real terms and 10times in PPP term. pakistan will keep loosing too much money if she will keep comparing her military with indian military like she has been doing in last 59 years. and what problem Bangladesh or Nepal have if they dont spend more than 1.5% of their GDP on defense.

power balance between india and pakistan is just because of nukes and missiles. the arms pakistan is buying today will become old after a decade with no result on border. this will result in bit higher defense expenditure of india only to balance power on border. all these arm deals with give pakistan FEEL GOOD only. no defence can make herself invincible. if one side give some effort, other side also balance it in the same way resulting nothing on power balance exapt loss of money which may be used for makin some infrastruture.
JB 007 said:
1. also pakistani rupees is over valued so in real terms,

2. i would like to suggest Mr Musharraf, if he buying so much arms then attack on India.

3. if one side give some effort, other side also balance it in the same way resulting nothing on power balance exapt loss of money which may be used for makin some infrastruture.

1. Why do you say that?

2. Thats a crazy idea, arms are not only for fighting. They have a deeper purpose, to prevent fighting.

3. Absolutely true, however unilateral reductions in arms expenditure by either side is not going to happen. The two sides have to come together and agree to mutually lowering defence expenditure.
JB 007 said:
i remember, just few days before pakistan signed a deal of $5bn with US for F-16s. $5bn is a big money for pakistan if we see her total depth is around $36bn. also pakistan, spend about 4.2% of her GDP on defence as compared to 2.3% of india while india spend $20bn on defence while pakistan just $4.5bn because of bigger economy size of India. also pakistani rupees is over valued so in real terms, pakistani expenditure on defense will come around $3.5bn (if pakistani rupees will be rightly valued) as compared to indian $20bn. indian capital expenditure on arm purchase is about $8bn every year. One-two 4-$5bn arm deals for pakistan cant work on long term against india.

i would like to suggest Mr Musharraf, if he buying so much arms then attack on India. because these arms will get old after 8-10 years like other old pakistani aircraft’s and again pakistan will have to buy new arms. specially chinese aircraft’s which will have short life during wars because only advanced aircraft’s like this new F-16s can perform longer against advanced aircraft’s of india which she is buying every year. india is a 7 times bigger economy than pakistan in real terms and 10times in PPP term. pakistan will keep loosing too much money if she will keep comparing her military with indian military like she has been doing in last 59 years. and what problem Bangladesh or Nepal have if they dont spend more than 1.5% of their GDP on defense.

power balance between india and pakistan is just because of nukes and missiles. the arms pakistan is buying today will become old after a decade with no result on border. this will result in bit higher defense expenditure of india only to balance power on border. all these arm deals with give pakistan FEEL GOOD only. no defence can make herself invincible. if one side give some effort, other side also balance it in the same way resulting nothing on power balance exapt loss of money which may be used for makin some infrastruture.

So you're suggesting not to improve your military power, and let others to overcome you.

Unlikely my friend Pakistan is not following and is not going to follow Lebonane and such countries like that. If they would have improved their military, they wouldn't be suffering like that, as they are now from the hands of Israel. Thats just one example, there are so many other.

You gotta have ability to counter your rival, unfortunately because of this rivalry they are spending that much, and it is important for survival.
Defence has improved but it depends on the enemy. Other than Turkey and Pakistan, no Muslim country has a strong military, most definitely not Iran.
we r not like u guys............
like in balochistan ur making so much voilence & trying to break our country through
ecnomy & by putting an end to our unity BC u know we cant b defeated in wars,

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