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Defence Minister’s ‘stroll’ through Guard of Honour ruffles feathers: Mr Parrikar, you owe Armed For


Aug 5, 2012
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Defence Minister’s ‘stroll’ through Guard of Honour ruffles feathers: Mr Parrikar, you owe Armed Forces an apology
PublishedNovember 17, 2015


It is truly unbelievable. Since the picture of Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar strolling while inspecting the Guard of Honour has started doing the rounds, the Ministry of Defence should clarify whether the photo is morphed or is it photoshopped just to embarrass Parrikar. Or whether it is really him ‘embarrassing’ and insulting the armed forces’ Guard of Honour.

One doesn’t need to be a pro-or-anti any political party or it has nothing to do with being tolerant either to know that Parrikar’s attitude is just nonchalant. He is casually walking as if he is strolling at Baga beach! This isn’t the way you take the salute or honour the line up.

This picture does not indicate where or when but they are definitely a mixed forces Indian guard of honour receiving Parrikar, who is accompanied by the Guard Commander.Was he really taking that honour guard with his hands in his pockets?

Now, if it is true then it boils the blood. The message is forwarded by several outraged service officers who have taken umbrage at this indifference to protocol and military courtesy.

The reason why I just cannot yet bring myself to accept the picture as genuine is because no one could be so thoughtless.

One retired army veteran writes: “Do see how an Indian Sardar, Harjit sajan just appointed Defence Minister of Canada, reviews a parade! Kindly focus on his turn out(compare that to yours).”

One is surprised that the Armed Forces Chiefs have not taken objection to this sort of turnout, which is why it is imperative that the truth be told. You owe the Army, Navy and Air Force an explanation in case this picture is a real one.

The obverse is that the Defence Minister of India has no respect for his troops. Is that contempt because there hasn’t been a war for so long? Will only that threat put some spine in your back?
come on he's a Defense minister for more than a year. its more than awkward

Why the hell are the defence forces wasting their time with such needless show ?

When people have nothing much to do, they do all sort of silly stuff to fill up their time. Coming up next 6 jokers on a single Motorcycle to "honour" the DM.

A civilian is hardly qualified to do such "inspection"
Not appreciated, he is a well educated man. He has been part of many guard of honor if not inspecting himself but watching our prime minister and other dignitaries who have visited India. Its a shame.
This is typical casual approach of political leaders . he has been goa cm so many times and is not a new leader but is strolling like in a garden
Seems he was trying to clutch his both hands inside like hoshiyar position like guard commander but actually seemed he is putting them inside pockets.Any sane guy knows not to put his hands in pockets during such ceremonies. Sometimes pictures are really misleading and even videos are no exception if not shown completely.
Can he let go of his thongs, looks bloody ridiculous.
You have to see arrogant senior police officers, they are the most disrespecting lord like who think they are the direct descendants of lord Wellesley or Dalhousie, and these big officers make poor police men work in their houses, and the same is with many military officers, what do we expect from civilian people, this is the reason general carippa the legend had proposed compulsory basic military training to all boys and girls in their young age, at least for a year but the political class namely Nehru striked it off, mr parikkar may have problem with his legs or knees, one cannot expect all to do like a professional.
That instant of the photo is totally misleading. Check other photos taken from the same event. He is not strolling, I repeat not strolling.
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