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Defence Capital budget increased by 16.5% ($13.5 billion).

See the info graphic posted above(18%).
Now you spend 12.8% PLUS the spending for the other security forces like the CRPF & BSF and such which is allocated separately as they come under the Home Ministry.
I think you should see it again ..46% belong to Pakistan...what a dumb
Your comment is completely irrelevant and only shows your lack of concern for your own people.
The point being 40percent of the Indian population is below the line of poverty and your government couldn't care less about that, rather they want to buy more weapons to start wars. I mean already you people have the largest conventional force in the subcontinent so what good will a few more tanks and aircrafts do, since in an event of war the only weapons you ll ultimately face are nukes and I doubt this increase in defence budget will be able to stop that.

Forget about this conventional stuff, feed your people first. Even your soldiers are complaining about lack of food. Not long before they switch to a rat diet as well. Get what I'm saying?
We are poor but are getting better day by day. It's a Long process but we'll make thoroughly.
We increase our budget because of your counties dream to take over Kashmir and divide Hindustan, you might not say this but we know how Pakistan army works.
But this increase isn't for you, it's for China in case something happens. We've got already enough to make Pakistani bullets silence.
Amd what about your Missile tests, duh? Doing for new year fireworks?
I don't love war and want good relationship with Pakistan but not on the terms of force.
Hope for the best mate.
New edited image of 45.5% Slum dogs :rofl::rofl::rofl:


unhabitat org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Table-2.3-Proportion-of-urban-population-living-in-slums-and-urban-slum-population-by-country-1990-2014.pdf :lol::lol::lol:
I think you should see it again ..46% belong to Pakistan...what a dumb
You dumbass, see the defence spending part in the black infographic.


Four out of 10 Pakistanis are living in acute poverty with the population of Balochistan faring the worst among the provinces, according to Pakistan’s first-ever official report on multidimensional poverty.

The report unveiled by Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal on Monday in Islamabad details the country’s official Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), which shows a sharp decline with national poverty rates falling from 55 % to 39% from 2004 to 2015.

Northern Punjab, urban Sindh people more prosperous than rest of country: report

Rather than income and wealth alone, the MPI uses broader measures to determine poverty based on access to healthcare, education and the overall standard of living, thus giving a more detailed understanding of poverty.

The report states 38.8% of Pakistan’s population lives in poverty. A majority of the rural population (54.6%) lives in acute poverty while this ratio is only 9.4% in urban areas, emphasising the need to make rural-centric economic policies.


Among the provinces, multidimensional poverty is the highest in Balochistan and the lowest in Punjab.

If regions are also included, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) has the highest poverty rate, where three out of every four persons (73.7%) are poor.

Fata is followed by Balochistan (71.2%) and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), where half of the population (49.2%) suffers from acute poverty and deprivation.

In Sindh, 43.1% population is extremely poor due to lack of education, health facilities and poor living standards. In Gilgit-Baltistan, 43.2% people are poor while in Punjab, three out of ten (31.4%) and in AJK four out of 10 (25%) persons are poor.

Except K-P, where the poverty level remained almost the same over a period of two years, in the other three provinces the acute poverty level declined from 2012-13 to 2014-15.

The planning minister said poverty came down largely because of the growth in the informal economy. “It is unfortunate that many millions are still left behind,” he said while commenting on the findings of the report.

He acknowledged the development was not about numbers but about people. “No matter how good numbers look, such development only caters to the need of the elite and the powerful,” Iqbal said.

Dar highlights govt’s role in uplifting poverty

Four of the five poorest districts are in Balochistan, where poverty level is alarmingly high. The poorest district is Kila Abdullah with 97% poor population, followed by Harnai 94.2%, Barkhan 93.6%, Sherani 90.6% and Kohistan in K-P with 95.8% poor people.

In Sindh, Tharparkar has been declared the poorest district with 87% population living under the poverty line followed by Umerkot 84.7%, Tando Muhammad Khan 78.4% and Badin and Kashmore where almost 75% of the population is poor.

In Punjab, Muzaffargarh (64.8%) and Rajanpur (64.4%) are the poorest districts, followed by DG Khan 63.7% and Bahawalpur 53%. All these districts are part of southern Punjab, which has been neglected by successive governments over the years.

The more alarming indicator is the intensity of poverty, as each poor person lacks access to half of the indicators selected for measuring poverty. The MPI findings show 60.6% of Pakistan’s population does not have access to cooking fuel, 48.5% do not complete schooling, almost four out of every 10 people (39%) do not have any assets and over 38% of the population lives in a one-room shelter. About one-third population does not have access to health facilities.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 21st, 2016.
Those are war torn provinces with refugees mixed in. Dont forget that.
You idiots have no such problem and are still competing with us on poverty shows how your country works.

New edited image of 45.5% Slum dogs :rofl::rofl::rofl:


unhabitat org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Table-2.3-Proportion-of-urban-population-living-in-slums-and-urban-slum-population-by-country-1990-2014.pdf :lol::lol::lol:
Shudra.... those are refugees mixed in my Hindu Shudra friend. How many foreign refugees you have in your country? And we are spending on defence because you idiots are spending in the first place with blatant disregard for your poor. It starts with your country.
See what your country is doing to your Shudra brothers:
"Poverty is deepest among members of scheduled castes and tribes in the country's rural areas."
"But almost one third of the country’s population of more than 1.1 billion continues to live below the poverty line, and a large proportion of poor people live in rural areas. Poverty remains a chronic condition for almost 30 per cent of India’s rural population."
You dumbass, see the defence spending part in the black infographic.

Those are war torn provinces with refugees mixed in. Dont forget that.
You idiots have no such problem and are still competing with us on poverty shows how your country works.

Man your lame rationalization..You don't want to believe on UN,World Bank,even somewhere in comment you said budget info was fake but god knows on what you want to believe in..!
You are a bonehead twit..
We were not mentioning Pakistan till you two penny salwar kamiz hopped in with poverty morale.Simple thing you have everything worst of Asia.Despite that you spend huge chunk on defense & much more than India if you compare to GDP wise..So rather than poking nose here put those enthu on your flounder back. that would be good for you.Idiot chap
Man your lame rationalization..You don't want to believe on UN,World Bank,even somewhere in comment you said budget info was fake but god knows on what you want to believe in..!
You are a bonehead twit..
We were not mentioning Pakistan till you two penny salwar kamiz hopped in with poverty morale.Simple thing you have everything worst of Asia.Despite that you spend huge chunk on defense & much more than India if you compare to GDP wise..So rather than poking nose here put those enthu on your flounder back. that would be good for you.Idiot chap
Who said I dont believe them. I do believe them and I'm saying those are people with refugees mixed in. We are burdened with over 45 years of millions of Afghan and Tajik refugees. How many war refugees do you have?

And again, we are spending on defence because you are spending on defence. And you are spending on defence because you want to keep Kashmir under your military boots. Plain and Simple. Cause and effect.
More than half for your population is hungry and eating rats to survive while the Indian government is constantly increasing their spending on weapons.. nice one

Actually Indian defense expenditure has remained constant at about 1.6% of GDP over the last decade or so. Taking into account inflation in the price of hardware the real increase in capex is almost nil. Moreover capex is 35% of the budget (about 23% if defence pensions are included) so your point about increased spending is erroneous.

And lol what are you then? You invaded first, we were just following your example. You are not native to the subcontinent. The only natives are the Dravidians, East-Indian Mongoloids and tribals. You dumbasses are just an offshoot of the Indo-european line. The so-called North Indians(who are really darkened caucasians, same a Gypsies) have more in common with Iranians than South Indians!

Sure caste problems are a social drag in India and remain so. But ironically it is Pakistan where discriminatory treatment of their own people (Bengalis in former E. Pakistan) resulted in large scale genocide [a term used by the US embassy, not my words], a civil war and ultimately an international war [w India] that led to the events of 1971. While plenty of attention is spent on the war itself and immediate causes [refusal to acknowldege Mujib's election victory, the killing of Bengali Muslims by their own army, the miilitary conflict, etc.] what is less known is the concerted effort of the W. Pakistani leadership during the period 1947 - 70 to deny equal representation to East Pakistanis using all manner of legal blocks - borne out of an unfortunate superiority complex. I can cheerfully quote Liaqat Ali Khan's own remarks that are a shocking exposition of how the PM himself [for he was the PM] viewed the Bengalis with deep contempt - as a result of which the constitution itself took over a decade to be drafted. Unlike Pakistan backward castes have been politically quite successful in India an have wielded plenty of power.

All you have to do is conduct a scotland type, referendum in Kashmir. But you wont do that. Instead of that, you thrown billions into the kashmir pit starving your people in the process. If you got guts, conduct a referendum. We will withdraw and follow suite with a referendum in our part of Kashmir.

We'll conduct a referendum when we want to. How would you like it if we asked you yo conduct one in Balochistan? Sounds stupid right? - That's what your demand sounds like. If you want to start throwing in the UN resolution etc, I suggest you read it carefully and also read the Simla agreement before shooting off your keyboard.

Like I said before, we are spending because you are spending. You are spending because you want to keep kashmir under force.

Ok, so we are stupid for spending so much money. But you're even more stupid for allowing yourselves to repeat that mistake.

Now you spend 12.8% PLUS the spending for the other security forces like the CRPF & BSF and such which is allocated separately as they come under the Home Ministry.

CRPF has nothing to do with border management. BSF is a police force and has other borders to guard. Both are controlled by the home ministry - equal to your interior ministry. For sake of argument the BSF budget will not be a huge addition to the defense budget but I am happy to dig those numbers up if you insist - provided you share some stats about the defense budget in Pakistan, along with the Rangers budget.
Who said I dont believe them. I do believe them and I'm saying those are people with refugees mixed in. We are burdened with over 45 years of millions of Afghan and Tajik refugees. How many war refugees do you have?

And again, we are spending on defence because you are spending on defence. And you are spending on defence because you want to keep Kashmir under your military boots. Plain and Simple. Cause and effect.
Your whole defense budget is mere equivalent to our INS Vikramaditya maintenance cost a year..So if you can sustain that without selling underpants then you are welcome..Cause you won't ever get Kashmir & your whole country is in debt while such high rate of poverty & social issues..It's your choice you are continuing such obsession.Don't blame us.
Sure caste problems are a social drag in India and remain so. But ironically it is Pakistan where discriminatory treatment of their own people (Bengalis in former E. Pakistan) resulted in large scale genocide [a term used by the US embassy, not my words], a civil war and ultimately an international war [w India] that led to the events of 1971. While plenty of attention is spent on the war itself and immediate causes [refusal to acknowldege Mujib's election victory, the killing of Bengali Muslims by their own army, the miilitary conflict, etc.] what is less known is the concerted effort of the W. Pakistani leadership during the period 1947 - 70 to deny equal representation to East Pakistanis using all manner of legal blocks - borne out of an unfortunate superiority complex. I can cheerfully quote Liaqat Ali Khan's own remarks that are a shocking exposition of how the PM himself [for he was the PM] viewed the Bengalis with deep contempt - as a result of which the constitution itself took over a decade to be drafted. Unlike Pakistan backward castes have been politically quite successful in India an have wielded plenty of power.
Lot of difference there! The problem with us is just a surface problem with most of the fault with our political leaders. Those statements are from our leaders looking for short political gain. The common people have no enemity with the Bengalis. The problem with you is not your leaders, but the very fabric of your society. Your $hit of a society based on Hindu ideals with the people in them are the problem. Your problem can never be solved no matter what you do because it is your people's core ideals.

We'll conduct a referendum when we want to. How would you like it if we asked you yo conduct one in Balochistan? Sounds stupid right? - That's what your demand sounds like. If you want to start throwing in the UN resolution etc, I suggest you read it carefully and also read the Simla agreement before shooting off your keyboard.
I'm all for Baloch referendum as well if you agree for referendums in the north east! I'm positive we will just scrape through because some of the tribes are very pro pakistan and while some arent. But in kashmir, you can bet everything on Kashmir leaving India. They have had it with you. Same in the north east as well.

Ok, so we are stupid for spending so much money. But you're even more stupid for allowing yourselves to repeat that mistake.
We can't afford to let our guard down. All it takes is a false flag attack(like how your police burned the vehicles in your Tamil nAdu state and blamed it on protestors) and you morons will use it as an excuse to attack pakistan.

CRPF has nothing to do with border management. BSF is a police force and has other borders to guard. Both are controlled by the home ministry - equal to your interior ministry. For sake of argument the BSF budget will not be a huge addition to the defense budget but I am happy to dig those numbers up if you insist - provided you share some stats about the defense budget in Pakistan, along with the Rangers budget.
Look, when you add in those budgets, your 12.8% will definitely be above 17% for sure.
The 18% in the info graphic included the BSF and CRPF budgets.

Your whole defense budget is mere equivalent to our INS Vikramaditya maintenance cost a year..So if you can sustain that without selling underpants then you are welcome..Cause you won't ever get Kashmir & your whole country is in debt while such high rate of poverty & social issues..It's your choice you are continuing such obsession.Don't blame us.
Thanks for proving my point. :lol: See what starts what. This bluster and pride at the expense of this:

How proud you are that your vikra maintanance budget is more than our budget.
Mr ShudraBond will be pissed because that's his brethern in that photo there.

Oh and I'm for self determination of the Kashmiris. If they choose to go independent, let them go independent. Are you for the self determination of the kashmiris? I doubt it.
India should focus on Special Forces command and give separate budget to them ..its time we should focus on quality than quantity .... well equipped half a million army is enough with same budget ..... spend more on Navy , Air force and special forces . We need more focus on intelligence ..hope they have allocated enough amount to IB , R&AW , NTRO, DIA and MI.
Lot of difference there! The problem with us is just a surface problem with most of the fault with our political leaders. Those statements are from our leaders looking for short political gain. The common people have no enemity with the Bengalis. The problem with you is not your leaders, but the very fabric of your society. Your $hit of a society based on Hindu ideals with the people in them are the problem. Your problem can never be solved no matter what you do because it is your people's core ideals.

I'm all for Baloch referendum as well if you agree for referendums in the north east! I'm positive we will just scrape through because some of the tribes are very pro pakistan and while some arent. But in kashmir, you can bet everything on Kashmir leaving India. They have had it with you. Same in the north east as well.

We can't afford to let our guard down. All it takes is a false flag attack(like how your police burned the vehicles in your Tamil nAdu state and blamed it on protestors) and you morons will use it as an excuse to attack pakistan.

Look, when you add in those budgets, your 12.8% will definitely be above 17% for sure.
The 18% in the info graphic included the BSF and CRPF budgets.

Thanks for proving my point. :lol: See what starts what. This bluster and pride at the expense of this:

How proud you are that your vikra maintanance budget is more than our budget.
Mr ShudraBond will be pissed because that's his brethern in that photo there.

Oh and I'm for self determination of the Kashmiris. If they choose to go independent, let them go independent. Are you for the self determination of the kashmiris? I doubt it.
Laugh but budget will increase further so does our GDP(Now it's 2.5 Trillion):lol:
You spend 40% of budget in defense & that is 4% of your GDP..We don't need any weapon till your desperation about Kashmir continues..We can manage ourselves with our fast growing economy.On the other side you have worst of everything..

So CIAO idiot.Don't quote on your idiotic verbal adventures.
The problem with us is just a surface problem with most of the fault with our political leaders. Those statements are from our leaders looking for short political gain. The common people have no enemity with the Bengalis. The problem with you is not your leaders, but the very fabric of your society.

Sigh ... you know so little of your own history that it's a waste to continue this. I can only suggest you read about the general election of 1970, Ayub's constitution commission and the history of the development of the electoral college. I'm more than happy to recommend several well researched books on the subject if you dont know where to start.

I'm all for Baloch referendum as well if you agree for referendums in the north east! I'm positive we will just scrape through because some of the tribes are very pro pakistan and while some arent. But in kashmir, you can bet everything on Kashmir leaving India. They have had it with you. Same in the north east as well.

Ok. Get Nawaz to issue a statement on this tomorrow, please.

We can't afford to let our guard down. All it takes is a false flag attack(like how your police burned the vehicles in your Tamil nAdu state and blamed it on protestors) and you morons will use it as an excuse to attack pakistan.

This is both juvenile and foolish. Stick to a stand. Your problem is you've chosen the wrong stuff to diss India about - parameters where Pakistan is doing much worse. Reminds me of classical debating strategy - when reason and logic fail, dispute facts. Well, I tried to be civil but this is clearly going nowhere.

Look, when you add in those budgets, your 12.8% will definitely be above 17% for sure.

BSF was allotted Rs 15,500 crores for 17-18. Adding that to the defense budget makes it 13.49%. Not much of a big increase.

I'm still waiting for your statistics on Pak defense + rangers budgets.
The reason why we are in a moral highground is because, we are spending because of you.

All you have to do is conduct a scotland type, referendum in Kashmir. But you wont do that. Instead of that, you thrown billions into the kashmir pit starving your people in the process. If you got guts, conduct a referendum. We will withdraw and follow suite with a referendum in our part of Kashmir.

Even without any hesitation, anyone with even a couple of brain cells would know that the Kashmiri's will never vote to be a part of India. They will either vote to become Independent or join Pakistan.

Do you have the guts!!??? Nope. you wont!
hi,to implement y dont you start from baluchistan,may be after that we learn something.
Do you have guts???,i am sure you wont.

These figures little accurate
Many experts are saying Indian defence budget will reach Number 3 or 4 with $ 66Bn in 2020 :smitten::smitten::smitten:
Nope, these figures are totally bogus, for some unknown reason SIPRI chooses to include the budgets of the central armed police forces (CAPFs) in the defence budget even though that is under an entirely different ministry (MHA). This adds an addtional $10-12bn USD to the defence budget.

This flawed methodolgy paints a very misleading picture of India's defence outlay and massively inflates its defence spending. For some reason they only use this flawed method for India.

They are saying 2.3% for 2016-17 when in reality it was below 1.8%.

Like I said before, we are spending because you are spending. You are spending because you want to keep kashmir under force.
It is you who should be shameless because you are the cause and we are the effect.
Brainwashed idiot.

Keep repeating the cr@p you are taught in your madrassas and by your state propoganda machinary, literally no one outside of your echo chamber is buying yoru cr@p.
Pakistani crying over Indian defence budget which has grown less in terms of GDP and not seeing 4-5% gdp for military in their own and ranting about slums in india and having more or less slums in there country too.
Please grow your economy if you want to think about matching any country which is growing at a good pace.
1.6% is very low compared to others.
Inferiority complex duh?
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