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Decorated Indian officer arrested over ties to Kashmiri fighters

Nope, it looks more like a false flag that went bust because of the action of police and that is not the interesting part. What is interesting is who informed the police about movements of militants.

What militants?

I think ISIS Kerala chapter is India's proxy in the region along with RSS Nazis in Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

No idea what kind of militant you talking about. Kashmir freedom fighters have no connection to mainland India as they are purely based in Kashmir and indigenous
Pakistani media needs to latch on this. This is huge!

In nutshell, the parliament attack was inside job and this DSP Singh was its main character. Its aftermath, both Pakistan and India came eye ball to eye ball, 1800 Indian soldiers died without firing a bullet.

Mumbai attack as also an inside job and now the Indian establishment tried to pull another one. Indian establishment is Indian people worst enemy.
It is astonishing to see our media completely silent on this. Especially that snake Hamid Mir who was very eager to prove Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani. Even our foreign office is sleeping, this is a huge opportunity and we should be making a lot of noise.
Indian establishment uses terrorism as a tool of its foreign policy, we all know that. The question arises why this DSP was arrested in the midst of an operation most likely designed to instigate another Pulwama like situation.
If Indian establishment was involved in this, why arrest this guy in the first place? Logic??
Why am I getting the feelings soon Sikhs will be getting kicked around soon by Hindus and this incident could be used to sideline them.
Intelligence operations are always clouded and never revealed to other insitutitions, except the high leadership.

It is obvious from this man's description that he was a very devoted Indian officer, is also a non Muslim, posted in Kashmir's most important city airbase, and had connections with Intelligence.

Quite plausible that this was a false flag attempt. Why else would such an officer transport them?

Wait few days. See how those police officers who apprehended won't be rewarded even a dime, if anything, they will dissapear from the mainstream in a few days.

I hate to agree with you, but mind is thinking the same as you.Defly this DSP does not look like working for himself...
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