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Declare India a Terrorist State

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Anyone can edit articles in wikipedia. It is not reliable about samjhota express:

and a newspaper article is reliable ;)

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | India not providing details on Samjhota: Malik

India not providing details on Samjhota: Malik

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that India is not providing details about Lieutenant Colonel Shrikant Purohit who was allegedly involved in Samjhota express bombings in 2007, which killed at least 68 people.

Speaking to the media in Islamabad, Malik alleged that Colonel Purohit had also hired some militants to carry out the bombing.

"Colonel Purohit was interrogated by one of the director investigations, Kur Kury, who was killed in the attack. This clearly demonstrates that there were some Pakistan-based Islamists who had been hired to carry out the Samjohta Express attack. That is the dossier we have requested India to provide us with, but they haven't," said Malik.

"Even today I sent a message inviting them to come and sit with us and talk; we will bring our evidence and they can bring theirs," he added.

Regarding Swat, the minister denied any kind of extra-judicial killings in the valley.

He told the media that 2,200 militants have so far been killed in military offensive.

He said that the military has achieved substantial amount of success in the operations in tribal areas. He also mentioned that Pak-Afghan agreements on counter-terrorism are also due in a few weeks time.

As New Delhi and Islamabad take potshots at each other, non-state actors are thriving in the region, killing innocents in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India.
Thanks for trying to show India it's right place. Keep it up, good job. I agree India is terrorist country. We will try to improve ourselves.

actually just ignore them man. We all know what the rest of world thinks about Pakistan.
so we both may know, that how much these so called bunch members view matter on international level. senior or elite doesn't matter.

It's good to look back once in a long while and realize how little what we say here matters. And that we should not take ourself too seriously.
It's good to look back once in a long while and realize how little what we say here matters. And that we should not take ourself too seriously.

on that, I agree. so let's enjoy our real life instead of taking seriously these bunch of propaganda on some of threads.
Ya no problem, file a petition at the UN to declare India a terrorist state, lets see how many people agree with you and how many laugh back. Omar's obsession with India is reaching new heights now.

Exactly. When I see racist pricks (based on some of his past posts about Indians) like this Omar fellow trying their best to drag India down to the level of Pakistan, it makes me delighted, since I can imagine their frustration and helplessness when they see India getting entry into all kinds of exclusive clubs, and the very real prospect of getting a permanent seat in the future.

There are a lot more rude shocks in store for the Pak-gori-chamdi-supremacists like Omar as the years progress. All we need to do is continue our work, sit back and watch the fun as people like him flap around like trapped pigeons.
useless articles , useless threads....

pakistanis should better focus their energy on some constructive works ....
What an honor guys.

But the plan of declaring India that will unfortunately end up in failure.

Exactly. When I see racist pricks (based on some of his past posts about Indians) like this Omar fellow trying their best to drag India down to the level of Pakistan, it makes me delighted, since I can imagine their frustration and helplessness when they see India getting entry into all kinds of exclusive clubs, and the very real prospect of getting a permanent seat in the future.

There are a lot more rude shocks in store for the Pak-gori-chamdi-supremacists like Omar as the years progress. All we need to do is continue our work, sit back and watch the fun as people like him flap around like trapped pigeons.

I think it's unfair to call Omar a "racist prick".

Can you quote any of his posts to back up this accusation?
Do these guys really believe people gonna buy their story? :s

This dude is resilient!
He is just increasing his post count. I have seen him just post these articles before and never defend himself in a discussion.
Even the smart people sometimes are brain-washed. :rolleyes:
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