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Declare India a Terrorist State

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Sep 12, 2008
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By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Claiming itself to be a democracy, the largest one at that, India sets standards for the world to follow in the domains of democracy, secularism and patriotism. Indian strategists believe that by aligning with India even USA and Israel could benefit enormously. India seeks to make their regular killing of innocent Kashmiris as a yard-stick to measure Indian hatred for Islam and Muslims.

Loud talk of democracy and secularism in Indian streets are taken quite seriously by its neighbors, especially Pakistan and Bangladesh and their media, at least some of them, shower praises effortlessly on Indian system. Even though it made strides in all walks of life until recently, Pakistan joined the world chorus of “resurrecting democracy” which means rampant corruption and nepotism, state terrorism and anti-Islamism and combating Islam. As a result, Pakistan is gradually becoming a weak nation. Poverty of Weapons? Armed with latest weapons, “democratic” India occupies Kashmir forcefully, killing thousands of Kashmiri Muslims. Not only India glorifies terrorism, but it also finances it by paying huge sums to those who have got medals for exhibiting the terrorist skills like shooting and boxing in the just concluded 2008 Beijing Olympics. A whopping Rs. 50 lakhs to the shooting medal holder has been announced by central government without any audit objections. Provincial states also would announce equal amounts to the player who got a medal by playing for just a couple of minutes, while millions of poor toil for hours together every day without being able to meet both their ends. Known for its poverty record apart from criminal and state terrorist records, India wastes huge resources on conventional-cum-nuclear weaponization of the country. The amounts wasted on such glamour purposes could as well be spent on poor in the country. But premier Manmohan & Co propped up by the Indian big businesses and American transnationals that benefited from him as Reserve bank chief, Planning commission deputy chief and finance minister and now as premier, does not think poor merits any attention in India once the polls are over. Apart from poor, Muslims in India are the worst hit thanks to Indian anti-Muslim policies and practices both at the centre and states. Muslim representation in government sectors is meager but many Muslims are coerced by Hindus, directly and with the help of remote terror gadgets, to leave jobs, seek voluntary retirement, but they are never paid the benefits, in spite of repeated reminders. Indian can use their extra cash to pay the balances to them as well. If governments don’t want to pay their dews to Muslims, let them at least take care of other poor people. In the name of security and weaponization, Indan leaders loot the nation’s resources. In deals huge commissions are paid to the agents and brokers. However, India skillfully uses cricket matches to divert the popular attention from the fate of common people in the society of every raising prices
Greed for prizes, praises and awards

Any foreigner observing the Indian media both print and electronic would detect a strange phenomenon. Indians crave for fame, praise, prizes and awards and very badly. Lust for money is one thing that West has influenced the East about, but the neo-ambitions for prizes and awards at any cost is making a mockery of Indian mind-set. The way the media went about showering prizes on a person who got a gold medal at Olympics displaying his shooting ability, needed for terrorist activities, is nothing but amazing. Indian president made a special mention of it in her Independence day address to nation and now the government has decided to grant him a whopping 50 lakhs of rupees without any shy and any financial problems. Many Muslims have been forced to take retirement form services as per a long planned strategy to rid them off the government scene, and even retirement benefits are not paid for years together. Governments expect the Muslims to knock at the courts for that, but it can give such huge among to any one it wants without any reference to any agencies. When many people suffer without being able meet their both ends meet, the efforts to get some prizes and awards look funny indeed. Apart from shooting, another area which garnered the second bronze medal is boxing- the conventional ability in terrorism. This explains why this writer receives too many invitations from different national and international forums and agencies informing me of “winning” special prize’ or award. Many of them ask me to pay a fee or some payment to claim that prize and medal. One such invitation came from Cater Foundation Grant, but some amount was sought to claim the prize amount. But after a while it came to fore that the senders expected me to canvas for Democratic Party in the President’s run. One is astonished at the way the elections are conducted and won world wide.
Democracy and Decency

Over years since its independence from United Kingdom in 1947 and subsequent occupation of Jammu Kashmir, India has played its cards pretty well both at home and externally. It projected itself as a decent democracy caring for secularism and fellow Muslims in the country. It also cries loud that Pakistan has terrorized Indians and that that country sends “terrorists” to cross over to India to execute terror attacks. Indian media very sumptuously portray non-Hindus, especially the Muslims, are no promoting interests in India and abroad and they are “terrorists”. Of course, it can do even much more since Indian media are totally anti-Pakistan, anti-Bangladesh and essentially anti-Islam. There is not even a single India newspaper either in English or vernacular that talks well of Kashmiris, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. While the media in Kashmir have been bent to cater to the needs of New Delhi on wholesale as well as retail basis, one can see a few newspapers both in Pakistan and Bangladesh supporting India, its cause, its goals. But it is strange that in India, the so-called largest democracy that always blames its neighbors for its wrongs, there is not even one newspaper of electronic medium either in English or in vernaculars that at least indirectly talks nice of its neighbors. Ok, let them not support and praise Pakistan, Bangladesh and Kashmir, but at least stop ridiculing and use ****** _expressions to describe them. When India intrudes into Pakistan or Bangladeshi territories, it clams it did so only by mistake. When Indian guns fire at Muslims on either side of the Indian borders, it again cites innocence. Indian media and foreign missions have successfully created the Indian illusion. “Muslims are bad guys, Kashmiris are bad guys and Pakistanis are very bad guys”. Every Indian journalist is allowed only to write praises about India as the ancient kings did. As a result foreigners read only the golden and silver pages about India while India cleverly hid the ugly sides of reality in India and Kashmir. Indian leaders, especially the so-called “patriotic” sections keep harping on “anti-national and “anti-India themes to gain popularity with anti-Muslims sentiments of electorates and that is illegal and judiciary should note this. The media men support such anti-human sentiments for making money and a name among the anti-Islamic forces. But neither leaders nor media lords have even pretense of elementary decency in public speeches and reporting on its neighbors.

Terrorism and Territory
India tactfully annexed its neighbor Kashmir, heavily militarized it and killed the freedom fighting Kashmiris and also branded them as “terrorists” and “cross-border-terrorists”. Top of that, India accuses Pakistan and Bangladesh of training “terrorists” against “innocent” India. India trains all sorts of peoples, from terrorists to militants to fanatics to suit its national and international needs. But in order to cover up its nefarious activities it focuses on Islam, Muslims, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Hajj, etc. Blames its neighbors and Indian intelligence agencies are frustrated over the strong lobbying for highlighting the Kashmir human rights violations at international forums by some NGO’s working in Europe and USA with the support of Indian human rights and Peace activists. A huge lot of resources are being wasted on propaganda purposes by Indian government directly throughout its missions and various NGOs and other secret agencies world over, including in Arab World. But it makes strenuous efforts to see that Muslims in India and Kashmir do not make any anti-India propaganda by placing before the world about the reality situation in the country. The intelligence wings in India have marked the Indian Muslims into different categories. The major chunk of Muslims is described as “terrorists”, spies and agents of Pakistan, Kashmir and Bangladesh. In order to create make believe strings, they link the freedom fighting Kashmiris abroad and their media supporters with ISI. Kolkatta based female Professor, who was reported to have strong links with Pakistan’s spy wing Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), an Ahmedabad based Advocate, a New Delhi based “human rights activist” and about half a dozen “influential persons” of Kashmir to carry out a strong anti-India propaganda on Kashmir and raise funds for the ‘terrorists’. A pro-Kashmir activist presently operating in USA, was said to have utilized all his resources in Europe for pro-Kashmir or “anti-India propaganda” and utilizing the occasion for raising funds for ‘terrorism’. Large sums are being cast and spent on intelligence networks and other secret services in India. Main talk assigned to them all is propaganda. Intelligence agencies, on the basis of newspaper reports, keep writing nasty about Muslims in and around the country. But they also focus on tracking those who oppose these ant-Muslim propaganda and report correct things about hidden Idna life. They don’t want any organization to support these ant-India propagandists. They seek action against a Netherlands based NGO, a Kolkatta based female Professor, an Ahmedabad based Advocate and a host of “anti-India Indians” who have joined hands not only to carry out strong “anti-India propaganda” in Europe but were also found in raising funds for ‘terror’ outfits operating in Kashmir. The Intelligence agencies try to block any funds for Kashmir freedom struggle. After obtaining a detailed report of “anti-India propaganda” and ‘terror’ funds raised in Europe they have written to the government to take action against the Indian citizens involved in the plot and cancel their visa. The Intelligence agencies have identified nearly a dozen citizens of India, who had recently joined hands along with some Kashmir based “separatists” operating in USA and London and a Netherlands based NGO, to project what they described “strong human rights violations” in Kashmir at different forums in Europe. They were also reported to have raised funds worth several crores through different forums for ‘terror’ funding in Kashmir. Now Indian intelligence agencies are badly affected by the recent discovery of secret grave-yards in Kashmir. Any movement any where exposing Indian misdeeds in general and against Muslims in particular is viewed by Indians with anger and criminal response. Accordingly, Pakistan Embassies in Europe have also played a significant role in “anti-India” resolutions including a warning to India that the country would be fully responsible if anything happened to Kolkatta based woman and a “human rights activist” of Kashmir, who continued to insist that a large number of people were missing in Kashmir while as the agencies have asserted that most of them have joined militancy and the number of “actually missing persons” was very few. India does not want any misleading information about this “democracy” or the “data far from truth” in Europe against India on Kashmir. The Government is likely to seek complete ban on any international aid for Netherlands NGO. The Ministry, sources revealed, was also actively considering cancellation of visa of Kolkatta based woman and Ahmedabad based Advocate. That is Indian brand democracy and secularism. It may be Ok that some of the media in both Pakistan and Bangladesh don’t hurt the minds and feelings of Indian strategists, and they try to appease Indian leaders and keep cool even in the thick of Indian criticisms and routine accusations of terrorist acts in India, Afghanistan and Kashmir, but it might help India to retain Kashmir any case. Now a few right thinking people do write about Indian real scene as it exits now, but Indians astonished at the facts being presented get annoyed too.
A Word

It is high time India realizes the crude fact that sovereignty, independence and freedom are the birth rights of every human being and nation. Kashmiris do have the same right. And any kind of misinformation about the freedom fighting Kashmiris will not work in favor of India, rather it will work against India and its global interests. By branding the freedom fighting Kashmiris whom Indian terrorist forces have killed in thousands, as “terrorists, and calling them as “separatists”, India, its intelligence, its media lords and leaders are not going to retain Kashmir under its nasty military boots. Daily murders are a common sight in Kashmir. What has been going on in Kashmir for the last two weeks is result of outburst of common people against Indian occupation and India has to vacate Kashmir earlier than later.

It is time UN declred India a state terrorist torturing and killing Muslims in India and Kashmir and encourage, through various ways, destruction of Jammu Kashmir and destabilzation of its neigbors.

The only country in the world, other than Israel, to have acquired land through conflict or intimidation after the end of World War 2 is India. Israel has the excuse at least that in some of their conflicts with the Arabs they pre-empted imminent aggression and thus were not the aggressor per se. In the South Asian sub-continent, India has openly coveted (and/or made designs to take possession thereof) before actually annexing their neighbour or their prime real estate. In every incident of aggression, care was taken to garb the nakedly expansionist moves under some camouflage or the other.

The first to fall into India's grip was Kashmir, the legal subterfuge used was the Maharaja's Letter of Accession. This was followed by military intervention to annex Hyderabad, Junagadh and Manawadar in 1948. In 1960 it was the turn of the Portuguese possessions of Goa, Daman and Diu in a farcical war. The smaller princely States of India were just taken over lock, stock and barrel at the appropriate time. As the world started to look askance at naked aggression, India turned increasingly to subterfuge. In 1968 they formed the Research and Analytical Wing (RAW) whose main purpose at that time was to organise covert operations in Bangladesh, in this they were actively supported by the Border Security Forces (BSF) whose Deputy Director General (DDG), in this case Brig Pande, was based at Calcutta with an alternate HQs in 91 BSF at Agartala for operational purposes. With the creation of RAW, India turned from naked aggression to sophistication in the pursuit of its ambitions. RAW became involved in covert operations in all the peripheral countries around India. While RAW's role in the creation of Bangladesh did not get much attention, its operatives were in constant contact with hard-core India sympathizers within Awami League (AL) such as Tajuddin, Nazrul Islam, etc. Through these surrogates RAW maintained pressure on Sheikh Mujibur Rehman whenever he started weakening in his anti-Pakistan stance. After 1971, RAW retained its interest in Bangladesh, raising a parallel military organisation loyal to AL (and India) known as the Rakhi Bahini headed by Brig Nuruzzaman. As a Captain of the Pakistan Army, Nuruzzaman had undergone trial for treason in the famous Agartala Conspiracy Case. Though they were better armed and organised than the Bangladesh Armed Forces, the Rakhi Bahini was easily disarmed and demobilised by the Bangladesh Army post-Mujib. RAW agents have since become a permanent factor for destabilisation in Bangladesh, having subverted the loyalties of a large segment of the Hindu population. After Sheikh Mujib was assassinated, they re-created the 1971 vintage Kader Bahini led by the infamous Kader Siddiqui who operated from Indian territory from 1975 to 1985 and constantly troubled the Zia Regime (and later the Ershad regime) with many instances of terrorism. Today India sustains the Chakma revolt against Bangladesh in the Chittagong Hill Tracts by supporting the Shanti Bahini which makes cross border raids from training and logistics camps in the Indian Tripura State at Amarpur, Sabroom and opposite Baghban-Tilla.

Westerners were captivated by the marriage of the American Ms Hope Cooke with the ruler of the Himalayan kingdom of Sikkim in the early 60s. Set in a fairytale Shangri-La atmosphere Sikkim became known as one of free world's remaining ancient monarchies. But trouble incited by RAW was brewing from 1973 onwards. RAW planted agents in Gangtok, Mangain, Namchi and Gyalshing for cultivating sympathisers who would fan disturbances against the reigning monarch and would then 'request' for Indian help against the 'despot'. Just in case the anti-monarchist ploy did not work, RAW was ready with operational data required for military intervention. On 20 April 1975, the once friendly and peaceful kingdom of Sikkim became a possession of India.

Bhuttan's Jigme Wangchuk of the adjacent Himalayan Kingdom took this lesson to heart and while he clearly pouts at regional official functions he does not strain too much at the leash and studiously toes the Indian line, realising that his situation is probably more untenable than his once-upon-a-time Sikkim Counterpart. Nominally, he remains, along with the Maldives, as showpiece independent nations and the only ones on India's periphery 'without' problems with India. Just in case that he should ever dream otherwise, the Kingdom is prone to inspired pro-India riots from time to time. This domino will fall eventually or may not depending upon whether the Indians want to keep the showpiece going.

Nepal is the only Hindu Kingdom in the world. King Bhirendhra ran afoul of India because of his independent stance on regional policies. Previously known as an annexe of India, Nepal opened out to the world in the late 70s and early 80s. RAW was mandated by the Indian Government to bring Nepal into line. The first set was that India used a pretext to halt all supplies of food, medicine, oil etc. from going to this land-locked country. In the meantime RAW agents fanned out among anti-monarchist elements and as the economic blockade took hold, riots broke out all over Nepal escalating into full fledged political confrontation between the monarchy and the electorate. Acts of terrorism, including the explosions of bombs, sabotage of installations, attacks on prominent personalities, etc. proliferated. Faced with the possibility of large-scale anarchy and even take-over by India on the Sri Lanka pattern, the King opted to become a constitutional monarch and a 'friendly' government came to power in Nepal. This was a blatant interference in the internal affairs of another nation, RAW was used as the terror weapon.

Burma has not escaped interference from India. Having a long border with India, Burma is bedevilled by independence movements that freely roam across international borders. Such cross border operations have meant that Burmese troops have been engaged on yet another front to secure the country's frontiers. There is concern in Bangladesh that RAW agents were behind the trouble in Arakan Province that has resulted in 250,000 Arakanese Muslim refugees crossing over to Bangladesh. Normally Burma and Bangladesh enjoy excellent relations but this refugee problem has become a sore point that has almost led to war between the two countries.

The paradise that once was Sri Lanka is a case of the full force of application of the so-called Indira Doctrine, that this whole region is an area of unrestricted Indian influence. The former Chief of RAW, Kao, was mandated by Indira Gandhi to repeat the Bangladesh story and bring the Sri Lankans into line. RAW was given a free hand to destabilise the island republic, a country so at peace with itself and its neighbours that it had a maximum of only two or three active military units (less than 5,000 men under arms). The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Ramachandra, gave his consent to RAW setting up Tamil rebel camps at Ganda and Gorakhpur. Tamils were trained to bring about an armed rebellion to carve a Tamil State out of the predominantly Sinhalese island. Of the many groups that RAW trained, the most deadly were the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE) led by Prabhakaran, which murderously targeted the other fellow ethnic Tamil Groups in addition to bringing unrestrained terror to the Sinhalese majority in the island. The full face of terrorism was unleashed in the cities with car bombs, assassinations etc. killing and maiming thousands before the Sri Lankan Armed Forces could re-organise themselves and assert the rule of the law. With their LTTE allies ultimately besieged in the North and North East, the Indians gave the Sri Lankans an ultimatum to stop their offensive and virtually at the point of gun signed the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord in 1987. Indian forces started landing in Sri Lanka as the Indian Peace-Keeping Force (IPKF) to 'enforce' the peace even before the Accord was signed. This was Pax India-na at its most blatant. As often happens in a Client Patron relationship, the Tamil Tigers refused to fall into line with their Indian masters and the IPKF started to sustain heavy casualties from their former allies. The Indian Army blamed RAW for not providing accurate information about the former RAW proteges. The IPKF inadequacy in dealing with the LTTE became a debacle that forced the Indians to withdraw from Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan paradise that once was had now became Hell on Earth, the fighting between the now 3-4 division strength Sri Lanka Armed Forces (over 100,000 men under arms) and the Tamil Tigers goes bloodily on without quarter given or taken. As a revenge for having caused innumerable casualties and horrific damage, the Tamil tigers targeted the man who had mandated the IPKF to establish Pax-India-na in Sri Lanka, Rajiv Gandhi. In a classic Tamil Tiger operation, RAW trained operative assassinated Rajiv Gandhi, the blood cycle had come a complete circle. This is second time around that it had happened in the same family, the first being the gunning down of Rajiv's mother by Sikh Bodyguards in the wake of the storming of the Golden Temple at Amritsar and the killing of Bhindranewala and his close associates. Bhindranewala shot into fame from obscurity as a protege of late Sanjay Gandhi, Indira Gandhi's younger son, who mandated RAW to support his feud. As a sequel to Rajiv's assassination India closed down all camps and suspended the free movement of Tamils (now mostly supporter of LTTE) with India, one may well ask, if this is not an instance of an open display of export of State terrorism, what is? Unfortunately for India, the Tamils have plenty of sympathisers in Tamil Nadu and the problems persist, having come home to roost.

The Indian Ocean farce where 200 Tamil mercenaries from the Ealam Peoples Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF - another creation of RAW) were employed to stage a coup against Maldives President Mamoon Abdul Gayoom is a case in point. President Gayoom was prompted to ask for Indian help for rescuing his government. Anybody with scant knowledge of aircraft, ships and logistics would have worked out that the Indian forces were dispatched to the rescue much before the coup was even attempted. A grateful Gayoom has given Indian forces a major foothold deep in the Indian Ocean, a solid landbased aircraft carrier for dominating the oceanic area figuring in the designs of India hegemony.

Pakistan figures promptly as a major RAW target, with special emphasis on the separatist Sindhu Desh movement. A wing of the Indian Special Services Bureau (SSB) has established terrorist camps across the border from Sindh in Rajasthan in eight major locations, Ganganagar, Jaipur, Udhampur, Kishangarh, Bikaner, Barmer, Jaiselmer and Gandhinagar. Services of Hindus who had migrated to India during 1971 and whose relatives are still living in Sindh are coordinated through a RAW cell located at Jaipur called the Sindhu Desh Department. With the exit of the active elements of the Al-Zulfikar Organisation (AZO) from Afghanistan and Libya, AZO has been taken over lock, stock and barrel by RAW. The same style of paid gunmen and bomb explosions as was witnessed in Sri Lanka has been duplicated in Sindh. The cooperation between the KGB, Khad and RAW to destabilize Pakistan, particularly Sindh during the decade-old Afghan war, is well documented and known to western intelligence agencies.

RAW emerges as the only presently functioning instrument of widescale application of State terrorism. This is no rogue operation planned by some idealistic nuts running wild, this is a deliberate implementation of the policy of the Indian Government to annex and occupy neighbouring countries or to browbeat them into accepting Indian hegemony. That RAW takes the initiative to sow anarchy and disorder puts it in a murderous class of its own.

Pakistan's main claim to fame with respect to being judged guilty of State terrorism is Kashmir, there is widescale speculation that the US may declare Pakistan a terrorist State because of supposedly ISI-organised camps organise guerrillas to cross into Indian occupied Kashmir. The ISI learnt most of its expertise from close collaboration with the CIA during the 80s decade Afghan war when Afghan Mujahideen were trained in guerilla warfare in camps in the border region to liberate Afghanistan from Soviet yoke. Given the fact of Kashmir's disputed status and Pakistani emotions, the ISI could well be using that knowledge for operations in Kashmir but the insurrection within Kashmir is mostly indigenous, the people's will being spontaneous does not need orchestration. The ISI and other Pakistani covert agencies are also accused of providing help to Sikh militants demanding a separate homeland. Most of the Sikh militants are ex-Indian Army personnel who mutinied after the Golden Temple was desecrated. Support to them by Pakistan may be more moral than material in the circumstances. Kashmir is another matter, it is freedom struggle and the ISI need not organise camps since Kashmiris on both sides of the border are committed to freedom from Indian tutelage and thus would be crossing the border without official sanction. Even if the sanction is denied, the borders will remain porous, in the circumstances imposing a clamp down would be next to impossible.


Many people wrongly believe that RAW is used by India only for the purposes of the State's external policies. RAW has another more vicious role, to support the security forces within India to cow down its own population.

Many people in the outside world are not aware of the Hindu class system, almost 53% of the population are of the lowest class, the Untouchables. With about 17% Muslims and 3-4% Christians of various denomination, only about 25-27% of the population is really enfranchised. Most of the government jobs go to this minority with a sprinkling drawn from the majority for purposes of window dressing. The only government employment really open to the majority population are the menial jobs, even in the Armed Forces Untouchables, Muslims and Christians are few and far between. Control of the government at all levels and of the Armed Forces thus gives the Hindu minority upper class dictatorial authority over the rest of the population. When VP Singh was PM he tried to overcome this inequity by enforcing a Quota system, riots broke out all over the country, mostly fanned by the civil administration. In Delhi most of the protestors were government servants, this was repeated during the Babri Masjid riots in December showing BJP's hold. To sustain their rule, the ruling classes use RAW as a weapon to stamp down dissent, spread disinformation, political character assassination, hit squads to commit murder, etc. The amazing thing is that they got away with it despite the fact that the maximum amount of movements for independence are raging within India.

To start with is the grey area of Kashmir which is legally not a part of India but is under Indian subjugation. To fight the freedom movement, the Indians have adopted a three track policy. First they have shored up the present Indian administration, particularly the law enforcement agencies to maintain civil order. Since the local police forces have been hopelessly compromised, the Indians moved in large number of units from the Border Security Forces (BSF) and the Central Reserve Police (CRP). To augment their strength at key points, at least 2 more complete mountain divisions have been moved in, one from Eastern Command and the other from Southern Command. Both these formations were part of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) in Sri Lanka. In addition, Brigade sized independent formations as well as special commando units have been posted to Kashmir. While the BSF and CRP were known for their penchant to resort to atrocities against non-combatants particularly old men, women and children, the commando units were trained by Israelis to combat the urban guerillas on the counter-Intifida pattern. Most infamous among these special units are the so-called Black Cats (they wear black uniform). The prime modus operandi is to surround a locality and line up all the men held in that swoop. Hooded men, who are obviously either informants or guerillas who have been tortured and thus forced to cooperate, are then brought to identify possible dissidents. Some of those that are held simply disappear, in most cases their bodies turn up after a few days. There is no sanctuary, churches and/or mosques are entered at will, in many cases there has been gun-battles on the premises. A form of ethnic cleansing is in process in Kashmir, the country is being rid of Muslim Kashmiris. There have been as many as 40,000 documented deaths in the last 2/3 years, over double that have crossed over the LoC to become a fresh wave of refugees in Azad Kashmir.

Almost a similar modus operandi is followed in Khalistan (Indian Punjab). Operation Blue Star in 1984 aimed at getting the Sikh militants out of the Golden Temple at Amritsar. The Sikh leader Bhindranewala was a RAW creation, a discovery of the late Sanjay Gandhi who thought he could be built-up as antidote to the growing Sikh freedom movement. Unfortunately for India, while before Bhindranewala the Sikhs were for greater autonomy within India, after Blue Star the great majority now want an independent Khalistan. Like in Kashmir, the province is in a state of virtual internal siege and the guerilla attacks are matched by the State's law enforcement agencies in the context of terrorism. Like in Kashmir, draconian laws ensure that fundamental rights remain suspended.

Over the broad mass of Central India, extending to the South is the shadowy Naxalite movement. Originating in a village called Naxalbari in West Bengal in the late 60s, this is essentially a revolt of the downtrodden class against the injustice of the rich and ruling, particularly the landlord class and government functionaries. At the beginning the movement was not really terrorist-oriented but the reaction of the civil administration forced them to respond with vengeance, now it is all out war with the Naxalites beheading their targeted enemies. Naturally the Indian Government's response, both Federal and State, has been to fight fire with fire with only lip-service given to civil liberties.

In the South is the land of the Tamils. In the 60s and 70s there was a budding secessionist movement, however with Indian moves on Sri Lanka in support of the minority Tamils against the majority Sinhalese, this movement was stymied. During the 80s, RAW created many camps in Tamil Nadu for the Tamil guerilla movements. Most of the supplies to Tamil areas were ferried across the straits to Jaffna and other areas by RAW operatives. A time came when the Sri Lankan Tamils had virtually free run of the place. However, with the advent of the IPKF into Sri Lanka, the major Tamil group, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE), led by Prabhaharan, revolted against Indian tutelage. RAW's proteges now became India's implacable enemies, the most bloody action was Rajiv Gandhi's assassination in typical LTTE style with the help of a girl from the LTTE suicide squad, she blew herself up along with the former PM of India. The Indian reaction against the Sri Lankan Tamils in India has been predictable and has created a backlash among the South Indian Tamil population.

Most of India's budding secessionist movements are too small to be well documented but the Indian response has been bloody and brutal. Some of the movements that are of significance are:-

a. Gorkhaland

The areas around Darjeeling, just south of Nepal, is inhabited by a large number of Gorkhas who are fighting for their own homeland. There is an uneasy peace at the moment because the Indians have promised autonomy.

b. Bodoland

Just west of Darjeeling lies Meghalaya where Bodo tribals are fighting for their independence. This freedom struggle started with bows and arrows, it is now a full fledged guerilla movement.


United Liberation Front of Assam envisages an independent Assam as the local inhabitants feel they have been colonized by the Indians. As usual, the Indians have met terror with terror, razing entire villages to the ground.

d. Nagaland

The Nagas have been fighting for their independence since almost 1947. The British had promised them an independent homeland for their active support against the Japanese in World War 2. After the emergence of Bangladesh, the mainly Christian Nagas lost their main supply base for some time and they came to terms with the Federal authorities. However the promises made by the Indians were never fulfilled and as Bangladesh fell out with India, the Naga logistics improved and the guerilla movement goes on in full swing.

e. Mizoram

Like the Nagas, the Mizos are mainly Christians and their guerilla movement has followed the same route. Laldenga, their leader, had to come to terms after the emergence of Bangladesh. He was brought to Delhi for peace negotiations and then incarcerated when the talks failed in utter violation of the immunity given to him. Today the movement for an independent Mizoram goes on.

f. Manipuris

One of the greatest shocks of 'democratic' India that awaited tea planters of West Pakistani origin who moved into India while escaping from East Pakistan in 1971 (and were incarcerated in Indian Jails) was to find Manipuri children in many jails of Tripura State, particularly Agartala Jail. Under the Maintenance of India Security Act (MISA), a large number of Manipuri children of Manipuri influentials were kept as hostages for their good behaviour. For a time after Bangladesh became a separate country, there was relative peace in Manipur as the guerilla movement lost its supply sanctuaries. It is now a war-torn country with Indian forces being attacked by Manipur guerillas in areas stretching from Manipur south to the Burmese border.


In the face of overwhelming evidence of Indian sponsored State terrorism directed against (1) its neighbours and (2) its own population for years, the USA is not likely to discriminate against Pakistan on the basis of the evidence at hand and the nature of the international dispute with respect to Kashmir, though restraint may well have been advised by the US through diplomatic channels. One may well ask, what is any Pakistani government to do, turn the other cheek and act deaf, dumb and blind while Kashmiris are increasingly subject to atrocities? In Kashmir today, if death, **** and torture has become endemic, it is mostly at the initiative of Indian forces. To be fair while one may accept that we may have cast a stone or two, in the face of the Indian barrage of terrorism against all its neighbours, one will expect that justice will not be denied. If the world community has any even-handed non-discriminatory yardstick for labelling any nation a terrorist State, India outstrips everyone else by a mile!
Individual Nations should not wait for UN. They should officially declare Hind a "Terrorist State" by Parliament Resolution or other means. Countries such as China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Bangladesh, other OIC countries should declare Hind a terror state. In fact, already Chinese troops are preparing to engage Hind "soldiers" in himalyas, China soon will also fighting the war on terror.

A leading US newspaper the “Los Angeles Times” (LAT) in a report titled “India’s Hands Aren’t Clean” in January this year, is of the opinion that India is indeed a terrorist state.

The US State Department describes the first tenet of its counter-terrorism policy this way: “Make no concession to terrorists and strike no deals”. So why didn’t the State Department complain when the Indian government struck a deal with the hijackers of Indian Airlines Flight 814 and agreed to release three prisoners in exchange for 155 hostages, says the LAT.

If you believe the reports, three dangerous terrorists walked free in exchange for the hostages. But these freed “terrorists” were never even charged, despite years in detention. Yet State Department officials did not point out that the release might encourage more terrorism. Nor did they call for hunting the three down, though they did call for the hijackers to be brought to justice. In fact, they said nothing at all about the prisoner release. This doesn’t begin to make sense until you release what was left unsaid and why, according to the Los Angeles Times.

It is this: The three men were not terrorists. Not only were they never tried or convicted of any act of terrorism, but they never even were charged. All three were arrested in 1994 or earlier. So the Indian government had enough time to file charges, if it wanted to.

“Their long detention was in stark violation of international law, which prohibits arbitrary arrest, requires charges to be filed ‘promptly’ and requires trial or release within a ‘reasonable time’” said the Los Angeles Times. Recognising this, the British Foreign Office announced that the one Briton among the three, 26-year-old Ahmad Omar Sayed Sheikh, is free to return to Britain, like any other British citizen who faces no criminal charges. If Sheikh does return to Britain, Indian officials could not seek his extradition without bringing formal charges.

If they did, Sheikh’s family, who have always protested his innocence, could contest the extradition on the grounds that charges not filed during the six years he was in custody but suddenly filed after he escaped are in all likelihood suspicious. The whole thing could blow up in India’s face, the report says, and Sheikh’s case could become a public reminder to the West, of India’s regular violations of international law in its treatment of those it arrests, particularly supporters of Kashmiri independence.

“Those simply detained indefinitely are the lucky ones. Many are killed as soon as they are arrested, while others die in custody”, the LAT says. “The government can pin wild charges on them because it never has to actually file the charges or try to prove them in court”, it adds.

For example, it says, Mushtaq Zargar, another of the three released, was arrested in 1992 and accused of being the ‘Chief Commander’ of a ‘terrorist group’ called the Umar Mujahideen. The same year, police arrested another man, Mohammed Zargar, and accused him of being the ‘deputy chief’ of the same Umar Mujahideen.

The day after confirming his arrest to the press, Indian officials announced Mohammad Zargar had been killed in an encounter “soon after his arrest”. It was an official admission of custodial assassination and was reported in the Indian press and picked up by Amnesty International.

Mushtaq Zargar merely languished in detention for eight years, until his release after hijacking. “Since neither he nor his dead ‘deputy’ was charged or tried, we don’t know if they really were terrorists or just Kashmiris whom the Indian government wanted to put away”, the Los Angeles Times says.

Another man, Sajjad Afghani, also imprisoned without charge for several years, was killed last June (1999) “while trying to escape” from a high-security prison. His death may have motivated this hijacking, according to sources in the Indian press. The hijackers demanded Afghani’s body and also the release of his colleague, Maulana Masood Azhar, whom they may have feared would be the next person to die “while trying to escape”.

All this, according to LAT, raises troubling questions, such as: when a state shoots people or locks them up indefinitely without due process, how is that state distinguishable from a terrorist organisation? Or when a state indiscriminately wields deadly violence against guilty and innocent alike, would it not generate such hatred against itself as to provoke desperate, irrational and dangerous responses? Like, say, hijacking a plane?

“So, if we want to prevent international terrorism, shouldn’t we be trying to prevent violations of international law by the Indian government as energetically as we try to chase down hijackers”, asks the Los Angeles Times forcefully.

Such inconvenient questions might stand in the way of the US State Department officials stated goal of “working with India” to “combat international terrorism”. And so they keep quiet, the LAT added with irritation. Inspite of India’s “democratic” credentials the world is increasingly taking note of her harsh and brutal behaviour particularly towards her religious minorities and the people of Kashmir. The official acts of suppression of the minorities in India has now reached such alarming proportions that a representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury found it necessary to publicly castigate India.

The Special Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury Church in England, Rev. Canon Patrick P. Augustine slammed India for oppression of minorities and urged the world to put pressure on Indian rulers for solution of Kashmir dispute. Addressing a news conference at Islamabad during January this year Rev. Augustine, who is Rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, said that Muslims and Christians minorities in India are not safe and being subjected to killing, torture and ****.

Talking about the situation in Indian occupied Kashmir, he said, that ordinary citizens are made to suffer and women raped. He said Indian occupation forces are targeting the young, torturing and killing them. Families and individuals are being forced to leave their houses and take shelter in refugee camps.

Recalling his visit to refugee camps in Azad Kashmir a week earlier, Rev. Augustine said he found that educated personalities and businessmen from the Indian held Kashmir were forced to migrate to Azad Kashmir and live in refugee camps. He lashed out at the world community for what he called “becoming silent spectators on the miseries of the Kashmiris.”

He said the long-standing issues like the apartheid rule in South Africa, and the complicated issues like East Timore, Kosovo, Bosnian and the conflict between Huto and Tutsi in Riwanda was settled while the Kashmir issue has been unresolved for 52 years. He said 700,000 Indian troops have been deployed in held Kashmir to crush the innocent people. He urged the Indian rulers to honour the commitments made with the Kashmiris by Jawahirlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, to withdraw occupation forces from Kashmir and allow the Kashmiris to decide their future.

Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Church of England, said the so-called largest democracy of the world is making mockery of democratic values, and asked the Christians and Muslims in India to jointly resist the brutal policies of Indian rulers.

Rev. Augustine said that India claims to be the society of multi-religions, ethnicity and cultures but the situation on ground is totally different. He recalled how last year an Australian missionary and his two sons were killed and said the Australian national had been serving the Indian ailing community for 26 years.

He said workers of Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee’s BJP were involved in the killing. He also referred to the incidents of **** of nuns and attacks on churches. He said Indian government had not openly condemned these incidents, as its own members were involved in the attacks.

Rev. Augustine condemned India for not allowing human rights groups to visit Indian occupied Kashmir to witness the Indian forces brutalities in the valley. India should open its border and let the world know the realities in Kashmir, he insisted.

Aside from the Muslims and now Christians, India also persecutes and oppresses its lower-caste Hindus. It is a form of grave human rights violations sanctioned by their religion. These outcasts of society are also referred to as ‘untouchables’, because to touch them is to become impure and fall from grace in Hindu society and in front of the Hindu gods. These untouchables are denied the basic dignity of a human being and physically abused and economically deprived. Recent press reports have indicated that in many areas of India these lower-caste Hindus are trying to convert to Islam for a fair deal.

Terror implies extreme fear, terrifying person or thing and terrorism is the practice of using violent and intimidating methods, especially to secure political ends. India has created extreme fear in her minorities. Muslims were the traditional targets and now the Christians have been added. There is now growing international concern at the number of churches destroyed and the humiliation of Christian priests and nuns. The persecution of the lower-caste Hindus, sanctioned by their religion is a constant and age-old phenomenon.

The harsh and coercive methods employed in India’s eastern states and the northern state of Jammu and Kashmir have the sanction of laws passed only for these areas. These draconian laws are in contravention of all Canons of Justice and human rights and are in complete violation of International law. These must be condemned by the international community and India be asked to allow international agencies access to these areas so that the ground realities can be checked and reported.

India is also exporting terrorism to her small neighbour, Sri Lanka, where the Tamil Tigers are using guns against the duly constituted government. A few months back the President of Sri Lanka was attacked and wounded by the Tamil Tigers. The Tamils are a minority in Sri Lanka and are helped and supported by the Tamils in South India, where they are reported to be having their training camps and are supplied with guns and cash. As the guns and trained cadres cross over to Sri Lanka from India inspite of a strong presence of the India Navy it is evident that these terrorist operations have the support of India and are instigated by them. Recently two Indian boats carrying arms and ammunition from India for the Tamils in Sri Lanka were spotted by the Sri Lankan Navy and fired on. Both exploded and sank.

India has been using terrorism against her own minorities for many years now and also exporting terrorism to her neighbours. These facts are being investigated and commented upon by independent Western Journalists, observers and NGOs working for human rights and other humanitarian concerns. But the Western governments tend to overlook these reports for economic and strategic gains in the region. This surely cannot go on for long, as it amounts to doing business with the devil for immediate profit.

Recently Justice J.S. Verma a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India responsible for exposing the ‘Hawala’ bribery scandal, some years back, has castigated the government of India for state-aided terrorism. As chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission Justice Verma said that terrorism could not be combated by state sponsored terrorism as it would prove counter-productive. He was addressing the participants of a debate on “the concept of human rights in combating terrorism and militancy in New Delhi on Friday March 31, 2000.

Justice Verma said that while performing their duty of defending the unity and integrity of the nation, the security forces were entitled to use force but they should not use more force than necessary to contain the threat that they apprehend to the security of the country. “Always keep in mind that greater the power one has, greater is the self-restraint required”, he said.

Justice Verma went on to say, that experience has shown that any high-handed action by the security forces to contain terrorist activity has only increased the support for the cause espoused by the terrorist. Any person killed in fake encounter shatters the family members of the victim and gives them enough reason to join the terrorists in their activities.

Giving the legal and moral implications of encounter killings Justice Verma said. “Under normal circumstances the role of investigation, prosecution, adjudication and execution never rests with the same agency, which was not the case with fake encounters or torture in custody as all these roles were then usurped by one agency. Methods which were contrary to or forbidden under our own legal system, should not be done in other circumstances”, he advised.

India has got away with state sponsored terrorism for many years now, owing primarily to her size and economic potential which is a perpetual attraction for the trading nations of the West. The United States had delinked India’s human rights violation from trade with that country a few years back. The leading European nations, England, France, Germany and Russia are collaborating in joint ventures with India in defence production and other fields and would therefore not be inclined to rock the boat. The United Nations would therefore be the only organisation which could probably be coaxed to take some action. The UN Secretary General Kofi Anan while addressing the 56th session of the 53 member UN Human Rights Commission in April this year said. “When human rights are being violated the international community has a right and a duty to respond and come to the assistance of the victims”.

Recently the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson, the former president of Ireland visited Chechnya and accused Russia of grave human rights violations. Russia has, therefore, been suspended from membership of the 41-nation Council of Europe. India has so far not allowed any outside humanitarian agencies to visit Indian occupied Kashmir or her eastern provinces to investigate human rights abuses. This should change soon as the world is becoming aware of the two faces of India.

Hijacking: Freed 'terrorists' were never even charged, despite years in detention.

The U.S. State Department describes the first tenet of its counter-terrorism policy this way: "Make no concessions to terrorists and strike no deals."

So why didn't the State Department complain when the Indian government struck a deal with the hijackers of Indian Airlines Flight 814 and agreed to release three prisoners in exchange for 155 hostages?

If you believe the reports, three dangerous terrorists walked free in exchange for the hostages.

Yet State Department officials did not point out that the release may encourage more terrorism. Nor did they call for hunting the three down, though they did call for the hijackers to be brought to justice.

In fact, they said nothing at all about the prisoner release. This doesn't begin to make sense until you realize what was left unsaid and why.

It is this: The three men were not terrorists. Not only were they never tried or convicted of any act of terrorism, but they never even were charged. All three were arrested in 1994 or earlier, so the Indian government had enough time to file charges, if it wanted to.

Their long detention was in stark violation of international law, which prohibits arbitrary arrest, requires charges to be filed "promptly" and requires trial or release within a "reasonable time."

Recognizing this, the British Foreign Office announced that the one Briton among the three, 26-year-old Ahmad Omar Sayed Sheikh, is free to return to Britain, like any other British citizen who faces no criminal charges.

If Sheikh does return to Britain, Indian officials could not seek his extradition without bringing formal charges.

If they did, Sheikh's family, who have always protested his innocence, could contest the extradition on the grounds that charges not filed during the six years he was in custody but suddenly filed after he escaped are in all likelihood specious.

The whole thing could blow up in India's face, and Sheikh's case could become a public reminder to the West of India's regular violations of international law in its treatment of those it arrests, particularly supporters of Kashmiri independence.

Those simply detained indefinitely are the lucky ones. Many are killed as soon as they are arrested, while others die in custody. The government can pin wild charges on them because it never has to actually file the charges or try to prove them in court.

For example, Mushtaq Zargar, another of the three released, was arrested in 1992 and accused of being the "chief commander" of a terrorist group called the Umar Moujahedeen.

The same year, police arrested another man, Mohammad Zargar, and accused him of being the "deputy chief" of the same Umar Moujahedeen.

The day after confirming his arrest to the press, Indian officials announced Mohammad Zargar had been killed in an encounter "soon after his arrest." It was an official admission of custodial assassination and was reported in the Indian press and picked up by Amnesty International.

Mushtaq Zargar merely languished in detention for eight years, until his release after the hijacking.

Since neither he nor his dead "deputy" was charged or tried, we don't know if they really were terrorists or just Kashmiris whom the Indian government wanted to put away.

Another man, Sajjad Afghani, also imprisoned without charge for several years, was killed last June "while trying to escape" from a high-security prison. His death may have motivated this hijacking, according to sources in the Indian press.

The hijackers demanded Afghani's body and also the release of his colleague, Maulana Masood Azhar, whom they may have feared would be the next person to die "while trying to escape."

All this raises troubling questions, such as: When a state shoots people or locks them up indefinitely without due process, how is that state distinguishable from a terrorist organization? Or when a state indiscriminately wields deadly violence against guilty and innocent alike, would it not generate such hatred against itself as to provoke desperate, irrational and dangerous responses? Like, say, hijacking a plane?

So, if we want to prevent international terrorism, shouldn't we be trying to prevent violations of international law by the Indian government as energetically as we try to chase down hijackers?

Such inconvenient questions might stand in the way of the State Department officials' stated goal of "working with India" to "combat international terrorism." And so they keep quiet.

A former Pakistani spymaster says Pakistan’s India focus would not change unless what he called the “root cause” of “Indian state terrorism in Kashmir” was addressed.
“It is for two reasons this kind of terrorism which is going on in Pakistan,” Hamid Gul, former director of Pakistani spy agency ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence), said on CNN ‘Connect the World’ programme when asked why the Pakistani military admittedly remains India-centric.

“One is the Kashmir movement, and the Indian state terrorism in Kashmir, and the second is because of the wrongful occupation of Afghanistan, by the allied forces,” he said.

“It’s very wrongful, no one was ever found to be involved in any act of terrorism outside the boundaries of Afghanistan,” Gul said. “And so I think that proud nation is being really ravaged which is very wrong.”

“So, this is the root cause – unless you address the root cause, you are not going to find the solution, as far as Pakistan’s orientation towards India is concerned that is a reality, and Indians themselves are making it a reality,” he said.

Asked if Islamabad had its priorities straight, Gul said: “No this is amazing that India continues to aim at Pakistan and considers it the enemy – Kashmir dispute is still going on; Kashmir movement is very much on the boil.”

“And at this time it is expected that Pakistan should shift forces from the eastern border and transfer them to the western border – it is not possible, we don’t have the resources.”

Asked if he regrets helping create the Afghan Taliban to fight off Soviet forces back in the 1980s, Gul said: “Not at all – I think the Soviet occupation was wrongful, and so was the American occupation.”

Asserting that “Al Qaeda have nothing to do with the Afghan resistance – I don’t call them Taliban”, he said: “I don’t support any one faction in Afghanistan – I support the Afghan nation – I respect them, I admire them, and I feel that they are some of the best people in the world.”

The Taliban “have made lots of mistakes – but I hope that they have learnt their lesson,” Gul said. “So I think Mullah Omar has to be spoken to – that’s very important – because without him no settlement in Afghanistan can take place. He symbolises the national resistance of Afghanistan against the occupation.”

Criticising the US performance in Afghanistan, Gul continued his tirade against India saying: “They are dependent on a long line of communication, the logistic support is coming through Pakistan, and Pakistan is being destabilised by India – their ally.”

Indian State Terrorism (IST)
Introducing India to Indians
By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Hyderabad, India

How long would India continue its Muslim-hate polices? Why India hates Muslims and Muslims? Why India hates Hyderabad? Why Indian media, both print and electronic, promote anti-Islamism and anti-Hyderabad euphoria? Why India did not include any single Muslim in the Hyderabad team, deliberately? Why the Hyderabad team plays against themselves? The answer is pretty simple. India is a fascist, fanatic state existing only to promote Hindu interests in and around the country.

Today Indian government is a real threat to Indians. India deploys state terrorists in Jammu Kashmir, also employs terror gimmicks to terrorize Muslims and silence the populace against Indian hidden agendas. All political outfit play a joint operations affecting badly the national psyche of Indian nation. The central and state governments of India have become a serious threat to people, not just the Muslims but also the Hindus. When the regime consider it necessary, they hatch hidden terror plans to achieve the both terrorism and cricketism goals.

When the Hyderabad team led by funny guy Gilchrest thrashed all other teams including the regime’s favorite Delhi and Mumbai teams, the strategists hatched a plan to undo that experience this time. They wanted to remove the three factors that they thought caused the Hyderabad victory against all their hidden designs to defeat it even with support of most of the team boys to play against Hyderabad; one, matches in Hyderabad, two, presence of Pakistanis in Hyderabad team, and three, to deny any Muslim a place in Hyderabad team. India successfully executed all these designs
Just for one simple reason of defeating Hyderabad team in small IPL joint cricket exercises, Indian regimes, political parties, nasty media, intelligence outfits and even judiciary are roped in. The regime’s strategists revived the irrelevant Telegana gimmick and escalated the tensions with murders and suicides and nasal involvement, etc, forcing the sponsors to happily shift venue from Hyderabad; the cricket mafia with regime’s support, rejected out-rightly participation of Pakistanis in IPL. No Muslim was included in the Hyderabad team. That is Telungana agitation was fomented until the venue is considered unsafe and shifted to Orissa. However, despite all these strenuous Manmohan regime efforts, Hyderabad team was wining most of the matches in the beginning, clinging 6 points to reach the top level, But there came the mafia pressure on Gilchrest and his boys to underplay. They have done it so far, defeating their own team, but also making more profits. The ill-fated Telegana agitation died down as the IPL began. That is innocent India.

Historically, Congress knows how to use the defenseless Muslims against themselves to advance Hindu interest .MIM jointly plays the Congress game in Hyderabad. After the Telengana agitation, the Manmohan regime with AP government, employed Hindu terrorists to attack a mosque and instigate the communal violence so that the people forget about Telengana and IPL makes its expected range of successes. However, the agenda of anti-Pakistanism and anti-Muslimism remains the key pursuance of Indian regime by using fanatic Hindus on their side. India is a part of GST. Hyderabad has been under virtual siege plus curfews imposed by Indian regime. Fanatic Hindus always want to impose their will on Muslims even in Muslim-dominated areas. The Hindu media outfits make all efforts to tarnish the image of Islam and Muslims. The latest Hyderabad violence, which broke out on 26 March Saturday in Moosabowli area of Hussaini Alam over a dispute on putting up of religious flags, has done its cruel job neatly in the town of Tennis ace Sania Mirza. Miscreants indulged in stone-throwing from dingy lanes and bylanes. The pre-panned trouble broke out in predominantly Muslim area Shahali Banda when a Hindutva terror group tried to attack a mosque ignoring all norms of secular decency which led to clashes and tensions. Police fired rubber bullets, used teargas shells and baton-charged the mob. Clashes were also reported from adjoining localities, shattering the calm. Mischievous AP police said additional forces, including the Rapid Action Force, were being sent to sensitive areas to control the situation. Shops in the markets around the Charminar downed their shutters. Buses stopped plying on the Charminar-Falaknuma road, the busiest road in the old city.

The way all terrorism related cases fakely involving Muslims, Kashmiris or Pakistanis and are pursued b the courts is indeed incredible when many other more serious cases involving Hindu terrorism are left in cold storage for decades in this fanatic secular India Indian judiciary, above all the Supreme Court, behave as an integral part of the ruling regime ad do the thins exactly the way the rulers expect,; they cannot on their own open a case involving Hindu fanatics and terrorists against defenseless Muslims in India on their own, nor can they deliver any judgment without the consent of the ruling outfits. Grand Babri mosque was vandalized, demolished by the Indian Hindu terrorist organizations, the case is still pending without guidance from the regime, controlled by essentially the anti-Islamic intelligence outfits. India government has still to move against perpetrators of murders, arson, and loots during the Mumbai riots even after 20 years. The majority of victims had been Indian Muslims and the perpetrators of the crimes are roaming free, even though formally identified by a government appointed Sri Krishna Commission.

BY Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Hyderabad, India
April 08, 2010

The Republic of India has been accused by Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh of formenting terrorism in their respective territories by using its external-intelligence agency, the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW), or at least having links to certain sources that signify to terrorism. All in all, as many as 40 fighter training camps have been identified in the states of Rajasthan, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and oher parts of India, accused and suspected to be run and activated by the RAW's Special Service Bureau (SSB).

Support for Sri Lankan Rebels
The Research and Analysis Wing was allegedly blamed for aiding the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) in Sri Lanka during the 1970's prior to India U-turn in its foreign policy vis-a-vis LTTE when LTTE's efforts gave impetus to separatist groupa in Southern India. India sent 'peacekeepers' to Sri lanka to fight the LTTE but they were later withdrawn hastily in the face of abject failure. Indian media regularly carried reports chastising the state government of Tamil Nadu as well as the federal government for failing to act against the LTTE which drew support and funds from well connected Indian politicians who harbored sympathies for the Tamil minority of Sri lanka. All this culminated in to the 'Jain Commission'.According to Nytimes from about 1983, the Governments of Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv diverted secret intelligence funds to a program under which Sri Lankan Tamil groups, including the Tigers, were armed and trained at camps in Tamil Nadu and elsewhere in India.Indira Gandhi beside LTTE supported and trained three other organizations EPRLF, EROS and TELO.And also let them used Indian Soil against Sri Lanka.

The intelligence agencies even organised an ambush in Amparai by the Indian-raised Tamil National Army on a Sri Lankan Army brigade commander.All major Tamil guerrilla groups received military training and logistical support from India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). This training took place in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, where ethnic, linguistic, and trade ties exist between the Tamils of India and Sri Lanka.Due to Political pressure from Tamil Nadu's Political parties Indian Naval chief denied giving any support to Sri Lankan Government to fight LTTE. .India Ofically denys it's links with LTTE.LTTE was banned in India after assassination of the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991.

Support for BLA
The Government of Pakistan has also blamed India for its alleged involvement in the Balochistan conflict. India's RAW has been repeatedly accused of clandestinely funding terroist organisations such as the Balochistan Liberation Army in Pakistan's Balochistan state. Pakistan claims to have unravelled many elements that point to India for the cause of the conflict. Sri Lanka has also criticised India for its involvement in that conflict

Indian RAW Spies arrested in Lahore

On January 29 2009, three Indian spies suspected of carrying out terrorist attacks and having links with the Research & Analysis Wing were caught and arrested in the city of Lahore by the city police. The city police, with the help of intelligence agencies, had foiled a "deadly plan" that had included the carrying out of large-scale bloodshed. A police spokesman later stated that remote-control bombs, explosives and sensitive documents had been uncovered in large scales besides huge cache of sophisticated weapons and maps/drawings of sensitive installations from their possession. The Capital City Police Chief, Pervez Rathore, disclosed while addressing at a press conference that the arrested terrorists had confessed their involvement in smuggling across the border from India to Pakistan, as well as confessing that during their visits to India, they had also managed to establish contacts with the RAW. He said that "RAW officials used to help the terrorists in crossing the border from Gate number 139."

According to sources, the police further stated that other than Lahore, plans of carrying out bomb blasts had also been made in other localities including Faisalabad, Mansehra, Muridke and Chichawatni, all of which had been unfoiled.


The Indian government’s propaganda that Maoist resurgence was witnessed in over 160 districts across at least 15 states is an exaggeration. The depiction of Maoist resurgence as an internal threat by the media helps the Indian state keep the failure of the 60-year-old state in addressing the basic needs of millions of its poor under wraps. Basic amenities such as access to drinking water, healthcare, education and sanitation of the lakhs of people, especially tribals and other oppressed classes are never provided.

The spontaneous uprising of the poor tribals in West Bengal was later taken over by the Maoists. People’s Committee against Police Atrocity (PACP), a movement organized by tribal leadership, was behind organizing popular protests in Lalgarh demanding basic rights of the people while resisting the police atrocities on tribals. However, the takeover of people’s resistance by the Maoist leadership offered the state and central governments enough reason to go on the rampage against the people who have always been denied the right to life by the Indian state.

The armed rebellion spearheaded by the Maoists has its roots in the widening rich-poor divide in India. The failure of the Centrist, rightist and leftist parties in grappling with the ground reality of the country is unmasked in the emergence of an armed rebellion across many states in the country. Maoists, apart from taking on the state police and other government-supported armed groups such as Salwa Judum, provide a parallel government which helps the underprivileged masses with livelihood support to a certain extent.

While Maoists don’t have the resources to run a full-fledged government that can guarantee food, shelter, healthcare to the people, they keep up the rhetoric of establishing a people’s government by defeating the government. In the context of a 30-year-old armed rebellion put down in neighbouring Sri Lanka in recent times, there have been saner voices from among the well-wishers of Maoists who appeal to the dogmatic leadership of the Maoists to find a middle path and enter into a dialogue process with the people and with the state.

While the war unleashed by the state and central governments on the poor and the Maoists in the jungles of West Bengal, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh and other states could not be justified by any yardstick, the lack of pragmatist attitude on the part of the Maoist leadership also comes into focus when they made a strategic retreat in parts of West Bengal and Orissa and left the people to fend for themselves. This is nothing but exposing the underprivileged civilians to more of state terror.

When Indian establishment defies reason and deals with Maoists as dealing with terror outfits, the innocent tribals are caught in the crossfire. While the tribals-led PACP in West Bengal adopts a language of democracy and human rights, the distance between Maoists and the people becomes obvious.

While the supportive voice raised by the likes of Arundhati Roy internationalized the Maoist resistance in India, the battles fought in the jungles of West Bengal everyday and the death toll involving innocent lives never see the light of the day. It is high time the Maoist leadership takes into account its strengths and weaknesses before leaving the people it professes to safeguard in the lurch.

The character of Indian state can be changed only by a collective intelligent and non-violent movement which can change the public opinion in favour of the oppressed classes in the country. While state terror cannot be condoned, the armed rebellion’s limitations should be taken into account for the ‘true’ liberation of the masses.

In an extraordinary development, the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the west Indian state of Maharashtra has arrested a retired Indian army major and a serving lieutenant colonel as part of its investigation of September 29 terrorist bombings—bombings the ATS now says were carried out by Hindu supremacists.

Bombs exploded in Malegaon, a city of about one million people in north-west Maharashtra, and in Modasa, a town to the north in the bordering state of Gujarat, within minutes of each other last Sept. 29. The Malegaon bombing killed 5 people, while a 15-year old died as a result of the Modasa bombing. The bombs also injured some one hundred people, many of them seriously.

On October 24, police arrested Pragya Singh Thakur, a 38 year-old former activist of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad—a student group allied with the Hindu supremacist BJP and RSS—and two associates, 36-year old Shivnarayan Gopal Singh Kalsangra and 42-year old Shyam Bhanwarlal Sahu. They have been accused, but not yet charged by the courts, with murder, attempt to murder, and voluntarily causing grievous hurt for their alleged role in the Sept. 29 bombings.

Pragya, who fancies herself a sadhvi or Hindu sage, is said to be the leader of the group.

Five days later the Maharashtra state ATS arrested retired army Major Ramesh Upadhyay and Sameer Kulkarni, a leading member of a small, fanatical Hindutva-ite organization, the Abhinav Bharat. The ATS also had Lt. Colonel Srikant Prasad Purohit brought to Mumbai from his army unit in Madya Pradesh for questioning. Yesterday, the police sought and obtained Defence Ministry permission to lay charges against Purohit.

These developments are all the more remarkable as the immediate response of the police and the corporate media to the Sept. 29 bombings was to blame them on Islamic terrorists--and this even though the bombs’ targets were clearly Muslims. The bombs exploded outside mosques around 9:30 PM on the eve of Eid, the popular celebration marking the end of Ramadan.

The ATS is now describing the bombings as part of a “larger conspiracy,” but has refused to elaborate.

Lt. Colonel Purohit is reputed to be a founding member of the Abhinav Bharat (AB), and retired Major Upadhyay its “working president.” The AB was “revived” in 2006, ostensibly to counter “anti-Hindu” activities. It claims to be the successor organization to a secret group founded by the principal ideologue of Hindutva or Hindu nationalism in pre-independence India, the communalist zealot V.D. Savarkar. M.K. Gandhi, the principal leader of the Indian National Congress, was assassinated in January 1948 by disciples of Savarkar.

According to the police, Lt. Col. Purohit had several meetings with Pragya and her associates. Their connection is said to have been first revealed by SMS messages that Purohit exchanged with one or more members of the bombing conspiracy.

The ATS has also questioned the Commandant (a retired Indian Army Colonel) of the Bhonsle Military School in Maharashtra. The military school has close links with Hindu extremists. It was founded by one of Savarkar’s close associates, B.S. Moonje, who drew inspiration from the military training organized by Italy’s government under the fascist Mussolini. The Hindu-communalist Bajrang Dal (BD), whose activists have been mounting a terror campaign against Christians in Orissa’s Kandamahal district since August, reportedly hold military drill on the school’s grounds free of charge. (See: India: Hindu communalists target Christian minority in Orissa and other states )

The Indian state and Hindu supremacism
This is the first time Indian army personnel have been directly implicated in Hindu extremist bombings.

The military, along with other Indian security forces, has been party to a “dirty” war, involving summary executions and disappearances, against anti-Indian Kashmiri nationalists, and is fiercely hostile to Pakistan. But like other key state institutions, the military has always portrayed itself as a bulwark of India’s secular constitution.

The military high command has publicly dismissed the danger of Hindu extremism within the officer corps, characterizing any army personnel implicated in the Sept. 29 bombing as a few “bad eggs.”

The military’s claims notwithstanding, there is a wealth of information pointing to the Hindu extremist sympathies of Indian state personnel, including sections of the police and judiciary.

How could it be otherwise under conditions where India’s ruling elite has for decades promoted communalism and casteism, making the Hindu supremacist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) its alternate party of government?

The Malegaon-Modasa bombing conspiracy is not the first time Hindu extremists have been implicated in terrorist bombings.

In April 2006, two Bajrang Dal activists in Malegaon were killed when a bomb they were assembling exploded. Police later said that the two had been the key figures in a bombing at a mosque in Parbhani that injured 25, and that in April 2003 their associates had bombed mosques in two other Maharashtran towns, Purna and Jalna.

But the government and corporate media have systematically sought to suppress any discussion of Hindu supremacist terrorism and, without any evidence, rushed to blame virtually ever bombing atrocity (not carried out by secessionist groups) on “Islamic terrorists.”

That Muslim communalists and Islamicists have perpetrated atrocities is incontrovertible. But the failure of Indian authorities to take seriously the phenomenon of “Hindu terrorism” speaks to the bias, complicity, and cowardice of the personnel, or at least significant sections of it, of the Indian state.

Moreover, the corporate media and Congress Party-led government have promoted a reactionary definition of terrorism that abets the Hindu extremist right. Bombings and acts by anti-government insurgents are labeled terrorism, but not the atrocities perpetrated by the Hindu supremacist right. Yet the riots provoked by the 1992 razing of the Babri Masjid mosque in Ayodhya and the BJP state government-incited pogrom in Gujarat in 2002 claimed several times more victims than have all the bombings attributed to Islamic terrorists.

The BJP’s response to Thakur’s arrest
Whilst the exposure of Hindu extremist involvement in terror bombings is only in its initial stages, it has already thrown the BJP and its allies into crisis.

Following Pragya Singh Thakur’s arrest, pictures surfaced in the media that showed her sitting with BJP President Rajnath Singh and the BJP Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh, at a condolence ceremony.

Embarrassed, the BJP, the official opposition in India’s parliament, hastened to distance itself from the saffron-clothed sadhv, insisting that she was no longer involved with the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and had no other connection with the BJP.

Pragya’s father contradicted these statements, telling the press that his daughter has been “very active” in BJP circles and was “mostly in touch [with] the chief ministers and the party heads.” He continued, “In fact, she shared family-like relations with them.”

When the BJP lie was exposed Rajnath Singh made a quick about face, suggesting the ATS is framing Pragya. “If there is evidence,” said the BJP president, “then it should be revealed to the public by the government and investigating agencies so that people can judge whether the God woman is guilty or not.”

Till now the BJP has had nothing but praise for the ATS and the often aggressive tactics that it has used in pursuing alleged Islamic extremists. Police claims against Muslim suspects have been accepted without question and amplified.

On November 4, the Times of India reported that Rajnath Singh had vehemently defended the sadhvi Pragya Thakur. “Whoever is connected with cultural nationalism and Bharatiyata cannot be a terrorist,” Singh told the Times. While he did not accuse the police of a frameup, the BJP leader said the “Hindu terrorism” investigation was a “political conspiracy by the ruling party.”

“Singh,” added the Times, “… parried the question whether [the] BJP will drop its objections if the investigation agencies file charges against Pragya Thakur, terming it “hypothetical.”

The BJP’s ally in Maharashtra, the fascistic Shiv Sena, has gone even further. In the Shiv Sena newspaper, party supremo Bal Thackeray thundered last week, “The entire Hindu community should support the Sadhvi, retired Major Ramesh Upadhyay and Samir Kulkarni who are being framed by the ATS.”

Thackeray’s claim that the three self-proclaimed “defenders of the Hindus” are being framed notwithstanding, the Shiv Sena leader went on to argue that if they did orchestrate the bombings they should be defended because such murderous actions are justified.

Wrote Thackeray: “f the pseudo secularists in the country are supportive of Afzal Guru [who has been sentenced to hang for his alleged role in assisting the 2001 attack on India’s parliament], why should we not love and be proud of Sadhvi Pragya, Ramesh Upadhyay and Samir Kulkarni?”

“Every day Islamic terrorists are planting bombs to kill Hindus in India. The latest blasts in Assam too were engineered by Bangladeshi migrants. If a Sadhvi Pragya or a Ramesh Upadhyay or a Samir Kulkarni is born in the present milieu, they cannot be blamed.”

The Shiv Sena and other Hindu supremacist organizations are providing legal and financial assistance to the accused in the Maelagon bombing. The BJP has, at the very least, defended such “solidarity” action. “We have no objection to the Sena announcing legal aid to the Malegaon blast suspects,” said BJP spokesman Prakash Javadekar. “For that matter, even the RSS has promised help. It is not wrong to use private funds for helping someone. It is everyone’s right.”

In its latest briefing paper, the Asian Center for Human Rights based in New Delhi released September 1, 2009, suspects the role of RAW (Research and Analysis Wing, India) in flaring up violence in Nepal’s Tarai.
RAW is India’s notorious intelligence agency mostly involved in destabilizing neighboring countries more so, Nepal.

To add, RAW works directly under the command of the Prime Minister of India.

The briefing paper entitled, “Madhes: The challenges and opportunities for a stable Nepal”, the ACHR maintains that the media reports that claimed that RAW and other Indian Intelligence agencies of India have had links with the armed Madhesi groups as correct.

“Some news magazine reports suggest that RAW and other Indian agencies had been in close contacts with these groups. This is perhaps correct…”, the report mentions.

More interestingly, the report in an implied manner also holds the Indian government suspect and responsible for aiding the current Madhesh turmoil.

“The Indian State, not necessarily(?) is providing support to these groups”, the report states.

“…but the support to these groups is understood to be coming largely from the local politicians in Bihar and UP, not necessarily the Indian state”.

Importantly, the report further states:

“To be fair, India is in a hot seat. Kathmandu feels that it (read India) backs the Madhesi movement to undermine the Nepali State. Madhesi actors feel that India does not adequately back their movement, and only uses them as a bargaining chip with Kathmandu. But Delhi complicates the situation further by attempting to micro-manage party politics and sending multiple and conflicting messages to different actors. The top policy-makers have the institutional memory to know that encouraging identity chauvinism so close to the border will invite instability, but lower level state officials and non state actors may have a vested interest in fomenting a new conflict.

By Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana

The similarities and differences.

1. In both cases, let me first bow my head before the warriors who sacrificed wittingly or unwittingly for the cause, though their sacrifices were/are cashed by the Indian government sponsored and named militants. The people acted under the garb of different names like parties, committees, associations, organisations, intelligentsia etc of either form submitted to follow the dictates of central agencies especially trained and meant for achieving the desired results.

2. The LTTE Tigers used their own Tamils i.e. the civilians - as human shields in Sri Lanka as breaking news show this is still true, whereas Sikh militants never did so.

3. Indian security forces used civilians, especially villagers as human shields but the Sikh warriors died or escaped unharmed bravely after proving their skill in such encounters which is a matter of record and they (Sikhs militants as warriors) will always be remembered in history.

4. But, the Sikh Vichar Manch could not restrain and appealed, "Please don't inhumanly treat 'LTTE Tigers' in custody as were Sikhs treated and eliminated in India and the maltreatment to Sikhs continues, though tactically. Presently, the civilians and 'LTTE Tigers' including Sri Lanka forces involved are facing very hard situation in the specific field area and they need all humanitarian help. Please all concerned must intervene for help, peace and justice." UN actively provided the same and continuing to do so.

5. The LTTE Tigers were prepared to fight for the liberation of their people in order to control and disintegrate the other country i.e. Sri Lanka, whereas the Sikh struggle planned to weaken the Akalis and degrade Sikhs religiously for the political reasons and also for the illusion of Sikh Sovereignty in connivance with the traitors.

7. The surrender of LTTE Tigers is real, but the Sikh fighters were always first captured then shown surrendering in stage managed dramas.

8. At the end, the LTTE leadership no longer has the option of fleeing to another country whereas the remaining Sikh militants named most-wanted, black listed and Cats made to flee to other countries with an understanding and, they and their associates-supporters were/are being supported and rewarded out of Gurdwara offerings - Khalistan funds by the central agencies.

9. The LTTE Tigers and so named Sikh militants misbehaved with the civilians and both kept the respective population terrorised at the instance of their masters.

10. Both were taught to adopt undemocratic means and kill opponents and innocents whenever instructed or directed to do so.

11. LTTE Tigers are in process to be destroyed by the government of Sri Lanka, making them incapable of revival for the nefarious designs and the future of their survivors is uncertain. But, so named Sikh militants fallen in lap of central agencies and are kept in reserve.

12. Prabhakaran and his comrades were prepared only to continue the war and they never stood for peace. On the other hand, the main functionaries of "Sikh movement of Khalistan" were assigned specific tasks to do, for a specified period then surrender as posing 'Sikh Heroes' now being identified as most-wanted, black listed and Cats within and outside India.

13. LTTE tigers would always be used as the Tamil card in the democratic process in Tamil Nadu. The main functionaries of "Sikh movement of Khalistan" as existing today will never participate in democratic process to harm the main central parties as presently congress as a ruling party is being considered the only genuine national party for them or they would be asked to be away from the democratic process for fear of their exposure. However, they will or some individuals out of them may be kept in the field harming Sikh interests and showing them supporting democratic process if they appear to be an effective alternative to the Akali party and the SGPC.

14. LTTE tigers were trained initially to be sincere and sympathetic with their people i.e. Tamils. The surviving named Sikh militants including most-wanted, black-listed and cats among modern Sikhs "true Sikhs", as they are directly or indirectly dealing with 'Guru's Golak' i.e. 'Guru's Charity Box' and were asked to carry on grinning but must look like militants in behavior and actions especially with the Sikhs as I personally interacted with such militants and experienced.

16. Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal's party, Akali Dal shall never or may occasionally project its fundamentalist and unpatriotic face for political bargaining only. The Chief Minister will only say the "Khalistan" movement was also the creation of the Congress (may not be ready and willing to name and blame Indian central agencies in this case and thus shall always suppress the truth and similar is the case of 'The Great Sikh Hope' men like Dr Manmohan Singh within Sikhs) which had specially invited Ganga Singh Dhillon etc from the US to launch the movement to defame the Akalis and CM shall always stress more on communal harmony in Punjab to influence the voters without naming insiders, so named Sikh militants with the idea, to bring them in main Sikh mainstream. That's why they, (Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal and Dr Manmohan Singh), would always be known as wonderful personalities.

17. The militants, who survived have a shameful future in the eyes of law abiding people and the people who appreciate the democratic process of their respective communities/state. However, the Indian State can misuse them anytime as they will never have independent living and the decision makes power.

18. In both cases, the control was centralized, the LTTE tigers seem to be functioning directly under the centralized command of expert intelligentsia (generalists) whereas the Sikh struggle was centrally supervised to achieve fatal results, functioning under the specialists as modern Sikhs "true Sikhs" as stated, not generalists. They also include some illiterates along with trained imported intellectuals from other states to Punjab in the garb of Sikhi and the administration was/is mainly controlled by all means by Non-Sikhs with a different mask.

19. LTTE Tigers communication network was more effective as they were fighting to disintegrate the other country. But, on the other hand, after the warriors, the dummy protests were allowed by Sikh named militants who participated openly and silently in the genocide of Sikhs in India. Why are they being projected so deceptively and by whom?

20. After LTTE Tigers defeat, the role of surviving LTTE cadre is yet to be seen but the protests by surviving named Sikh militants are not being taken seriously by government for the maltreatment of Sikhs in India. The Indian state has provided the elements a space to function, issue pamphlets, organise seminars etc. In fact, it is generally known that many of these so called panthic organisations are routinely used by the police to issue statements... In many cases, the press hand-outs are prepared by the police and merely distributed to the selected media in their name for glorifying them. They are taught to observe teachings of Sikh religion more in breach than in practice.

21. For many reasons, it is rightly said, "The thieves, bad characters, rascals, rogues, ruffians and gangsters are headmen of communities (Chor Uchakke Te Chaudhary Gunde Ne Pardhan) said by Daler Mehandi, the prominent singer who faced police brutality for refusing to pay a heavy bribe to the police in bargain for not involving him in criminal case(s)".

22. It seems the whole world knew and India realized in particular that it was wrong and deceptive to kill and wipe out Sikhs inhumanly on one side, for the elusion of their Sikh sovereignty, and on the other hand, encouraging and supporting the liberation movements in neighboring countries and within by all means to cause unrest and disturb peace there always as per choice and option. For example, as India acted so far in the case of LTTE tigers in Sri Lanka etc. Was India not exposed and isolated in the world for the reasons of her deceptive and inhuman policies? Now, Indian coastal security agencies are on high alert. What for?

23. Now, the war in Sri Lanka is coming to an end after the hardships the armed forces and the country faced. Double standard politics is at its peak. The LTTE Tiger faced defeat after a 26-year fight for a separate Tamil homeland in Sri Lanka and had only small number of fighters holding out in a strip of land on the northeast coast at the end but Sikhs were and are facing defeat daily in India.

24. Is it a well known fact that at one time Europe in general and Sweden in particular were instrumental in supplying arms to LTTE as India did. It is unknown as to who was supplying arms to Sikh militants.

25. There is no dearth of good people on 'Earth'. But, we expect always more than geology and divinity like scientists and theologians. After the ceasefire, the political situation in Sri Lanka and elsewhere should prove better than India.

BANGALORE AUG. 10. The former Prime Minister, H.D. Deve Gowda, has said that the Gujarat pogrom is an example of "state terrorism" by a "fascist Government" in the State, backed by a similar dispensation at the Centre.

Mr. Gowda expressed this view in his inaugural address at a national symposium on "Gujarat carnage and the media", jointly organised by Karnataka NRI Forum, Bangalore, and Institute of Objective Studies (IOS), Delhi, at a resort near here, today.

He described his visit to the relief camps in Gujarat after the government machinery derailed his planned visit twice. "The third time I went," because whether the Government allowed the visit or not, he felt he had to be there.

Mr. Gowda said what he saw in the camps was so devastating that "it cannot be described". People were deliberately left to starve, bereft of even sanitation and water. They had very little food, and much of it came from NGOs.

"If India, as we know it, is to survive, this fascist Government has to go."

In his remarks, Dilip Padgaonkar, Executive Managing Editor, The Times of India, observed that Gujarat was a turning point that called for a choice between two ideas of India — Gandhi's and Godse's. The choice, to him, was quite obvious — Gandhi's pluralistic India.

Mr. Padgaonkar was on the three-member team of the Editors' Guild that made an on-the-spot assessment of the media's role in the Gujarat carnage. The team's report was the first ever endeavour by the media to assess any communal crisis since Independence.

In his presidential address, the former Chief Justice of India, A.M. Ahmadi, said what India had witnessed in Gujarat was an organised campaign of annihilation, not a mere riot.

Riot planners had noted people's addresses in advance. Muslims living in the mainstream areas met the worst fate. That meant that it was not true that Muslims did not want to join the mainstream. The fact was that there were people who did not want Muslims in the mainstream. He said he knew this by personal experience, as his uncle who was living in a mixed area was lucky to have left two months before the carnage. Nonetheless, the rioters came looking for him "because they had his address".

Justice Ahmadi said he called the then President of India, K.R. Narayanan, at the height of the riots, asking him to intervene. "He did act on it," the former Chief Justice said, regretting that somehow his initiative was derailed.

Ajit Bhattacharjea, Director, Press Institute of India, said the role played by sections of the regional media in Gujarat could not be hidden now. The most surprising fact was that they were supported, even sponsored, by the State Government, he said.

Mr. Bhattacharjea hoped such discussions would help strengthen the secular forces in the country, particularly the media.

In his keynote address, M. Manzoor Alam, Chairman of IOS, observed that, by and large, the national media's role in Gujarat was positive, but that could not be said of much of the vernacular media. There were the Gujarati papers which poured oil on the communal fire.

Eminent media persons from different parts of the country are participating in the symposium spread over four business sessions and attended by about 200 journalists from different States.

The sessions in which the role of the media in the Gujarat carnage will be discussed include "Violence in Gujarat", chaired by Mr. Bhattacharjea, "Violence in Gujarat, and the media", chaired by Mr. Nayar, "Spread of communalism with a reference to Gujarat", chaired by Digant Oza, senior journalist, and "Media coverage of Gujarat violence: realistic or unrealistic", chaired by Mr. Padgaonkar.
Sorry that slot is filled by another nation.(Not by imaginary dr.Abdul ruff colachal,rupee news and some other blogs but by credible international media and world leaders like obama and james cameroon).Anyway this is understandable,when pakistan is considered hub of terrorism,failed state etc by international media,when world leaders speak against terror havens in pakistan,cancer of terrorism from pakistan,some pakistanis have to ease their bruised ego by posting india bashing blog articles.btw this Dr.Abdul ruff colachal who writes occasionally for rupee news is an entirely fictional character, no such person exists in india.
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