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Death toll rises to 37 in India caste rioting



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Nov 1, 2005
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Death toll rises to 37 in India caste rioting

* Authorities invite low caste leaders for talks​

JAIPUR: Authorities invited leaders of one of India’s lowest castes for talks as the death toll rose to 37 Sunday from three days of bloody demonstrations over caste classification. Police repeatedly opened fire on violent protests by the Gujjar community on Friday and Saturday in half a dozen villages and towns in western Rajasthan state.

The Gujjars are seeking to reclassify their caste to a lower level, which would allow them to qualify for government jobs and university places reserved for such groups. The government has refused. Twenty-one people were killed in clashes on Saturday, Rohit Kumar Singh, the state information commissioner, said Sunday. No immediate response came from the Gujjars after the state government’s offer of negotiations, he said.

Police in Sikandra town fired at protesters who torched a police station and two buses Saturday and shot and wounded a policeman, said Amanjit Singh Gill, Rajasthan’s director-general of police. Protesters also burned down a police station in the nearby village of Chandra Guddaji, Gill said. Fifteen demonstrators died Friday when police fired live ammunition and tear gas to halt rioting, said Singh. A police officer was also beaten to death.

At least 70 injured people were hospitalised in Jaipur, the state capital, and the town of Dosa. Demonstrators blocked a major highway linking Jaipur to Agra - site of the world famous Taj Mahal monument - stranding thousands of people. Thousands of army, police and paramilitary forces patrolled villages to control the violence.

Gujjars took to the streets after a government panel set up to look into their demands recommended a US$70 million aid package for their community, but ruled out caste reclassification. Gujjars are considered part of the second-lowest group, known as Other Backward Classes, a step up from the Scheduled Tribes and Castes.

The Hindu caste system was outlawed soon after independence from Britain in 1947, but its influence remains powerful and the government awards aid packages to different groups. Twenty-six people died in Gujjar riots in the same area last year. ap

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Death toll rises to 37 in India caste rioting

* Authorities invite low caste leaders for talks​

JAIPUR: Authorities invited leaders of one of India’s lowest castes for talks as the death toll rose to 37 Sunday from three days of bloody demonstrations over caste classification. Police repeatedly opened fire on violent protests by the Gujjar community on Friday and Saturday in half a dozen villages and towns in western Rajasthan state.

The Gujjars are seeking to reclassify their caste to a lower level, which would allow them to qualify for government jobs and university places reserved for such groups. The government has refused. Twenty-one people were killed in clashes on Saturday, Rohit Kumar Singh, the state information commissioner, said Sunday. No immediate response came from the Gujjars after the state government’s offer of negotiations, he said.

Police in Sikandra town fired at protesters who torched a police station and two buses Saturday and shot and wounded a policeman, said Amanjit Singh Gill, Rajasthan’s director-general of police. Protesters also burned down a police station in the nearby village of Chandra Guddaji, Gill said. Fifteen demonstrators died Friday when police fired live ammunition and tear gas to halt rioting, said Singh. A police officer was also beaten to death.

At least 70 injured people were hospitalised in Jaipur, the state capital, and the town of Dosa. Demonstrators blocked a major highway linking Jaipur to Agra - site of the world famous Taj Mahal monument - stranding thousands of people. Thousands of army, police and paramilitary forces patrolled villages to control the violence.

Gujjars took to the streets after a government panel set up to look into their demands recommended a US$70 million aid package for their community, but ruled out caste reclassification. Gujjars are considered part of the second-lowest group, known as Other Backward Classes, a step up from the Scheduled Tribes and Castes.

The Hindu caste system was outlawed soon after independence from Britain in 1947, but its influence remains powerful and the government awards aid packages to different groups. Twenty-six people died in Gujjar riots in the same area last year. ap

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Apart from the sad loss of human life it amazes me why people like going in reverse gear in India.

Apart from the sad loss of human life it amazes me why people like going in reverse gear in India.


Qudrati realy to be very honest dear while being India i had felt and learnt one thing that the rootcause of almost all the problems of India including the massive poverty is this cast-based system.

Realy i felt the reason i.e (immense population) put forward by almost all the indians for many ills of Indian society is not true rather just an excuse.
Believe me only if the hold of upper cast hindus in India losen up many problems will be solved there.
They are not "Caste Riots". The term "Caste Riot" is used when two castes attack one another.
Qudrati realy to be very honest dear while being India i had felt and learnt one thing that the rootcause of almost all the problems of India including the massive poverty is this cast-based system.

Realy i felt the reason i.e (immense population) put forward by almost all the indians for many ills of Indian society is not true rather just an excuse.
Believe me only if the hold of upper cast hindus in India losen up many problems will be solved there.

I second you on that Jana Ji, I too have visited India many many times and everytime I came to the same conclusion that the country's devide is rooted back to the caste system. Without Central Governments interference, i.e. reservation of jobs and political seats for minorities the country would collapse.
"The Gujjars are seeking to reclassify their caste to a lower level, which would allow them to qualify for government jobs and university places reserved for such groups. "


If Indian democracy, in this aspect, is similar to US "affirmative action", why should people bother to lower their caste, since every caste should have its own presumably fair share?
Why the almighty democracy, for 60 years, can't get rid of evil caste system?

Perhaps the democratic majority believe that caste system possesses celestial virtue which is beyond the comprehension of the earthly moral... Yet lower caste should out-number upper caste.

Democracy means equality in rights, or at least something similar to "men are created equal", doesn't it? - question addressed to meditating-in-cave elites.
Why the almighty democracy, for 60 years, can't get rid of evil caste system?

Perhaps the democratic majority believe that caste system possesses celestial virtue which is beyond the comprehension of the earthly moral... Yet lower caste should out-number upper caste.

Democracy means equality in rights, or at least something similar to "men are created equal", doesn't it? - question addressed to meditating-in-cave elites.

ignorance and prejudice makes a lethal cocktail ..
First you have no idea about the happenings and then you use your prejudice to pass comment ..

Caste system and Untouchablity is different . This social hirarchy and discrimination is also prevelant in China and Pakistan .. while in india it is dealth wth affirmative action , in China and Pakistan it is pushed under the carpet .


Reservations are based on the Past social status and the present economical status of majority in a caste or sub caste hence in a developing society there are many social group who aspire to achieve economiocal growth by asking affirmative action .
ignorance and prejudice makes a lethal cocktail ..
First you have no idea about the happenings and then you use your prejudice to pass comment ..

Caste system and Untouchablity is different . This social hirarchy and discrimination is also prevelant in China and Pakistan .. while in india it is dealth wth affirmative action , in China and Pakistan it is pushed under the carpet .


Reservations are based on the Past social status and the present economical status of majority in a caste or sub caste hence in a developing society there are many social group who aspire to achieve economiocal growth by asking affirmative action .

Chinese caste system? Couldn’t you refrain from entertaining us more? :rofl:

Responding to your funny troll, indeed there were made-in-India and imported-from-India caste system in Tibet right up to 1959, until Communists came to banished it. These ridiculous systems are now all down to the history drainage in China, whereas the most notorious one in India still flourishes.

According to you, democracy is the panacea. Why 60 year democracy in India, your democratic constituents show no interest in abolishing the ugly caste system, whereas Chinese communists trashed that just in years?

A human society is by nature hierarchic. However, a good society allows people to move around among different levels of hierarchy. A bad one stipulates a fixed hierarchy for a person due to a birth out of his own control.

Are you saying you know your caste system better, so let it be there? It surprises no more when I saw articles by some Indian elites arguing that caste system is very scientific and human. Please tell us more the celestial virtue of the caste system.

BTW, I like Bai Yang’s book <The Ugly Chinese>, it summarized the bad points of Chinese culture. Only recognizing and tackling its weak points, can a nation move forward to achieve better. Whereas, Gordon Chang who predicted China’s doom day decades ago and is probably worshiped by you as a hero, will never stop disappointing you in a professional way.
in the indian caste system, peoples are classified in being higher or lower by their religion and this is the documented and known belief by the majority of those people. chmmars have had it drummed into them that they are lower than gujjars who are lower than vashiyas etc and those people feel higher.
in pakistan or china there will be prejudice but not a human higheracical system based soley on birth. this is hinduisms gift to humanity.
ignorance and prejudice makes a lethal cocktail ..
First you have no idea about the happenings and then you use your prejudice to pass comment ..

Caste system and Untouchablity is different . This social hirarchy and discrimination is also prevelant in China and Pakistan .. while in india it is dealth wth affirmative action , in China and Pakistan it is pushed under the carpet .


Reservations are based on the Past social status and the present economical status of majority in a caste or sub caste hence in a developing society there are many social group who aspire to achieve economiocal growth by asking affirmative action .

:) :) :) logic its realy shamful to justify ugly cast system in Hinduism by saying look China has some sort of the same problem.
Caste system and Untouchablity is different . This social hirarchy and discrimination is also prevelant in China and Pakistan .. while in india it is dealth wth affirmative action , in China and Pakistan it is pushed under the carpet .

Logic note for heaven sake when the elite brahmans will learn to accept that cast system is there only in Hinduism.

There is big difference between social discrimination and something Hindu Cast system which is protected by the Hindu religion or faith.

there is no such thing in China or Pakistan.

Had you seen if anyone was stopped from worship at a certain worship place in China or Pakistan due to his cast ??
Logic note for heaven sake when the elite brahmans will learn to accept that cast system is there only in Hinduism.

There is big difference between social discrimination and something Hindu Cast system which is protected by the Hindu religion or faith.

Discrimination based on Caste (India) , Race(West) , religion (Pakistan) or Political belief (China) is same ..
In all the cases its humanity which suffers .. but before pointing fingers at others its very important to look inside .. we all shall fight to overcome these narrow-mindedness.

Caste system is a Social problem and not a religious Problem . ( you are ignorant about Hinduism )

there is no such thing in China or Pakistan.

Heard of discrimination based on religion (blasphemy Law) or prosecution based on political belief ?
in the indian caste system, peoples are classified in being higher or lower by their religion and this is the documented and known belief by the majority of those people. chmmars have had it drummed into them that they are lower than gujjars who are lower than vashiyas etc and those people feel higher.
in pakistan or china there will be prejudice but not a human higheracical system based soley on birth. this is hinduisms gift to humanity.

Caste system is a horror.

Indeed, the Hindus have this despicable system, but on the other hand, they are at least open about it and they are attempting to wipe it out with a whole lot laws and social programmes.

But then some people try to cloak the same systemic hierarchy.

Here is a commentary:

While on chauvinistic communities, how can one avoid the public gang- rape of an 18-year-old girl in Pakistan? The New York Times
wrote, "three higher-caste tribesmen sodomised her 11-year-old brother, then tried to cover up what they had done... a tribal council in the village of Meerwala ordered the rape of Mukhtaran Bibi of the low-caste Gujar tribe as punishment for allegations that her younger brother, Abdul Shaqoor, 11, had 'illicit relations' with a 30-year-old woman of the higher caste Mastoi tribe."

"Caste"?? Thrice...? Don't tell me that the vile traditions of Evil Hinduism still exert so much influence on Pakis! According to the last published head-count, in 1991, Pakistan had 1.6&#37; Hindus, while the statistics for 1941 and 1948 are 25% and 17%, respectively. It won't take a genius to surmise that in the last decade, the numbers must have dwindled further. So what's with the "Hindu concept" of caste in that Islamic nation??

I'll tell you what: the caste system never was restricted to Hinduism. Where there is Man, there are social divisions -- some institutionalised, some not, some seething under the surface, some not, but all enforced in actual social interaction. That's why you have the Boston Brahmins in the US, the Zaibutsu in Japan, Parisian aristocracy, the Communist Party of China, and what have you. There's no truer book written than Animal Farm.

Today, Christian and Muslim groups in India -- with the backing of the "secular" leadership -- demand reservations for the "Dalits" of
those communities on the basis of Hindu caste. Dr Ejaz Ali, national convener of the All-India Backward Muslim Morcha, said in June 20's
issue of Outlook that Dalits "converted to Islam en masse to escape from caste oppression under the Brahminical order. They were visibly
impressed by the simplicity and brotherhood of the early Muslims, especially the Sufis. They saw them eating together from the same vessel, praying together shoulder-to-shoulder in the same mosque... All this visibly impressed them and they converted in large numbers to Islam in search of equality and self-respect... The other Muslims in India are descendants either of Muslims who came to the country over the centuries from Iran, Central Arabia or Iraq, or of local converts from 'high' caste Hindu families... They form only a small minority of the Indian Muslim community."

So what went wrong in this Utopian scenario that had so "visibly" impressed the downtrodden amongst Hindus...? Why and when did Muslim
turn against "lower caste" Muslim? I'll tell you why: it's a fat load of @#%$ and bull -- there never was any such equality to begin with, and there never will be. In ancient India, the weaker amongst the Hindu populace converted to Islam, not to escape Brahminical oppression, but to avoid the three Ts enforced by Muslim invaders -- torture, taxation and tyranny. In fact, those who chose to remain Hindu tightened the till-then-fluid Varna into an ultra-rigid system, the likes of which hadn't existed before the advent of Islamic invaders: Maharshi Valmiki was a fisherman, as was Maharshi Ved Vyas; Chandragupta Maurya was from the Muria tribe, which used to collect peacock (mor) feathers; Samrat Ashok was the son of a daasi, and so on. This strength of purpose -- ie, halting the depletion of Hindu numbers and the dilution of Hinduism, by any means fair or foul -- made Hindus
survive the waves of foreign attacks and foreign rule. The wall that Hindu society built around itself in that era cannot be breached by offensive attacks from the outside -- as even Bengal's pinkos, of the Durga Puja U-turn fame, finally discovered, hehehehe... That wall can be brought down only from within.
Islam is divided into, if not more, then as many sects as is Hinduism. Schisms, focusing first on disagreements over who should lead the new faith, and later, on matters of doctrine, began developing immediately after Muhammad's death in the year 632: Islam splintered into the Sunni and Shia sects, which always were at each other's throats; Kharijis, who provided the first major schism within Islam; Alawis, who broke away from the Shiites in the 9th century; Ahmadiyyahs, who believe their founder was a renovator of Islam, a position other Muslims consider to be heretical; the Wahhabis, who flay the rest of the Sunnis; the Ismailis, earlier known as the Hashishi or the Malahida ("impious heretics"); Druzes, whom most Muslims consider blasphemous since they declared that God was manifested in human form as the Egyptian caliph al Hakim Bi-amr Allah 1,000 years ago, and who do not accept new members and often pose as members of the dominant religion where they live; Salafis, Nusayris, Fatimids, Musta'lians, Qarmatians... and so on and so forth -- none of whom will be ready to give their daughters to men of the other sects.

So where does the question of "simplicity and brotherhood" enter the picture??? All these divided folks brought their own intra-religious prejudices and doctrines -- which existed amongst them for centuries before they began travelling eastwards -- into Hindu India! The hypocrisy of it all amazes me! After Osama bin Laden and his buddies forever yoked "terrorist" to "Islam" through their own bloody deeds and by calling upon the Quran to jihad, the Indian Muslim "leadership" and the pinkos rushed to declare that Islam never was and is not a monolithic religion. Fine, agreed! But then,
what's this crap about a monolithic "simplicity and brotherhood" -- one tainted in India by the proximity of the vile Hindus and their evil practices...? What's Hinduism got to do with it??? If some Muslims do not afford other Muslims the self-respect they seek, what's it got to do with us Hindus and our castes?! In fact, unlike Hindus, Muslims are making new societal formations to discriminate against -- in Pakistan, what is "Mohajir" (Muslims who Migrated to Pakistan from Northern Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar ) if not a lower caste...?

No, I am not saying that the Hindu caste system is a beneficial and desirable thing. However, it would be stupid and a denial of history (which, in any case, is exactly what the "eminent" historians want), to not recognise that caste served a purpose at a particular time. Unfortunately, it has far outlived its usefulness and thus must be eradicated forthwith. Nevertheless, these attempts to sully Hinduism on the basis of caste are exceedingly dangerous: It is a loaded gun that will only backfire.

By now you're wondering: but what about the juicy bits, the sodomy and the gang-rape of a male child?
Caste System in ISLAM
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