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Death in the family

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji'oon.

To fight against kidney failure is a life with great struggle.May Allah Almighty grant him Jannat ul firdous and an easy passage in the after life.
Inna lilla hai wa inna ellaihi raji'oon

Sad to hear about the loss Webbie.
'To God we belong and to Him we return' - RIP Uncle ! :pakistan:
"Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.""

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.

I am sorry for your loss and May the Almighty gives you and your Family the strength to deal with this Tragedy.May Allah give him an easy and pleasant journey and shower blessings on his grave.

Sorry for your loss, I lost my maternal uncle the same way. When a person remains ill for such a long time, then all his sins begin to fade away.... I am sure that he would have found his eternal peace and place in heavens.
My sympathies. Hope you and your family stay strong through this.
Inna lilla hai wa inna ellaihi raji'oon
god help him after death and forgive him .
Inna lilahi wa inna elehi rajion-
May Allah have mercy on him and award him Jannah- Ameen-
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