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Dear brothers and Pakistan! You do not a person in combat!

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May 20, 2008
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:china:Dear brothers and Pakistan, I am from China! I am grateful to see you on China's relations! Thank you! ! ! Sorry, my English is not good, I use the translation software exchange with you. I hope you can understand! !

The U.S. invasion of Pakistan » Pakistani brothers, you are not a person in combat!

News: The United States authority of the "National Academy of Sciences reported" (PNAS) recently published a study results: India-Pakistan scenario led to the outbreak of nuclear war to destroy the Earth. Russian experts believe that the report came out no accident, the aim is to create public opinion the U.S. invasion of Pakistan, the eventual adoption of the Afghan war mode to collapse.

Pakistan already on the United States in dealing with hearsay, in September 2006, Musharraf visited the United States, said in an interview: After the September 11 incident, the United States had threatened that if Pakistan is not U.S. cooperation in the war on terror, has been To the U.S. bombing. At that time, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage threatened Pakistan naked "was good preparation for the bombing, back to the Stone Age do a good job of preparing."

So tough, so overbearing, the United States of a local ruffians and hooligans sake of the momentum out clamored out who advanced. 6-a-half years have passed, the United States out of the Afghan Taliban, hanged Saddam, seemingly "hegemony" to play to the extreme. But a careful think, something wrong, and the Taliban in Afghanistan and Iraq, Saddam will not backing a street of small Hunhun, or that patron in the "shock", there is no guarantee that all their own, let alone the protection Xiaodi. The United States out of these small Hunhun also very normal. This is not, when the "shock" the patron of recovery, the United States how he can also eliminate the eyes of the "axis of evil" Iran has.

The authority of the United States so-called "National Academy of Sciences"爆出research results: the outbreak of nuclear war scenario India and Pakistan led to destruction of Earth. By Russian experts view the U.S. invasion of Pakistan is to create public opinion. But according to my point of view, the United States is far from capable of Pakistan hands.

If the United States to invade Pakistan, the pendulum in the United States before the two problems are not insurmountable obstacles to the United States. Iran and Russia is one of the other is China.

The United States is the occupation after the invasion of Iran or Pakistan or Iran and Pakistan before the invasion at the same time? » The first is where the United States and Iran again occupation of the invasion of Pakistan, if so the U.S. occupation of Iran, Pakistan national subjugation and that is just around the corner thing. However, the United States can occupy Iran Mody » Russia and China together in the operation, Iran will undoubtedly become in the United States into the chest of a knife. Once the U.S. invasion of Iran, the Persian Gulf are destined to U.S. hegemony is the tomb, China and Russia will let the United States Quanshenertui to invade Pakistan, it is simply Chirenshuimeng! The second situation, the United States to invade Pakistan. From the military deployment, the United States has been completed on Pakistan and the military containment of Iran. However, the United States or the old straight Woxin, Iran close to Russia, Pakistan close to China. Iran and Pakistan is just Russia and China can not be missing the strategic points. Whether the United States is the first invasion of Iran or the first invasion of Pakistan, the United States will directly encountered Russia or China face confrontation, or the joint Sino-Russian confrontation. Purely military attack on Iran and Pakistan, the United States has sufficient forces to these two countries out of 10 times, but if China and Russia and any country which face confrontation, the United States will not be doomed to be the ultimate winner, perhaps the United States and China and Russia The direct military confrontation will not be a winner. The third situation at the same time the U.S. invasion of Iran and Pakistan. Needless to say, the United States is self rapid demise.

The founding of New China 59, China and the United States dealing directly 2, twice the United States did not achieve any success the first time the Korean War began in the banks of the Yalu River has 38 lines, the United States Kuitui. Second, the Vietnam War, the legend of 17 degrees from the United States had not crossed the line, and ultimately, the United States had to "honourable" withdrawal of all, it is ultimately the United States sent troops to help solve the problem, stop the WTO east.

At present, the great majority of people believe that if the United States will once again dealing of the Taiwan Strait, and from 49, the United States in the Taiwan Strait have been N, Running out of Time, went down, the United States can not allow Taiwan independence, the Chinese use of force to recover Taiwan And can not maximize the benefits. -- And that Taiwan and the mainland separated by a strait, director of the People's Liberation Army is not cross-sea combat. Once, the Sino-US confrontation took place in Pakistan, the United States, still have a chance to Quanshenertui Mody » PLA Army armored current U.S. soldiers will be inundated.

No matter what the United States to report an authoritative department, or political threat to the United States-Pakistan bombing. Practical that the United States to invade Pakistan, the argument really is just a Xiaotan it. This is because our Pakistani brothers, you are not a person in combat.

Dear brothers and Pakistan, thank you for our support! ! !
Didnt quite understand the article, but your sentiment is very much appreciated :)

Long live the Sino Pak Friendship
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