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De facto nuclear Iran - US intel reports: Iran can now build and deliver nukes


Feb 11, 2013
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US intel reports: Iran can now build and deliver nukes
Director of US National Intelligence: Tehran has the means, question is whether it has the political will

Iran has the technological capabilities to produce nuclear weapons should it decide to do so, the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, said in a report to a US Senate intelligence committee on Wednesday.

The report, titled "US Intelligence Worldwide Threat Assessment," discusses how Iran could make and deliver nuclear bombs if it made the political decision to do so.

“Tehran has made technical progress in a number of areas — including uranium enrichment, nuclear reactors, and ballistic missiles — from which it could draw if it decided to build missile-deliverable nuclear weapons,” wrote Clapper. “These technical advancements strengthen our assessment that Iran has the scientific, technical, and industrial capacity to eventually produce nuclear weapons. This makes the central issue its political will to do so.”

The report states that not only has Tehran updated and redesigned its centrifuges, but it has also compiled a large quantity of uranium hexafluoride, a compound used in the process of uranium enrichment, The Times of Israel reported. These new developments give Iran a better opportunity to produce fuel for nuclear weapons.

However, Clapper added that even if it is within Iran's power to product weapons-grade uranium, it would not be able to do so without being detected: “Despite this progress, we assess that Iran would not be able to divert safeguarded material and produce enough WGU [weapons-grade uranium] for a weapon before such activity would be discovered.”

Due to the greater supervision and increased transparency that Iran might agree to under the latest interim deal in Geneva with the six world powers, it would be difficult for the country to hide such activity. The interim deal calls for a complete halt to high-level enrichment and for Iran to "provide transparency."

Austria boosting trade with Iran
Around the same time as Clapper's report was released, the Austrian Foreign Ministry denied Iranian reports claiming the European country was opposed to sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry in Vienna said that "Austria has always supported sanctions and the ambassador represents this position."

Economic relations between the two countries, on the other hand, have traditionally been strong, with Ali Naghi Khamoushi, Iran's former Chamber of Commerce head, stating that "Austria is for us the gateway to the European Union," The Jerusalem Post reported.

According to the Chamber of Commerce, Austrian exports to Iran added up to $298 million in 2012 alone.

In contrast to the statement issued by the Foreign Ministry spokesman on Tuesday, the vice president of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Richard Schenz, told the Kurier newspaper earlier this month that "there is no reason to comply with US laws regarding Iran sanctions." In December, Schenz had visited Iran to advance Austrian-Iranian trade.

@Hazzy997 @SOHEIL @rmi5 @Ceylal @Serpentine @Syrian Lion @Surenas @Abii @mohsen @kollang @JEskandari @SinaG @Ahriman @S00R3NA @Gilamard @MTN1917 @Shah9 @Doritos11 @I-LEK @Islam shall be the winner
@ResurgentIran, like they say my friend, you are a day late and a dollar short..Iran has nukes and first prototypes have been successfully tried about a year ago.
Iran, contrary to the believes is the 3rd country to introduce nukes in the region after Saudi Arabia , who had them over more than a decade.
Kudos to Iran..
Cash starved NOKO and Pakistan can deliver the substance and the design if not the actual payload....
@ResurgentIran, like they say my friend, you are a day late and a dollar short..Iran has nukes and first prototypes have been successfully tried about a year ago.
Iran, contrary to the believes is the 3rd country to introduce nukes in the region after Saudi Arabia , who had them over more than a decade.
Kudos to Iran..

I warmly welcome a nuclear armed Iran.
@ResurgentIran, like they say my friend, you are a day late and a dollar short..Iran has nukes and first prototypes have been successfully tried about a year ago.
Iran, contrary to the believes is the 3rd country to introduce nukes in the region after Saudi Arabia , who had them over more than a decade.
Kudos to Iran..

So Saudi Arabia and Iran have had nukes....what? o_O
Go all the way Iran. :tup:

Alter this hegemony in the region. :guns:

We're not gonna go all the way and assemble nukes. We have achieved what we set out to do, which was nuclear capability. A nuclear deterrence. :D
That is good enough. :)

Also I dont believe in hegemony. Iran's military is not based on offence but a robust defensive deterrence. Iran can not project military power beyond its own borders, and we are not desiring to do so anyway.
Basically our military doctrine is this: If you touch us, we'll **** you up in every way imaginable. So keep clear :)
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A nuclear bomb in the hands of fanatic Mullahs is no joke. Lets hope they don't actually make one. Maybe having nuclear power will be enough to deter power hungry American backed Takfiri Saudi clowns.
A nuclear bomb in the hands of fanatic Mullahs is no joke. Lets hope they don't actually make one. Maybe having nuclear power will be enough to deter power hungry American backed Takfiri Saudi clowns.

Iran will not go all the way and make one. You said it right there. It is about deterrence. The enemies know that we have the nuclear infrastructure (10.000 nuclear scientists, full control of indiginous nuclear fuel cycle with advanced centrifuges etc etc.) and technological know-how to produce a deliverable nuclear weapon.
So we have arleady achieved a strategic nuclear deterrence (based on Japan model) and we see no need to go further. :)
A nuclear bomb in the hands of fanatic Mullahs is no joke. Lets hope they don't actually make one. Maybe having nuclear power will be enough to deter power hungry American backed Takfiri Saudi clowns.

Hungry? Im sure this comment would sound better if it were addressed to another state, which backs these baboons, living under sanctions :lol:
We're not gonna go all the way and assemble nukes. We have achieved what we set out to do, which was nuclear capability. A nuclear deterrence. :D
That is good enough. :)

Also I dont believe in hegemony. Iran's military is not based on offence but a robust defensive deterrence. Iran can not project military power beyond its own borders, and we are not desiring to do so anyway.
Basically our military doctrine is this: If you touch us, we'll **** you up in every way imaginable. So keep clear :)

That's not what I mean...:D , I meant alter the NATO/Israel hegemony in the region. :)
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An RDD looks more possible.
Anyways a nuclear middleast is the last thing the world needs!
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