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Daughter of PTI Government Sitting Minister Wants Trade Sanctions on Pakistan

Shireen Mizari is likely to win vote of confidence from PTi than Imran Niazi.

The whole clan is selected.
That bitch roams around with her hubby khanzeer Pashteen.
brother it is her opinion which is wrong for us but still its her opinion lets not fall ourselves to their level to abuse anyone so lets gracefully ignore it
Are you serious? Do you have any idea of the repercussions of economic sanctions? Who needs enemies when we have friends like these.

Then sir why are you paying taxes to government which is anti Pakistan bully?

What repurcussions? You would rather have Pakistan buckle under European blackmail. GSP+ exports are still miniscule. They are a small portion of the pie. Learn to diversify and expand trade with friendly nations. France and Europe is not friendly towards Pakistan. We have transactional relationship.

If you buckle today you will buckle tomorrow again. Might as well change the course and swallow the bitter pill once for a brighter future. Our relationship with the West is doomed. Whether we like it or not. Afghanistan, nuclear weapons, Chinese cooperation etc. What else are you willing to give up under pressure?

People like you have stagnated Pakistan. In your confined view Europe and USA are god. They are not. Pakistan's future lies with developing economies. Developed economies exploit developing economies.

The Netherlands is not a bully government. The Netherlands is irrelevant. Small fish. France is the bully and the real problem.
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Its a typical phenomena with the elites. Their parents rule the country or are on big positions while their offspring lives abroad, bad mouthing Pakistan and its establishment. They forget they are brought up with money from same Pakistan.
This only shows what a big moron imran khan is.
It's funny her own mother is heading HR ministry.
Iss tweet k baad pakka isko ghar se jutey parey ho gey.
brother it is her opinion which is wrong for us but still its her opinion lets not fall ourselves to their level to abuse anyone so lets gracefully ignore it

Screw her and her opinion. Accusing entire Pakistan with lies to appease her ego. Absolute filth. I am not going to go soft on traitors that do harm to Pakistan. Neither should you. Don't take such accusations lightly.

Just another proof that Imran Khan and his government are a joke. A big ugly joke
Yes Yes PML N and PPP are the ones who should rule. The great MAFIAS dons made Pakistan a super power which was destroyed by Imran Khan. You people actually deserve Altaf Butcher and Uzair Baloch. This nation only proves that they actually deserve to be ruled by those butchers. And Army is wasting its time clearing these areas from these terrorists groups. It's pure waste of time our people want butchers like Rana Sanaullah and Altaf and Zardari as leaders.

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As for this jahil larki. If she doesn't stop her crap then it's time she is dispatched to from where no body returns. No traitor can be tolerated.
shes crazy
why are the 'left leaning' rich and elite among pakistan like this? why do they want the poor to suffer so badly?

such intentions go against progressive thought completely
Mon Ami
The poor people themselves want to suffer do badly.
They are sheep and cattle and in need of herding.
And a sacrifice now and again
Show the EU a big middle finger. Pakistan won't be held hostage.

As for the commie and liberal brigade, hang them.
Yes it's cheaper than a bullet

Just another proof that Imran Khan and his government are a joke. A big ugly joke
Why should Pakistan have preferential access? Who needs enemies when you have snakes like these among your lines

She is an attention seeker, and she is getting what she wants. Maybe her mother didn't love her in her child or teen years, may be this is her way of letting it out. Does any other child of any political party member has such a social media, twitter following? (Well apart from the obvious Bilawal's and the Maryam's). She doesn't have a likeable personality so why has she got above 170k followers, it just because she is stirring a pot. It's like Arif Aajakia, most of Pakistani's don't even know him or follow him, yet he has a reasonable following(obviously our neighbors are interested).

In ki roozi rooti hai, laga rehnay do.
simply take her nationality and be done with her
She is an attention seeker, and she is getting what she wants. Maybe her mother didn't love her in her child or teen years, may be this is her way of letting it out. Does any other child of any political party member has such a social media, twitter following? (Well apart from the obvious Bilawal's and the Maryam's). She doesn't have a likeable personality so why has she got above 170k followers, it just because she is stirring a pot. It's like Arif Aajakia, most of Pakistani's don't even know him or follow him, yet he has a reasonable following(obviously our neighbors are interested).

In ki roozi rooti hai, laga rehnay do.
those are indians liking or following anyone who speaks against pakistan.
She is an attention seeker, and she is getting what she wants. Maybe her mother didn't love her in her child or teen years, may be this is her way of letting it out. Does any other child of any political party member has such a social media, twitter following? (Well apart from the obvious Bilawal's and the Maryam's). She doesn't have a likeable personality so why has she got above 170k followers, it just because she is stirring a pot. It's like Arif Aajakia, most of Pakistani's don't even know him or follow him, yet he has a reasonable following(obviously our neighbors are interested).

In ki roozi rooti hai, laga rehnay do.
So whatever happened to Ban the NGO drive? Did Bollywood Alvi back out of it? The half mind president likes inviting such people to his house
Folks you need to calm down. Even the dad of EU cannot put sanctions on Pakistan. Mark my words. Bookmark or screenshot my response.
Ms Shireen Mazari shouldn't be held responsible for her daughters comments. Recently, the husband of Ms Sitharaman (india's FM) wrote a scathing critique of Modi's vaccine policy.

Having said that, it is shameful for any citizen to support a foreign powers placing strictures upon his/her own country


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