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Daniel Streich Embraces Islam

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May 3, 2009
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Daniel Streich Embraces Islam


The Swiss politician Daniel Streich, who rose to fame as a result of his opposition to mosques in his homeland, has now embraced the faith he reviled.

Daniel Streich was a member of then Swiss People’s Party (SVP) in Switzerland. A well-known politician, Streich led the calls for a ban on minarets across Switzerland. He was active in building anti-Muslim sentiments throughout Switzerland. This sustained campaign led to him being given a high ranking position in the Swiss Army.

Perhaps Allah will put, between you and those to whom you have been enemies among them, affection. And Allah is competent, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Surah Al-Mumtahina [60:7]
SVP Witch Hunt

Streich left the SVP in November 2009 calling his party’s campaign against Islam as a ‘witch hunt.’ The date coincided with the second anniversary of Streich’s conversion which he had kept secret from the party.
With the party’s campaign to ban minarets leading to a referendum, Streich said the situation had become unbearable for him.

Switzerland Minaret Ban and Daniel Streich

In the lead up to the ban Streich said “If the initiative passes, it will be an absolute deep blow for me. I would have to ask myself, why I applied myself professionally and politically for over 30 years for this political system. It is not worthy of Switzerland to force Muslims to practice their faith in back alleys.”

Streich is a military instructor in the Swiss army and was said to be a committed Christian reading the Bible and attending Church regularly.

He was also committed to his party (SVP) and stood as a local politician in the commune of Bulle.

Daniel Streich Conversion to Islam

Streich attempted to understand the Qur’an and Islamic teachings in order to argue against Muslims on tenets of their faith. In the course of his efforts the ex-Christian began to agree with and acknowledge the proclamations of the Qur’an.

“Islam offers me logical answers to important life questions, which, in the end, I never found in Christianity,” says Streich. He is now a committed Muslim, who attends the mosque, recites the Qur’an and prays five times a day.

Post-Conversion Life for Daniel Streich

Streich has now focused his intentions on participating in the building of the new Conservative Democratic Party in the canton of Freiburg. Freich’s new movement is in contrast to his previous one and he aims to promote religious tolerance and peaceful cooperative living, in spite of the fact that ban on mosques minarets has gained a legal status.

He is vehemently opposed to the Minaret ban and is hoping to establish Switzerland’s fifth mosque and the most beautiful in Europe.

Meanwhile the SUV have raised concerns over Streich’s position as Military Commander in the Army in the aftermath of his conversion citing him as a security risk. SVP-National Council member Alfred Heer cited the Fort Hood shooting spree as an example.
Thanks for sharing.

No one forced Daniel Streich to accept Islam. He did it on his own free will.

Now where are those people on the forum that lie when they say that non muslims are forced to embrace Islam.

forget that man he was anti-islam that won him a high post in the army but now hes a security risk!!!
saw the same for Yvonne Ridley someone said now that you have converted to Islam you have no credibiity
why, is it some pathbreaking research in quantum physics?

No but your sources are bs that anyone can alter (wiki) and yahoo answers which is basically just opinions. Secondly it says he left the party after he started the minaret ban push although it went through long after he left. It doesn't change the fact that he started the bid in the first place and turned against it after researching the thing he was supposed to hate.
islam is a direct form of communication with god.the direct reminder to us all that we will die one day and something lies beyond what we see here.god talks to man directly through quran reminds him of his duty here on earth.reminds him of his death.
The rear end of our dear neighbours is once again on fire....

itna mat jala karo aur bhi kalay ho jao gai:woot:
Pakistanis and Bangladeshis take the Message of Idol Worshipers through Bollywood to Mecca and Madina.

Hinduism is the Mirror to Pre-Islamic Past and Muslims are slowly getting there.

Inshallah, It will be achieved!

i have never heard from a dumber guy than you
If you cant get peace in your own religion..you will never get peace by embracing other religion.
They should focus on getting their Chinese friends to convert. The worlds largest population.

Spain was still majority catholic despite parts of it being under Moors for centuries. Its going to be especially hard now due to Europe being highly educated, and with tremendous faith in Science.

All religions are losing people to Athiesm to some degree, more so in Europe.

And you can almost forget Latin America, never have I met such serious Christians.

China, Japan, Korea, are most receptive to Islam.
They should focus on getting their Chinese friends to convert. The worlds largest population.

CCP will whoop their *** but to be fair CCP whoop every religion's *** in China.
They should focus on getting their Chinese friends to convert. The worlds largest population.

Don't even think about it. To hell with creationism.... Anything who believes in Adam eve nonsence and biblical floods have little scientific credability.

CCP will whoop their *** but to be fair CCP whoop every religion's *** in China.

Hell lot better than India where they partioned two nation over arab cults :O ;-)
They should focus on getting their Chinese friends to convert. The worlds largest population.

are you talking about muslims or pakistanis?
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