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Dangers of Feminism


Jan 11, 2011
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Feminsim is on the rise these days. The offical definition of Feminism is equal rights for Men and Women. Unfortunately it has now morphd into men bashing. this has led to many unjust laws like section 498A of IPC where a man is presumed guilty if a woman accused him of dowry harrassment. (Please Note I am not saying that dowry harrassment does not happen but a large number of women file false cases under this section just to get back on the men)

Another common occurence is the rise of false rape cases. (Again I conceed that rape cases do happen but many women also file false cases to harrass men)

But False 498-A and Rape Cases are discussed a lot in the media. One which is not discussed is when a man is a victim of stalking by a woman. When we hear about stalking our first reaction is that a man is stalking a woman. However the feminist oriented law in India does not recognise that the stalker could be a woman and the victim a man

The following is a quote from a very long and disturbing story in Huffpost

The Indian Information Technology (IT) Act does not have adequate remedies for victims in such cases. "Cyberstalking is not an offence under the IT Act," cyber crime expert and lawyer Pavan Duggal said to HuffPost India. Section 67 of the IT Act says a person sending obscene messages electronically could get at most three years in jail and may have to cough up a fine of at most ₹5 lakhs.

Men who stalk women in person or on the internet can be charged under section 354D of the IPC--but the same law does not apply if the victim is a man.

I am not copying the whole report. I am giving the link

The summary is as follows

The CEO of a media company in Mumbai was cyberstalked for 4 months. The stalker was harrassing him as well as a woman colleague. Initially it was thought that the stalker was a Delhi based couple who previously had a tiff with the CEO. However eventually it is found that the actual stalker was the woman colleague herself who was trying to be portrayed as a victim and collateral damage in the stalking of the CEO. She has confessed her role in front of the police but since such a confession is not acceptable in court the investigations are going on. She also tried to unsuccessfully implicate the CEO of a rival company.

The full story is available in the link below


The reason for the thread is to put it out that men are not always the monsters that feminists make them out to be. Sometimes the feminist influence on our laws leave men under lot of stress and it can lead to a man's life and career to be destroyed
Its not the dangers of feminism but of feminazism (a newly coined term).
The demand of equal rights for women is a just demand. Patriarchy should be abandoned.
The reason for the thread is to put it out that men are not always the monsters that feminists make them out to be. Sometimes the feminist influence on our laws leave men under lot of stress and it can lead to a man's life and career to be destroyed

To understand third and fourth wave feminism you have to delve into the origins of the 'Culture of Critique'. This is also known as Cultural Marxism and is at the root of second wave feminism which was the toxic one. This is a sensitive subject and opens many cans of worms. Touchy subject. Is feminism dangerous? It is lethal for any society.
Its not the dangers of feminism but of feminazism (a newly coined term).
The demand of equal rights for women is a just demand. Patriarchy should be abandoned.
Feminazism is a good term. Go through the link. It will detail how men can be victims also
It will detail how men can be victims also
Like i said its the problem of loopholes inside the law, on paper feminism doesn't berate men and it is not synonymous to misandry.
Like i said its the problem of loopholes inside the law, on paper feminism doesn't berate men and it is not synonymous to misandry.
Like I said the feminists , or shall we say Feminazis, are giving bad name to feminism
Like i said its the problem of loopholes inside the law, on paper feminism doesn't berate men and it is not synonymous to misandry.

Second wave feminism does that and does it with absolute mind-boggling cruelty and does it repeatedly. Germaine Greer who wrote 'The Female Eunuch' popularised the notion that men were obsolete and trashed almost every religion on the planet as a patriarchal con-job on women. She also popularised the notion that the nuclear family was oppressive to women and being a wife was akin to sexual slavery. it gets worse, much worse than that. Andrea Dworkin is a a case in point Here are some quotes from well known Feminist thinkers who drove feminism in the 60's and 70's. each one of these women wrote volumes on the subject and are considered to be the founding mothers of second wave feminism or are well known women from the media but are articulating the essence of the feminism that is held as a standard in modern Western political thought. The suffragettes were not feminists in the modern sense of the word and their struggle for recognition as political 'beings' was hijacked by Frankfurt School thinkers who drove the ideology behind the rabid feminism of the 1960's and 1970's.

The interesting thing about the qoutes below is that they span almost the last 4 decades of feminist thought. Even more recent people like Sharon Stone and Jodie Foster hold some despicable views on men.

Second wave feminism does that and does it with absolute mind-boggling cruelty and does it repeatedly. Germaine Greer who wrote 'The Female Eunuch' popularised the notion that men were obsolete and trashed almost every religion on the planet as a patriarchal con-job on women. She also popularised the notion that the nuclear family was oppressive to women and being a wife was akin to sexual slavery. it gets worse, much worse than that. Andrea Dworkin is a a case in point Here are some quotes from well known Feminist thinkers who drove feminism in the 60's and 70's. each one of these women wrote volumes on the subject and are considered to be the founding mothers of second wave feminism or are well known women from the media but are articulating the essence of the feminism that is held as a standard in modern Western political thought. The suffragettes were not feminists in the modern sense of the word and their struggle for recognition as political 'beings' was hijacked by Frankfurt School thinkers who drove the ideology behind the rabid feminism of the 1960's and 1970's.

The interesting thing about the qoutes below is that they span almost the last 4 decades of feminist thought. Even more recent people like Sharon Stone and Jodie Foster hold some despicable views on men.


These 2 quotes sum up what is problem with misuse of feminist oriented laws

"If anyone is prosecuted for filing a false report, then victims of real attacks will be less likely to report them." David Angier

"Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience." Catherine Comins
These 2 quotes sum up what is problem with misuse of feminist oriented laws

"If anyone is prosecuted for filing a false report, then victims of real attacks will be less likely to report them." David Angier

"Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience." Catherine Comins

That is tip of the iceberg. The way the laws are framed in Western countries automatically assume guilt of the male until he is proven innocent. It is the only set of laws where there is no presumption of innocent (effectively). Vast subject and covers many facets of life in the West. Both google and Youtube are a vast resource on many things and feminist political thought is no exception. There are demographers who also have a dog in this fight and that is a subject in itself. A good starting point to understand where modern day feminism comes from is Rosa Luxemburg, who, if memory serves me correctly wrote the first most widely used tract on feminist theory.
Second wave feminism does that and does it with absolute mind-boggling cruelty and does it repeatedly. Germaine Greer who wrote 'The Female Eunuch' popularised the notion that men were obsolete and trashed almost every religion on the planet as a patriarchal con-job on women. She also popularised the notion that the nuclear family was oppressive to women and being a wife was akin to sexual slavery. it gets worse, much worse than that. Andrea Dworkin is a a case in point Here are some quotes from well known Feminist thinkers who drove feminism in the 60's and 70's. each one of these women wrote volumes on the subject and are considered to be the founding mothers of second wave feminism or are well known women from the media but are articulating the essence of the feminism that is held as a standard in modern Western political thought. The suffragettes were not feminists in the modern sense of the word and their struggle for recognition as political 'beings' was hijacked by Frankfurt School thinkers who drove the ideology behind the rabid feminism of the 1960's and 1970's.

The interesting thing about the qoutes below is that they span almost the last 4 decades of feminist thought. Even more recent people like Sharon Stone and Jodie Foster hold some despicable views on men.

After reading the article, I guess that Nazis might object that we shouldn't be compared to them.
After reading the article, I guess that Nazis might object that we shouldn't be compared to them.

Feminism is purely evil. I dont use that word often and there are very few bodies of thought I consider to have been handed down by Satan himself. Feminism is one of those things. On that I have no qualms about stating my opinions on the subject. In fact , there are louder and louder voices coming from within Western civilization that are saying the same thing. Even Germaine Greer who produced an entire body of work on the subject has publicly stated that feminism went too far and became the hatred of men and nothing less than 'Nazism' (which is where the term FemiNazi comes from). For her that was a very sobering retreat from an evil she propagated for most of her life. And guess what? She was attacked by modern day feminists for capitulating.
I am all for equality as there is some double standards in some male dominated societies but at the same time we have some feminists in west who are not working for equal rights but for bashing/hating men
Feminism will die a horrible death when the male female ratio will widen ... and it is widening ... add to this the rise of men (in West) unwilling to get married
Second wave feminism does that and does it with absolute mind-boggling cruelty and does it repeatedly. Germaine Greer who wrote 'The Female Eunuch' popularised the notion that men were obsolete and trashed almost every religion on the planet as a patriarchal con-job on women. She also popularised the notion that the nuclear family was oppressive to women and being a wife was akin to sexual slavery. it gets worse, much worse than that. Andrea Dworkin is a a case in point Here are some quotes from well known Feminist thinkers who drove feminism in the 60's and 70's. each one of these women wrote volumes on the subject and are considered to be the founding mothers of second wave feminism or are well known women from the media but are articulating the essence of the feminism that is held as a standard in modern Western political thought. The suffragettes were not feminists in the modern sense of the word and their struggle for recognition as political 'beings' was hijacked by Frankfurt School thinkers who drove the ideology behind the rabid feminism of the 1960's and 1970's.

The interesting thing about the qoutes below is that they span almost the last 4 decades of feminist thought. Even more recent people like Sharon Stone and Jodie Foster hold some despicable views on men.

The problem is that people often ignore the original idea and go on to remember the more reactionary approaches that mix up with the original ideologies on the way. Misandry is as real as misogyny, but the point stands that feminism was all about equality.
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