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Dalits are converting to Christianity as they are denied respect: KCR

Big Picture is, organizations formed by OBC SC ST- like SP BSP RJD Bhim army etc are inherently pro-minority. While hate spewing HIndutwa organizations like RSS Bajrang Dal etc, source of riots and communal hatred, are founded and headed by upper castes. If all the upper castes were to magically vanish overnight, there wouldn't be any Hindutwa politics or anti-minority issues.

You talk of a time that has passed. The Yadavs and Jatavs of today are as communal as the upper castes and not like the previous generation, where there was a sense of alliance with Muslims.

In a society that has structured itself around system of class and oppression, it seems that the Yadavs and Jatavs of today are only too glad to unleash upon the Muslims what was unleashed upon them by the Brahmins, Thakurs and Gujjars.
You are barking up the wrong tree !
No, he is a creamy layer muslim.

Caste, class and regional elitism is everywhere in India, among the Christians as well as among the Muslims, seen nothing too nefarious but just casual classism "oh, this guy/those people are from that region.. this person is a new convert" etc :lol:

We are like this only.
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