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Dalit minor gang-raped in Budaon


Mar 30, 2010
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Barely a month after a Dalit minor was gang-raped in Budaon, a similar incident was reported from the district.

According to reports, three youths, including the son of a district Samajwadi Party (SP) leader, gang-raped the 14-year-old late on Saturday night when she had gone to the fields to answer call of nature.

The culprits, according to the police, took the minor to a mango orchard, a few 100 metres away from the village, and gang-raped her.

They later dumped the victim on the road near another village and sped away on their motor bike.

The victim managed to walk to a relative’s house and narrated the incident. An FIR was lodged with the police on Sunday and the victim was sent for medical examination, which, according to sources, confirmed rape.

One of the accused, the SP leader's son, was arrested on Sunday night, while two others had been absconding, the police said. A massive manhunt had been launched to nab the culprits.

Barely a month ago, a dalit minor was gang-raped by three persons in the district. The victim slipped into deep depression following the incident.

Around a dozen incidents of rape has taken place in the district in the past few months, police sources said.

A few months ago, two cousins were gang-raped and later hanged from a tree at a village in the district.

Though the CBI, which had investigated the case, disputed the incident, a local court is currently hearing a petition challenging the agency’s version.

Dalit minor gang-raped in Budaon
hahahaha more muslims are dead in pkistan as compared to india ha ha hahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahhahaha

You should tell that to the rape victims in India.
Let us all condemn such acts wherever they happen. There are no borders to disgusting crimes like this. My heart goes to the victim - a child.

It makes me feel sick that I even belong to the same species as these creatures.
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