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Dalai Lama says his successor may be found in India: Reuters

So you are saying Indian Kashmir are not Muslim? Do Pakistan has the ability to protect the all Muslim? Care to answer me?

And you can answer me shall Pakistan also show concern to Kurds Muslim?

Well....Indian kashmir is def muslim....after they drove out the other minorities of the area in the 80s and 90s..
and it still cant do anything about kashmir....

and yer right....pakistan cant do anything to protect muslims in Athiest and non muslim countries....that was my point.

Money talks :)

India have a trade deficit of billions of dollars with china and still we pissed all over your face this is even more sad:(

Yes....India does have a trade deficit with china.....and im not sure what pissing on indias face mean....care to elaborate with events?? are you talking about azhar ??? or doklam ?

If its azar....it is just an image projection......to name and shame in the worlds eyes.....
in actual effect it is absolutely inconsequential...everyone knows it.

If its doklam.....You should have seen how the chinese media was literally fuming through all of its orifices and coudnt do anything substantial in shaping India's nor the worlds perception.....the world community quietly supported India and India was able to rally its population behind it.....while most of the chinese population were not even aware to garner public support...

The Chinese people are in no position to either support nor feel the need for any sort of military action. Money is more important for them under the communist party rule.....and for the Communist party to survive for the next 40 years..and to placate its rather awaking populace....It needs a growing economy.....Not wars.....Communist party of china ...KNOWS this.

CHina cant do JACK S*** to a world power like the US...let alone a regional power like Vietnam....

Besides.....India is just a bigger regional player. ....like China... :D

India : China :: Pakistan : India :: China : USA

and as long as PRC supports pakistan to keep India down.....the US and the west will support India to keep CHina down....[ the japanese navy in itself is enough to counter China in the east and south china sea...strongest navy in asia.]

the Funny thing India gets to benefit both from the west and the russians......indians are def better diplomats than the chinese.

Welcome to the new multi polar world......you piss on those around you without realizing you are downhill

Ps : It is the US which is pissing on china on a daily basis....the Taiwan strait must be yellow by now. lol
Well....Indian kashmir is def muslim....after they drove out the other minorities of the area in the 80s and 90s..
and it still cant do anything about kashmir....

and yer right....pakistan cant do anything to protect muslims in Athiest and non muslim countries....that was my point.

Money talks :)

Yes....India does have a trade deficit with china.....and im not sure what pissing on indias face mean....care to elaborate with events?? are you talking about azhar ??? or doklam ?

If its azar....it is just an image projection......to name and shame in the worlds eyes.....
in actual effect it is absolutely inconsequential...everyone knows it.

If its doklam.....You should have seen how the chinese media was literally fuming through all of its orifices and coudnt do anything substantial in shaping India's nor the worlds perception.....the world community quietly supported India and India was able to rally its population behind it.....while most of the chinese population were not even aware to garner public support...

The Chinese people are in no position to either support nor feel the need for any sort of military action. Money is more important for them under the communist party rule.....and for the Communist party to survive for the next 40 years..and to placate its rather awaking populace....It needs a growing economy.....Not wars.....Communist party of china ...KNOWS this.

CHina cant do JACK S*** to a world power like the US...let alone a regional power like Vietnam....

Besides.....India is just a bigger regional player. ....like China... :D

India : China :: Pakistan : India :: China : USA

and as long as PRC supports pakistan to keep India down.....the US and the west will support India to keep CHina down....[ the japanese navy in itself is enough to counter China in the east and south china sea...strongest navy in asia.]

the Funny thing India gets to benefit both from the west and the russians......indians are def better diplomats than the chinese.

Welcome to the new multi polar world......you piss on those around you without realizing you are downhill

Ps : It is the US which is pissing on china on a daily basis....the Taiwan strait must be yellow by now. lol
The USA can do the pissing every where from the Straits to all high seas in Asia, Pacific, Atlantic, Baltic, Black Sea and so on .. pissing on China, Russia, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Europe in particular Germany, Italy and even India when it pressed Delhi to stop buying oil from Venezuela and Iran...

But the fundamental question, do all these pissings by the U.S. around the globe in reality make that country stronger or weaker, or be more advantageous or less over these several years?
If the sole measurements are winning by words, yes, the USA might have won through the pissing actions! Just look at how bossy those in Washington talk around to other nations…

It's very easy to make any claim if any individual or organization even country level just claims winning or better over words or through other vanity things ignoring the realities...

But at the end it's only the REALITY that truly counts, and indeed it's the only matter that's relevant and has meaning!!


Wolfgang Kubicki, vice speaker of the German parliament, called for Richard Grenell to be declared persona non grata immediately, local media reported. The emotive remark wasn’t limited to what Berlin should do in relation to the American ambassador.

“If a US diplomat acts like a high commissioner of an occupying power, he will have to learn that our tolerance has its limits,” Kubicki said angrily. Grenell had crossed the line again and interfered “in political affairs of the sovereign Federal Republic,” the senior MP argued.


And a very crucial fact of the IND that I found out very recently, the TEN WEALTHIEST FAMILIES in India are holding over 50 percent of the total wealth of that country. Such horrible imbalance tells us a lot about the extreme wealth disparity among the population there!

And responding to the OP: The CIA Monk can say his successor will come from any where, from IND to USA to UK to JPN, but who cares? It's irrelevant for Tibet, relevant only for his followers in India and they are free to choose any one to follow there. The Tibet and Chinese can care less and have no envy there!

And indeed, if anyone has been in the NE India (Gangtok in Sikkim and surrounding refugee centers and Dharamsala) seeing the quality of the lives of those followers of the CIA Monk, that's just a sad reality, nothing to envy, truly! Reality is a bitch! Been in some part of the NE India during the trip that also covered Bhutan and Nepal.
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Well....Indian kashmir is def muslim....after they drove out the other minorities of the area in the 80s and 90s..
and it still cant do anything about kashmir....

and yer right....pakistan cant do anything to protect muslims in Athiest and non muslim countries....that was my point.

Money talks :)

Yes....India does have a trade deficit with china.....and im not sure what pissing on indias face mean....care to elaborate with events?? are you talking about azhar ??? or doklam ?

If its azar....it is just an image projection......to name and shame in the worlds eyes.....
in actual effect it is absolutely inconsequential...everyone knows it.

If its doklam.....You should have seen how the chinese media was literally fuming through all of its orifices and coudnt do anything substantial in shaping India's nor the worlds perception.....the world community quietly supported India and India was able to rally its population behind it.....while most of the chinese population were not even aware to garner public support...

The Chinese people are in no position to either support nor feel the need for any sort of military action. Money is more important for them under the communist party rule.....and for the Communist party to survive for the next 40 years..and to placate its rather awaking populace....It needs a growing economy.....Not wars.....Communist party of china ...KNOWS this.

CHina cant do JACK S*** to a world power like the US...let alone a regional power like Vietnam....

Besides.....India is just a bigger regional player. ....like China... :D

India : China :: Pakistan : India :: China : USA

and as long as PRC supports pakistan to keep India down.....the US and the west will support India to keep CHina down....[ the japanese navy in itself is enough to counter China in the east and south china sea...strongest navy in asia.]

the Funny thing India gets to benefit both from the west and the russians......indians are def better diplomats than the chinese.

Welcome to the new multi polar world......you piss on those around you without realizing you are downhill

Ps : It is the US which is pissing on china on a daily basis....the Taiwan strait must be yellow by now. lol
Bla bla bla, so much... can't change the fact that your country is a shithole...
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