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dalai exposed- who is the dalai?

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New Recruit

Jan 25, 2010
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so if we open the western newspaper, all we see is that the dalai is peaceful and wants to represent the tibetan people. well it turns out that is far from the truth. if we look past the western propaganda, we find out that the dalai is in fact working for the cia. if you dont know about the cia, i seriously advise you to look into what they do. one of the things that they have done in the past is support bin laden, and also dictators such as suharto and pinochet. i have found here a video from a western source surprisingly, exposing the dalai for who he really is.
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There's rumors that Dalai Lama isn't even a Tibetan: he's a han chinese with last name 赵 and doesn't even believe in buddhism except as a publicity stunt.
There's rumors that Dalai Lama isn't even a Tibetan: he's a han chinese with last name 赵 and doesn't even believe in buddhism except as a publicity stunt.

There are also rumors that you're working for the 50 cent party ...
this is a joke right????
no one in their right minds would believe this guy.
this is not a legit news channel, they always put up crazy conspiracy nut jobs on their channel. i think this is a russian english channel.
Below_freezing u do make us laugh in every thread now.
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