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Daft and dangerous: Muslim scholar's plan for a militia to fight global jihad

I seriously doubt we can do anything about the radicalization of a section of Indian Muslims.
No one can 100% prevent fascism and extremism in anywhere in the world

the thing is as long as these extremists dont put their bigotry and extremism into action then its fine. they keep it to themselves and are prevented from spreading it indoctrinating Muslims from poor background and actively discouraged from making a holy journey of Jihad .. then that is fine

it has to be dealt with a military style in a very organised way. look up the funds allocated by some Gulf states to spread their brand of Islam.. the money runs in billions of dollars. that is many fold more than Pakistan's entire budget.

oh and this guy? discredit him in anyway or shape or form. not essentially through the help of Dehli Imam Masjid.. but from common Muslims.

dont make him a Martyr though. shame him and discredit him with the help of ordinary Muslims.
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always moderate muslims will remain quite and while so called terrorist make of mockery of their religion,and at same time these moderate muslims will come to street when any person or group insults their religion...

yawn to power of infinity...

People like you dismiss any news of 'moderate' muslims rallying, etc by sayng they don't represent Islam. Just like what has happened to me in half a dozen threads already.

Even now, if I start posting about anti extremists rallies, you will dismiss them by saying they don't represent those Muslims who are violent, yet when I say the extremists don't represent me, you will say 'moderate' Muslims are not doing 'enough', whatever that means.

This is why I yawn whenever I see comments like yours.
No one can 100% prevent 100% fascism and extremism in anywhere in the world

the thing is as long as these extremists dont put their bigotry and extremism into action then its fine. they keep it to themselves and are prevented from spreading it indoctrinating Muslims from poor background and actively discouraged from making a holy journey of Jihad .. then that is fine

it has to be dealt with a military style in a very organised way. look up the funds allocated by some Gulf states to spread their brand of Islam.. the money runs in billions of dollars. that is many fold more than Pakistan's entire budget.

oh and this guy? discredit him in anyway or shape or form. not essentially through the help of Dehli Imam Masjid.. but from common Muslims.

dont make him a Martyr though. shame him and discredit him with the help of ordinary Muslims.

It needs a global movement - this jihadi indoctrination comes from outside and the final solution too lies in rooting it out from its source. Whatever else we do internally will only act as a band aid over a cancerous tumor. The most vulnerable are Indian muslims who work in the gulf or elsewhere too - for e.g. 80 Indian muslims working in Singapore have made their way to Iraq to wage jihad.

But the term Islaophobes gets thrown at people who speak about it. The moderate Muslims who do are termed as munafiqs or something.
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