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Daesh Attacker Who Attacked Gurdwara in Kabul was reportedly Indian Citizen

I deleted the post which told the truth. You expect Pakistani people to be civil to those who committed a holocaust against us?..........:disagree:
my dear we can discuss the Partition riots some other time but these common folks had nothing to do with those riots of past secondly in the current incident innocent humans were targeted by Terrorist for their political motive, so now we should condemn this act of terrorism and its perpetrators and should pay respect to innocent victim of this terrorism ....

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I would say, he came in a direct flight as in traveling via indian military plane or commercial flight to Afghanistan, where his RAW handlers sent him to organize "indian ISIS" in Afghanistan or at least shape their action as much as possible towards indian objectives. May be he joined the group organized much earlier. It is possible that he indeed came to dubai and a RAW handler facilitated him without him being aware that he is working for RAW.

From the looks of it, for groups like these, it seems, only the top handler(s) know who is really behind the funding activities. The rest are hired/recruited uninformed criminal elements or just bad muslims who seek redemption from their past dirty deeds by what should be called "becoming a hero" complex to cleans themselves, or simply psychologically profiled psychopaths selected by main handler(s). Some ISIS recruits unconsciously seek thrill, reward, male companionship/brotherhood, sense of purpose and meaning, and off course pretty girls in war ravaged situations where they get to have good self image and being a hero while getting all they would never get in their otherwise boring, mundane lives.

Some are at least initially sincere Muslims, genuinely seeking a united Islam and a caliphate, who later go bad due to what is knows as "socially interaction based shaping" where interaction within a group gives rise to new dramatically different belief system and ideologies that enhances their standing in the group and sense of connection with the group. The group dynamics is shaped from outside by external handlers/funding agencies as well as emerging circumstances. In principle and with some effort, one can even mathematically model information diffusion within the group (for larger groups) and self organization of a belief system of an individual as he/she morphs their world view in an unconscious effort to be part of and experience the shared reality of the group (in other words a more abstract, long lasting, and advanced version of the classical "group think effect" having long term effect on the individual's self perception and their resultant subjective experience of the reality).

Some of these people have severe attachment issues due to early childhood trauma (as many studies have shown and as viewed from a purely psychodynamic point of view). Some have underdeveloped/malfunctioned parts of the brain (i.e. reduced capacity in the pre-frontal cortex, hyperactive amygdala, vagus nerve issues leading to inability to self sooth etc.). Some have serious psychiatric issues. Some unconsciously seek rise of their respective "ethnicities" as leader of the "rest" while still believing consciously that they are seeking glory for Islam. All that leads to becoming and doing what are they doing right now.

In short, ISIS recruits are psychologically profiled and selected based on certain pre-selected traits and further trained and brain washed to perform certain duties. They don't emerge out of a vacuum. If that was the case, they would have existed everywhere, yet they exist only where there are "external hands" present. Outsiders and "facilitation" by these outsiders has to be there for them to come to being and be sustained.

Carefully selected and further developed, they are the foot soldiers for the hands that seek to engineer events and justifications for the actions supposedly in reactions to those events.
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sikhs deserve it for the holocaust they committed against us in 1947.

Actually the ones who deserve punishment are dead and facing it now with Allah swt. 1984 was just an eye opener for Sikhs, as they thought Muslims were their main enemy throughout history but realized they were dead wrong.

Muslims have respected minorities and lived with various ethnic communities since Islam first came.

My Rajput ancestors in East Punjab ruled over Hindus and Sikhs for hundreds of years, funded their childrens' education, took them our of poverty, but 1947 anti-Muslim frenzy did not stop them from turning on us. Same was the case for 14 million Muslims.

None of it should have ever happened, it opened pandora's box. Yet now we see it was the Hindu radicals (progenitors of Modi) who promoted and abetted the violence in the hope of establishing their Hindu Rashtra from Afghanistan to Indonesia (lol.) Sikhs were just pawns, although predisposed ones due to their brainwashing and historicsl revisionism against Muslims.
Actually the ones who deserve punishment are dead and facing it now with Allah swt. 1984 was just an eye opener for Sikhs, as they thought Muslims were their main enemy throughout history but realized they were dead wrong.

Muslims have respected minorities and lived with various ethnic communities since Islam first came.

My Rajput ancestors in East Punjab ruled over Hindus and Sikhs for hundreds of years, funded their childrens' education, took them our of poverty, but 1947 anti-Muslim frenzy did not stop them from turning on us. Same was the case for 14 million Muslims.

None of it should have ever happened, it opened pandora's box. Yet now we see it was the Hindu radicals (progenitors of Modi) who promoted and abetted the violence in the hope of establishing their Hindu Rashtra from Afghanistan to Indonesia (lol.) Sikhs were just pawns, although predisposed ones due to their brainwashing and historicsl revisionism against Muslims.

sikhs in the UK still regard Islam and Muslims as their biggest enemies. They are however okay to what happened to them in 1984. Never understood that logic. sikhs have an obsessive, pathological hatred towards Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam. It's hard-wired into their DNA and religion.
Same in Canada ...

sikhs in the UK still regard Islam and Muslims as their biggest enemies. They are however okay to what happened to them in 1984. Never understood that logic. sikhs have an obsessive, pathological hatred towards Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam. It's hard-wired into their DNA and religion.

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