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Dabadhai Naroj, freemason Zoroastrian priest and first British MP to be an Asian


Dec 29, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of



On him being a freemason:


It is truly an unbelievable tragedy that Britishers managed to recruit prominent Zoroastrian figures during their rule in India, only to have these figures work for illegitimate imperial interests and that includes working against their ancestral homeland.

A few days back we took a look at the case of Ardeshir Reporter, the British agent of Zoroastrian origin who not only assisted general Ironside in submitting Iran to British domination, given that it was a non-Iranian foreigner who came to decide who Iran's ruler would be (namely Reza Khan Pahlavi), but Reporter went as far as encouraging the conversion of his own kin, i. e. of Zoroastrian Iranians of Yazd, to the Bahai faith under the leadership of the zionist Haifaite organization.

The lesson from this is that no community is safe from traitors. Contrary to the islamophobic propaganda spread by certain elements in this forum, Muslims are not "more" prone than anyone else to be enticed by the enemy into betraying their roots.
Whats wrong or sinister about being a Freemason?

My wife's mama was a Freemason.

Harmless chaps. They have an old dilapidated bungalow on a byroad leading to the race course. Shady place we used to sometimes stop and smoke a chi at.

Cheers, Doc
Whats wrong or sinister about being a Freemason?

My wife's mama was a Freemason.

Harmless chaps. They have an old dilapidated bungalow on a byroad leading to the race course. Shady place we used to sometimes stop and smoke a chi at.
Lower level masons might be harmless individuals on their own - especially since they aren't necessarily aware of the teachings dispensed at higher levels of the secret society, teachings that were exposed by various former masons as well as through leaked internal documents; however masonry as a whole is extraordinarily problematic, nefarious and destructive to nations and their constituents for a host of reasons:

1) Nations have no need whatsoever for secret societies where political, economic, cultural elites as well as civil servants, i. e. people with decision making powers and an impact on the life and existence of the collectivity, gather together in secrecy and with a total lack of transparency to define policy orientations affecting the citizenry - which by the way, happens to be contrary to the self-professed principles so-called liberal "democracies" like to boast about.

2) Nobody needs influential and powerful elites in their country to encroach on fundamental power structures while at the same time having multiple foreign loyalties. This proves particularly true when said loyalties go to some shadowy, unchecked, covert international network escaping any form of control and neutral oversight; in effect, members of these societies tend to save their primary loyalty for the "brotherhood", as they accept during their initiation that treason against the society will be punishable by death and ought to be considered the most shameful of acts.

This means that masonic elites are perfectly set to act not in the interest of their respective nations in the broad sense but much rather in the interests of other entities at the expense of their peoples. This constitutes a direct affront to the principle of national sovereignty, given that a transnational, secret network exerts major influence on the national decision making process.

3) From a religious point of view, masonry is problematic insofar as the "philosophy" (or "adogmatic belief system") it professes internally and seeks to put into practice externally, has the property of conflicting with Tradition in a multitude of ways. It thus acts as a force of subversion against traditional forms of religious faith. Leading scholars representing traditional religions have declared masonic teachings and rites as heretical from the theological and dogmatic points of view (this goes for Christianity as well as for Islam).

4) A variety of sources including Albert Pike's infamous correspondence with Giuseppe Mazzini suggest that masonry, at least at its higher levels delves into luciferianism, moral antinomism and prometheism.

5) Political regimes founded or influenced by higher level masons and whose ideology happens to follow masonic tenets, namely the Rothschild/Sassoon-controlled British empire, the United States of America or the French Republic, exhibit such a colossal record of criminal activity, from genocide to mass-murder, from systematic exploitation to enslavement of entire peoples accross the world, that no person in his right mind, except for the masonic elites and like-minded subjects themselves, would want such individuals to be permitted to freely implement their mischievous agendas.

Likewise, masons have in the geopolitical sense a record of loyally serving the interests of the mentioned imperialist powers. To the hundreds of millions nay billions who have had the misfortune of finding themselves at the receiving end of the gloomy machinations schemed by the likes of the masonic-controlled British and zio-American empires (and this includes their own oppressed, mind-controlled and enslaved populations at large), the net results of this have been anything but "harmless".

6) Ideologically speaking, masonry is globalist by its very essence. Globalism is, contrary to its common acceptation, a specific sort of messianism deeply inspired by heterodox theological constructs stemming from the Jewish world. Globalist messianism, and its masonic executives, strive for the establishment of a unitary world government ruling over a unified people, followers of a single noahide type of faith (a simplistic, cursory form of Judaism specifically tailored for the goy).

Which in turn implies that the masonic project, a long haul project by virtue of its nature, cultivated over centuries by these esoterist secret societies, entails a step-by-step obliteration of every single nation and religion known to us and their mixing and fusion into something defined by the esoterist oligarchy, with the sole exception of Isra"el" and Judaism. This is perfectly in line with the ideals of so-called Jewish universalism (itself a deviation from the original teachings of Prophet Musa a.s.), which advocates the preservation of Jewish identity and particularity on the one hand but also the amalgamation of multiple goy identities into some undifferentiated universal whole that is yet to be fully engineered on the other hand.

In other words, no patriot (and no nationalist, for that matter) can adhere to the masonic project without betraying the basic meaning of these concepts (of patriotism and nationalism). In the same way no follower of a given traditional, historically rooted faith system can legitimize the masonic project without being illogical towards themselves.

7) Masonry is politically zionist by essence. Furthermore, according to several leading rabbis, masonry's esoterist teachings are but an avatar of kabbalah. Non-masons and non-kabbalists might find these teachings debatable or objectionable. As an organization masonry has been closely linked in effect to international zionism throughout its history, which essentially is one of mutual services provided by these two currents to each other.

8) Masonry actively engages in spreading and imposing upon nations the political hoaxes of modernity: liberalism, the substitutive pseudo-religion of human rights, the secular ideology of humanism, all of which have brought nothing but anthropological alienation, economic enslavement, perversion and sickness of the mind and body, irreplaceable loss of identity, wholesome uprootedness, distanciation from God and natural law, as well as all manner of nihilistic destruction to mankind.
Lower level masons might be harmless individuals on their own - especially since they aren't necessarily aware of the teachings dispensed at higher levels of the secret society, teachings that were exposed by various former masons as well as through leaked internal documents; however masonry as a whole is extraordinarily problematic, nefarious and destructive to nations and their constituents for a host of reasons:

1) Nations have no need whatsoever for secret societies where political, economic, cultural elites as well as civil servants, i. e. people with decision making powers and an impact on the life and existence of the collectivity, gather together in secrecy and with a total lack of transparency to define policy orientations affecting the citizenry - which by the way, happens to be contrary to the self-professed principles so-called liberal "democracies" like to boast about.

2) Nobody needs influential and powerful elites in their country to encroach on fundamental power structures while at the same time having multiple foreign loyalties. This proves particularly true when said loyalties go to some shadowy, unchecked, covert international network escaping any form of control and neutral oversight; in effect, members of these societies tend to save their primary loyalty for the "brotherhood", as they accept during their initiation that treason against the society will be punishable by death and ought to be considered the most shameful of acts.

This means that masonic elites are perfectly set to act not in the interest of their respective nations in the broad sense but much rather in the interests of other entities at the expense of their peoples. This constitutes a direct affront to the principle of national sovereignty, given that a transnational, secret network exerts major influence on the national decision making process.

3) From a religious point of view, masonry is problematic insofar as the "philosophy" (or "adogmatic belief system") it professes internally and seeks to put into practice externally, has the property of conflicting with Tradition in a multitude of ways. It thus acts as a force of subversion against traditional forms of religious faith. Leading scholars representing traditional religions have declared masonic teachings and rites as heretical from the theological and dogmatic points of view (this goes for Christianity as well as for Islam).

4) A variety of sources including Albert Pike's infamous correspondence with Giuseppe Mazzini suggest that masonry, at least at its higher levels delves into luciferianism, moral antinomism and prometheism.

5) Political regimes founded or influenced by higher level masons and whose ideology happens to follow masonic tenets, namely the Rothschild/Sassoon-controlled British empire, the United States of America or the French Republic, exhibit such a colossal record of criminal activity, from genocide to mass-murder, from systematic exploitation to enslavement of entire peoples accross the world, that no person in his right mind, except for the masonic elites and like-minded subjects themselves, would want such individuals to be permitted to freely implement their mischievous agendas.

Likewise, masons have in the geopolitical sense a record of loyally serving the interests of the mentioned imperialist powers. To the hundreds of millions nay billions who have had the misfortune of finding themselves at the receiving end of the gloomy machinations schemed by the likes of the masonic-controlled British and zio-American empires (and this includes their own oppressed, mind-controlled and enslaved populations at large), the net results of this have been anything but "harmless".

6) Ideologically speaking, masonry is globalist by its very essence. Globalism is, contrary to its common acceptation, a specific sort of messianism deeply inspired by heterodox theological constructs stemming from the Jewish world. Globalist messianism, and its masonic executives, strive for the establishment of a unitary world government ruling over a unified people, followers of a single noahide type of faith (a simplistic, cursory form of Judaism specifically tailored for the goy).

Which in turn implies that the masonic project, a long haul project by virtue of its nature, cultivated over centuries by these esoterist secret societies, entails a step-by-step obliteration of every single nation and religion known to us and their mixing and fusion into something defined by the esoterist oligarchy, with the sole exception of Isra"el" and Judaism. This is perfectly in line with the ideals of so-called Jewish universalism (itself a deviation from the original teachings of Prophet Musa a.s.), which advocates the preservation of Jewish identity and particularity on the one hand but also the amalgamation of multiple goy identities into some undifferentiated universal whole that is yet to be fully engineered on the other hand.

In other words, no patriot (and no nationalist, for that matter) can adhere to the masonic project without betraying the basic meaning of these concepts (of patriotism and nationalism). In the same way no follower of a given traditional, historically rooted faith system can legitimize the masonic project without being illogical towards themselves.

7) Masonry is politically zionist by essence. Furthermore, according to several leading rabbis, masonry's esoterist teachings are but an avatar of kabbalah. Non-masons and non-kabbalists might find these teachings debatable or objectionable. As an organization masonry has been closely linked in effect to international zionism throughout its history, which essentially is one of mutual services provided by these two currents to each other.

8) Masonry actively engages in spreading and imposing upon nations the political hoaxes of modernity: liberalism, the substitutive pseudo-religion of human rights, the secular ideology of humanism, all of which have brought nothing but anthropological alienation, economic enslavement, perversion and sickness of the mind and body, irreplaceable loss of identity, wholesome uprootedness, distanciation from God and natural law, as well as all manner of nihilistic destruction to mankind.

Do you have the same views about Rotary or Lions International or the Boy Scouts?

Cheers, Doc
Do you have the same views about Rotary or Lions International or the Boy Scouts?

Cheers, Doc

Not entirely sure about Boy Scouts now, but the other too appear to be lower tier para-masonic societies as far as I'm aware.

Again, individual lower level members might not be at fault, they might not even realize what the overarching goals of these organizations are. There are various stories of members leaving masonry after being admitted to a certain level and being dispensed some new teachings.

Let's not forget that as they rise in level, freemasons are sometimes taught things that contradict what they were told previously. This is just another way for masonry to dissimulate views held at the top of the society from everyone, including from those who haven't reached their highest echelons.
Not entirely sure about Boy Scouts now, but the other too appear to be lower tier para-masonic societies as far as I'm aware.

Again, individual lower level members might not be at fault, they might not even realize what the overarching goals of these organizations are. There are various stories of members leaving masonry after being admitted to a certain level and being dispensed some new teachings.

Let's not forget that as they rise in level, freemasons are sometimes taught things that contradict what they were told previously. This is just another way for masonry to dissimulate views held at the top of the society from everyone, including from those who haven't reached their highest echelons.

Ok. Thanks.

Cheers, Doc

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