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Cyberattack hits Ukraine as U.S. warns Russia could be prepping for war

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
United States

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The news just shows how pitifully desperate the West is for war with Russia. For it isn't Russia who is economically declining at a steady pace, rather America, Britain and France. It's not Russia who actively armed and politically supported a blood stained Maidan Revolt against the democratically elected government of Ukraine, the West did. False flags, cyber attacks are synonymous with the West and Israel, who have continually done so against Iran, China, Russia, Venezuela and other states that chose to exercise their sovereign foreign policy.

They can lie about false flags and Russia invading till the cows come home. This the relentless aggressive effort from the West to build a workable narrative to swing the world masses on their side. But guess what, the world has seen the West run rampant with forever wars, bombing campaigns to topple other state's governments, clandestine ops to kidnap other state's president. Today the world doesn't care two bit to rally behind Western propaganda, rather world sees what the West truly is and the world looks out to put food on the table for their family. An effort which is becoming increasingly difficult to do, since under Western rule the Rich have become increasingly rich and the poor imprisoned in permanent poverty.
Well till now every one get hacked by Ukrainian now it seems they began hacking themselves.
The U.S. terror regime said it feared ...
Be afraid ... falseflagging U.S. "hacker" said

Where are the billions going the U.S. imperialists spend on disinformation and propaganda lies? This is the cringiest and most laziest excuted American propaganda shitshow I ever get to whitness in decades. Imagine unironically shilling for these terrorists in your free time. Im feeling second hand embarassment for all the notorious U.S. trolls posting on this board. 😂
The U.S. terror regime said it feared ...
Be afraid ... falseflagging U.S. "hacker" said

Where are the billions going the U.S. imperialists spend on disinformation and propaganda lies? This is the cringiest and most laziest excuted American propaganda shitshow I ever get to whitness in decades. Imagine unironically shilling for these terrorists in your free time. Im feeling second hand embarassment for all the notorious U.S. trolls posting on this board. 😂

yes because Chinese and Russians are veery well behaved

Suspected Chinese hackers breach more US defense and tech firms

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