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Cyber ‘superweapon’ virus uncovered: Kaspersky


Apr 11, 2012
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A Russian computer firm has discovered a new computer virus with unprecedented destructive potential which could be used as a “cyberweapon” by the West and Israel against foes such as Iran.
Kaspersky Lab, one of the world’s biggest producers of anti-virus software, said its experts discovered the virus — known as Flame — during an investigation prompted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The firm did not say who the virus was aimed against but the announcement comes just a month after Iran said it had halted the spread of a data-deleting virus targeting computer servers in its oil sector.

Kaspersky said the virus was several times larger than the Stuxnet worm that was discovered in 2010 and targeted the Iranian nuclear programme, reportedly at the behest of Western or Israeli security agencies.
It said the main task of Flame is cyber espionage, meaning it steals information from infected machines including documents, screenshots and even audio recordings. It then sends the data to servers all over the world.

Flame is “actively being used as a cyberweapon attacking entities in several countries,” Kaspersky said in a statement late on Monday.
“The complexity and functionality of the newly discovered malicious programme exceed those of all other cyber menaces known to date,” it added.

The origin of the Stuxnet worm has never been made clear but suspicion has fallen on the United States and Israel which both accuse Iran of seeking to build an atomic weapon.
Without giving any indication that Israeli spy agency Mossad could be involved in Flame, Israel’s Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Yaalon said such cyberweapons were an important part of the arsenal of Iran’s enemies.

“For anyone who sees the Iranian threat as significant, it is reasonable that he would take different steps, including these, in order to hobble it,” he told army radio.
“Israel is blessed with being a country which is technologically rich, and these tools open up all sorts of possibilities for us.”

Kaspersky said the investigation was initiated after a series of incidents with a still unknown virus which deleted data on computers in the “Western Asia” region.

Flame had been “in the wild” for more than two years, since March 2010, Kaspersky said. It gave no clues over which party could have been behind the attack.
“Due to its extreme complexity, plus the targeted nature of the attacks, no security software detected it,” it said. Flame is “one of the most advanced and complete attack-toolkits ever discovered.”

It said that Flame belongs to the same category as previous superworms like Duqu or Stuxnet.
“The Flame malware looks to be another phase in this war and it’s important to understand that such cyber weapons can easily be used against any country,” said Kaspersky Lab CEO and founder Eugene Kaspersky.
Alexander Gostev, chief security expert at Kaspersky Lab said it was alarming that the cyber attack was now in its active phase.
“Its operator is consistently surveilling infected systems, collecting information and targeting new systems to accomplish its unknown goals.”

Iran in April said it had set up a crisis committee to combat a mystery cyber attack which hit computers including ones running its main oil export terminal on Kharg Island in the Gulf.
“We shut computers connected to these servers temporarily and fortunately we were able to stop its spread. Thus no information or data were harmed,” deputy oil minister Hamdolah Mohammadnejad said at the time.

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A lill funny story in one of the seminars of Norton AV the CEO was giving a presentation to the media when a Kaspersky pop up appeared, it was one biggest breaking news of iT world.

Map showing the number and geographical location of Flame infections detected by Kaspersky Lab on customer machines. Courtesy of Kaspersky

The malware, discovered by Russia-based antivirus firm Kaspersky Lab, is an espionage toolkit that has been infecting targeted systems in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, the Israeli Occupied Territories and other countries in the Middle East and North Africa for at least two years.

Kaspersky Lab is calling it “one of the most complex threats ever discovered.”

“It’s pretty fantastic and incredible in complexity,” said Alexander Gostev, chief security expert at Kaspersky Lab.

“When the kill module is activated, there’s nothing left whatsoever,” Gostev said.

Iran’s Computer Emergency Response Team announced on Monday that it had developed a detector to uncover what it calls the “Flamer” malware on infected machines and delivered it to select organizations at the beginning of May. It has also developed a removal tool for the malware. Kaspersky believes the “Flamer” malware is the same as the Flame malware its researchers analyzed.

Kaspersky said Israeli Occupied Territories :azn:

Good work boyz.
it is rumour that Stuxnet was developed by USA and ericson..don't know about this virus though..
the next time anglo-americans and jews are attacked by unconventional methods of terror, they should blame themelves for the invention of all these rootless military technologies that plunge humanity into this abyss of unwitnessed war and undetected assault. as i said, everything about pakistan in this war of terror is accidental (pakistan just happens to lie next to afghanistan and anglo-americans wanted pakistanis to cushion their fall in their military adventure) whereas nothing about jews and anglo-saxons in this war is accidental (it happened to them because they have long fashioned their military power into this faceless, rootless machine of terror and murder and subversion)
From article - Source: NYTIMES: Obama ordered wave of cyberattacks against iran:

"Soon the two countries had developed a complex worm that the Americans called “the bug.” But the bug needed to be tested. So, under enormous secrecy, the United States began building replicas of Iran’s P-1 centrifuges, an aging, unreliable design that Iran purchased from Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani nuclear chief who had begun selling fuel-making technology on the black market. Fortunately for the United States, it already owned some P-1s, thanks to the Libyan dictator, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi."

Comment: This means that the worm is designed and tested for Pakistani Centrifuges. The newest version of this worm can be a big disaster!!
Comment: This means that the worm is designed and tested for Pakistani Centrifuges. The newest version of this worm can be a big disaster!!

pakistan still uses P-1???and if it can destroy P-1,they can modify it to destroy any kind of centrifuges i guess...though this technique isn't useful for pakistan as they already have nukes,where Iran doesn't.
the next time anglo-americans and jews are attacked by unconventional methods of terror, they should blame themelves
Iranian proxy terrorists attack us for a long time already. We did not start this thing. In this proxy war every side uses its strong sides: we are strong in technologies and software, our enemies are strong in turning their children into walking bombs.
The US considers cyber-warfare as equivalent to traditional warfare so, technically, the US has declared war on Iran.

They ain't going to do crap just like U.S. didn't do anything against China in cyberwarfare. When real war comes then you know it.
They ain't going to do crap just like U.S. didn't do anything against China in cyberwarfare. When real war comes then you know it.

Because you don't have balls to do anything against China. :azn: And Mr Obama had already reserved the right for war with whoever performs cyber attack on US, grandpa.
Iranian proxy terrorists attack us for a long time already. We did not start this thing. In this proxy war every side uses its strong sides: we are strong in technologies and software, our enemies are strong in turning their children into walking bombs.

jews and anglo-americans started this thing by being rootless races trying to steal a piece of land on this continent. your rootlessness begged and certainly preceded a military response of a similarly rootless and terrorist nature
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