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Cyber-Spies attempting to steal US coronavirus vaccine secrets

Wait, weren't there some Americans who drank Clorox thinking it will prevent the virus?
Yes, Trump is real powerful man. American should proud they have a such great president.

Three men drink disinfectant after Donald Trump says it could cure coronavirus
The director of the Georgia Poison Centre said two men misguidedly drank cleaning products over the weekend as a state health officer in Kansas reported a similar case


Mr Trump said he was being sarcastic when he raised the possibility of using disinfectant inside people's bodies to fight coronavirus (Image: AFP via Getty Images)
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Three men have drunk liquid cleaning products after Donald Trump 'sarcastically' questioned whether it could be a treatment for coronavirus.

Last week the US president said scientists should explore whether inserting light or disinfectant into the bodies of people infected with Covid-19 might help them treat the respiratory illness caused by the virus.

After an outpour of disbelief and warnings over how this could be fatal and is very dangerous, Trump said his comments were "sarcastic".

The director of the Georgia Poison Centre reported that two men had drunk cleaning products over the weekend.

Gaylord Lopez said both men, who had histories of psychiatric problems, are expected to recover.

He told the Daily Mail he did not know if the men drank the chemicals because they'd heard Trump's comments.

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A state health officer in Kansas reported a similar case of an unidentified man drinking a product because of 'advice', although he did not specify the source of the advice.

Dr Lee Norman said they are doing everything they can to counter-message "against that kind of remedy".


Kansas state health officer Dr Lee Norman (Image: Facebook)

Donald Trump branded “moron” for suggesting disinfectant could treat coronavirus

Donald Trump's odd explanation for saying bleach jabs could cure coronavirus

Trump previously said as Dr Deborah Birx, the head of White House coronavirus response, looked on aghast: “I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute.

"And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

“Because you see, it gets on the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs.

"So it’d be interesting to check that. So that you’re going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds - it sounds interesting to me.”

Pointing at his head, he said: “I’m not a doctor but I’m a person who has a good you know what.”


Georgia Poison Center Director Gaylord Lopez (Image: Emory University School of Medicine)
Coronavirus LIVE updates: Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds announce birth of baby boy
After much criticism Mr Trump said that he was being sarcastic when he raised the possibility of using disinfectant inside people's bodies to fight coronavirus.

Reckitt Benckiser, the company that makes Dettol and numerous other household cleaning products, released a statement reiterating that its products are harmful if consumed by humans.

It said: "[We have] been asked whether internal administration of disinfectants may be appropriate for investigation or use as a treatment for coronavirus.

"As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstances should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion, or any other route)."

Walter Shaub, former director of the US Office of Government Ethics watchdog, said: “I can’t believe that in 2020 I have to caution anyone listening to the President that injecting disinfectant could kill you.”

Doctors also hit out at the President’s comments.

Craig Spencer, director of global health in emergency medicine at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Centre, said: “My concern is that people will die.
The US has seen foreign spy agencies carry out reconnaissance of research into a coronavirus vaccine, a senior US intelligence official has told the BBC.

Bill Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said the US government had warned medical research organisations of the risks.

But he would not say whether there had been confirmed cases of stolen data.

UK security sources says they have also seen similar activity.

Warp speed
An international race is on to find a vaccine for Covid-19.

Researchers, companies and governments are all involved. And their efforts are simultaneously being protected by domestic spy agencies, while being targeted by foreign ones.

Mr Evanina's organisation provides advice on countering the work of foreign intelligence agencies to the US government, businesses and academia.

"We have been working with our industry and government folk here very closely to ensure they are protecting all the research and data as best they can," he said.

"We have every expectation that foreign intelligence services, to include the Chinese Communist Party, will attempt to obtain what we are making here."

The US government is trying to aid work on a vaccine with a programme reportedly called Operation Warp Speed.

Whichever country discovers the first effective and safe formulation may be able to ensure its citizens are first to benefit.

"We've been in contact with every medical research organisation that is doing the research to be very, very vigilant," Mr Evanina added.

"In today's world there is nothing more valuable or worth stealing than any kind of biomedical research that is going to help with a coronavirus vaccine."

Hospital attacks
In mid-April, an FBI official said there had been "some intrusions" into institutions working on Covid-related research.

Deputy assistant director Tonya Ugoretz said bio-medical data had long been "a priority target for cyber-espionage" and organisations publicly linked to work on the virus had become a "mark".

Later in the month, the US assistant attorney general for national security, John Demers, said it would be "beyond absurd" to think China would not be interested in such details.

Canada's Centre for Cyber Security warned in March that "sophisticated threat actors may attempt to steal the intellectual property of organisations engaged in research and development related to Covid-19."

US and Western spies are also likely to be interested in what is going on inside China, including any discrepancies over the death toll from Covid-19 as well as its research on vaccines and treatments.

There have also been ongoing concerns about the risks of cyber-attacks against health organisations, which could undermine their ability to respond to the outbreak.

Two hospitals in the Czech Republic reported experiencing cyber-attacks in April. This led to an unusual request from the US Secretary of State.

"We call upon the actor in question to refrain from carrying out disruptive malicious cyber-activity against the Czech Republic's healthcare system or similar infrastructure elsewhere," Mike Pompeo said in a statement.


If your country have already have vaccine to steal, then why your people still haven't get it and save from Coronavirus? And if you have it, then why not share it to the world?
So did China steal the vaccination secrets yet or they still attempting??
I say China already have the vaccine . They will release it before everyone else . So they aren’t trying to steal anything , they are just trying to see how long to wait before releasing their vaccine.
The US has seen foreign spy agencies carry out reconnaissance of research into a coronavirus vaccine, a senior US intelligence official has told the BBC.

Bill Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said the US government had warned medical research organisations of the risks.

But he would not say whether there had been confirmed cases of stolen data.

UK security sources says they have also seen similar activity.

Warp speed
An international race is on to find a vaccine for Covid-19.

Researchers, companies and governments are all involved. And their efforts are simultaneously being protected by domestic spy agencies, while being targeted by foreign ones.

Mr Evanina's organisation provides advice on countering the work of foreign intelligence agencies to the US government, businesses and academia.

"We have been working with our industry and government folk here very closely to ensure they are protecting all the research and data as best they can," he said.

"We have every expectation that foreign intelligence services, to include the Chinese Communist Party, will attempt to obtain what we are making here."

The US government is trying to aid work on a vaccine with a programme reportedly called Operation Warp Speed.

Whichever country discovers the first effective and safe formulation may be able to ensure its citizens are first to benefit.

"We've been in contact with every medical research organisation that is doing the research to be very, very vigilant," Mr Evanina added.

"In today's world there is nothing more valuable or worth stealing than any kind of biomedical research that is going to help with a coronavirus vaccine."

Hospital attacks
In mid-April, an FBI official said there had been "some intrusions" into institutions working on Covid-related research.

Deputy assistant director Tonya Ugoretz said bio-medical data had long been "a priority target for cyber-espionage" and organisations publicly linked to work on the virus had become a "mark".

Later in the month, the US assistant attorney general for national security, John Demers, said it would be "beyond absurd" to think China would not be interested in such details.

Canada's Centre for Cyber Security warned in March that "sophisticated threat actors may attempt to steal the intellectual property of organisations engaged in research and development related to Covid-19."

US and Western spies are also likely to be interested in what is going on inside China, including any discrepancies over the death toll from Covid-19 as well as its research on vaccines and treatments.

There have also been ongoing concerns about the risks of cyber-attacks against health organisations, which could undermine their ability to respond to the outbreak.

Two hospitals in the Czech Republic reported experiencing cyber-attacks in April. This led to an unusual request from the US Secretary of State.

"We call upon the actor in question to refrain from carrying out disruptive malicious cyber-activity against the Czech Republic's healthcare system or similar infrastructure elsewhere," Mike Pompeo said in a statement.


Didn't UN General Assembly Resolution call for cooperation and sharing of information for vaccine to the virus? Is the US trying to profit off its vaccine?
This is pointless. The moment a vaccine is reafy im sure its formula etc will be shared world wide.
How many people have contracted Corona in China? True figures.

No one knows exactly how many people have contracted the virus in any country. Unless 100% of the population was tested at the same time, the number will not be accurate. Of course the more tests per population a country does, the closer to the actual figure it will be. However as none of the testing can be conducted at the same time while the virus is still spreading, we can only guess as to how many have contracted the virus in any country.
No one knows exactly how many people have contracted the virus in any country. Unless 100% of the population was tested at the same time, the number will not be accurate. Of course the more tests per population a country does, the closer to the actual figure it will be. However as none of the testing can be conducted at the same time while the virus is still spreading, we can only guess how many have contracted the virus in any country.

I dnt believe the Chinese figures. Especially considering the population and it being the country where the virus began.
I dnt believe the Chinese figures.
Especially considering the population and it being the country where the virus began.
You should be saying.

Especially considering the population and it being the country where it have the LARGEST number of INFECTIONS and DEATHS.

Why did China get Coronavirus in the first place if they are so smart?
How many people have contracted Corona in China? True figures.
This thread is assuming US is far better technology than China which is not the case now.

More likely USA stealing from China

Can you list ANY original technology that is Chinese ????????

On my desk I have over a million pieces of technology containing original intellectual ideas and concepts first produced by the West and manufactured in the west.

There is Chinese made stuff too BUT NONE that contains any Chinese technology discovered by the Chinese.

EVERYTHING Chinese made is differing packaging of Western ideas
You should be saying.

Especially considering the population and it being the country where it have the LARGEST number of INFECTIONS and DEATHS.


I dnt believed Chinese Coronavirus figures at all.

What evidence do you have that Coronavirus began in USA?

You should be saying.

Especially considering the population and it being the country where it have the LARGEST number of INFECTIONS and DEATHS.


China is prone to lying. Look at how they treat the Uighurs.

Can you list ANY original technology that is Chinese ????????

On my desk I have over a million pieces of technology containing original intellectual ideas and concepts first produced by the West and manufactured in the west.

There is Chinese made stuff too BUT NONE that contains any Chinese technology discovered by the Chinese.

EVERYTHING Chinese made is differing packaging of Western ideas

They make cheap imitations.


Still have not learnt to make quality. Just quantity and numbers.

Can you list ANY original technology that is Chinese ????????

On my desk I have over a million pieces of technology containing original intellectual ideas and concepts first produced by the West and manufactured in the west.

There is Chinese made stuff too BUT NONE that contains any Chinese technology discovered by the Chinese.

EVERYTHING Chinese made is differing packaging of Western ideas

I agree with you. Also, some Chinese think the world revolves around China. The world existed before China made things. The world will exist even if China did not make things. We believe in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. The Almighty.
I dnt believe the Chinese figures. Especially considering the population and it being the country where the virus began.

Believe in any infected numbers from any country at this point is rather pointless. But your logic is flawed as in population and place of origin is far less relevant when compared to the measurements taken in combating the virus.
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