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Curriculum of Hate in Pakistani Schools

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How can minds bred on hatred become decent human being and hence decent citizens of the planet?
@ all Indian members....

A humble request.......

Please maintain sanity in this thread,for the issue raised is a grave one and very important indeed.Please don't make it a Flamer's heaven just for the sake of scoring some cheap points....
"This alone is one of the most important and dangerous issues Pakistani's have to deal with. I urge everyone to take notice of this and look carefully at what is being taught in your schools and what your kids are learning."

@ Durran3
What you have spoken about is extremely important.
How can young children grow up and aspire to go out in to the world and get their (rightful) place if they (even subconsciously) believe that a sizeable portion of the world is out deprive them and grind them into the dust.

The actual (and laudable) concept of "Jihad" is that of a hard and principled struggle to achieve just and constructive ends for the mass of humanity; but to reduce it to a synonym for 'death and destruction' IMHO is very wrong and unjust. Unfortunately the following extracts seem to be doing that:
“one of the reasons of the downfall of the Muslims in the sub-continent was the lack of the spirit of jihad (Class 9-10; Pakistan Studies, page 7).”
“In Islam jihad is very important…..The person who offers his life never dies….All the prayers nurture one’s passion of jihad (Class 9-10; Pakistan Studies, page 10).”
“Always keep oneself ready to sacrifice one’s life and property is jihad…..The basic purpose of all submissions and jihad is to keep oneself follower of the good will of Allah Almighty (Class 12; Pakistan Studies, page 4).”

It would be far productive to teach children that Life is a very precious gift, and can be utilised for their own benefit as well as the benefit of their People and Country.
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