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Currently 3 super powers based on 10 criteria: China, Russia, America

1. operates aircraft carriers
2. operates strategic bombers
3. area exceeding 9 million square kilometers
4. distance between two major cities on the mainland exceeding 4,000 kilometers
5. manufactures commercial jetliners
6. manufactures vaccines
7. has manned space programs
8. operates global positioning system
9. operates nuclear powered submarines
10. manufactures jet engines

@dbc @Suika @F-22Raptor @SpaceMan18 @mike2000 is back @Mk-313 @TheImmortal @aziqbal @That Guy @vostok @Hamartia Antidote @striver44
There are only 5 worth mentioning powers
UK and its commonwealth partners
EU led by France and Germany
They are the SC permanent members
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ohh here is the dumbass again and also. Mayans, Aztecs, Incas would like To disagree with you

Mexico did have okay geography in the yucatan area but even then they only developed second rate civilizations, hardly anything compared to say Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India. America and Australia, as I explained, have horrible geography where their population is bunched up on the coast with very little people in the interior. Countries that have good geography have most of their people in the interior. Countries that have good geography such as China, India, Egypt, Iraq develop ancient civilizations.
Mexico did have okay geography in the yucatan area but even then they only developed second rate civilizations, hardly anything compared to say Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India. America and Australia, as I explained, have horrible geography where their population is bunched up on the coast with very little people in the interior. Countries that have good geography have most of their people in the interior. Countries that have good geography such as China, India, Egypt, Iraq develop ancient civilizations.

you do realize incas, Aztecs were situated at whats present day texas and California and pretty much the entire west coast. Native Americans going back 15,000 years were situated in what’s Central America

And you do realize America is exposed towater on both hemisphere from left and the right. China is only open to coastal side from its south eastern side while 2/3 of the country from north to west is land locked
you do realize incas, Aztecs were situated at whats present day texas and California and pretty much the entire west coast. Native Americans going back 15,000 years were situated in what’s Central America

America and Australia are New World. The land of little to no civilization. That's why no one knew about it. Because bad geography.
America and Australia are New World. The land of little to no civilization. That's why no one knew about it. Because bad geography.

that’s not why dumbass. It’s because at that time people didn’t have the means to explore the entire globe.
population still existed there. Columbus didn’t come called it the “new world” and then humans started living in the americas. They’ve been living there 1000s of years before it was called the new world
that’s not why dumbass. It’s because at that time people didn’t have the means to explore the entire globe.
population still existed there. Columbus didn’t come called it the “new world” and then humans started living in the americas. They’ve been living there 1000s of years before it was called the new world

New World had a small fraction of the population of the Old World. Even when they did have civilization, it was second rate civilization without writing. Eurasia is the primary region of the world. In Eurasia most people don't live on the coast as they do in America, Australia. First rate civilizations occur in Eurasia because good geography.
America and Australia have horrible geography. The vast majority of their population is concentrated on the coast. This is why they never developed any ancient civilization. Ancient civilizations like China and India have good geography. The vast majority of their population in contrast live in the interior, not on the coast. Rivers means good geography. Good geography breeds ancient civilizations.

United States literally has the most advantageous geography in the entire world. US geography is probably one of the most foundational reason for why US went on to become the most powerful superpower ever.

Just stop. :coffee:
1. operates aircraft carriers
2. operates strategic bombers
3. area exceeding 9 million square kilometers
4. distance between two major cities on the mainland exceeding 4,000 kilometers
5. manufactures commercial jetliners
6. manufactures vaccines
7. has manned space programs
8. operates global positioning system
9. operates nuclear powered submarines
10. manufactures jet engines

@dbc @Suika @F-22Raptor @SpaceMan18 @mike2000 is back @Mk-313 @TheImmortal @aziqbal @That Guy @vostok @Hamartia Antidote @striver44

Extremely good criteria levels


5. manufactures commercial jetliners
7. has manned space programs
9. operates nuclear powered submarines
10. manufactures jet engines
Three? Lol

US is super power.

China is second but there is still some distance.

Rest of the world is not in the conversation. Other countries can be great powers but the title super power is not in the discussion here

Only other super powers are energy super powers like Saudi Arabia or may be Qatar. But that's besides the point

Based on what?

China PPP GDP already surpass US with much greater potential to leave US in the dusk.
China market size surpass US
China military is not far behind US
China technology is becoming head to head with US.

US is declining superpower, within 10 years ahead she will become no 2 in many aspects.
United States literally has the most advantageous geography in the entire world. US geography is probably one of the most foundational reason for why US went on to become the most powerful superpower ever.

Just stop. :coffee:

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