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Current temperature in my city


Dec 10, 2011
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Looks like I have seen it all minus 46 with windchill. Was almost -50 this morning.


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I have the temperature set at 21 Celsius, the house is nice and warm and Pakistan just beat South Africa in the first T20,😀

Outside it's about 0 Celsius in the UK

Npower is going to rince my *** with the gas and electricity bill this year
Looks like I have seen it all minus 46 with windchill. Was almost -50 this morning.

-9 degrees Celsius,

In the next few days the temperature will reach -17C
I have the temperature set at 21 Celsius, the house is nice and warm and Pakistan just beat South Africa in the first T20,😀

Outside it's about 0 Celsius in the UK

Npower is going to rince my *** with the gas and electricity bill this year
Same here thermostat arround 21 Celsius, I think its universal whether it's air-conditioning or heating 21 is the way to go.
I went for a run this morning in -4C (-9C with wind chill), I can't imagine how tough doing anything must be at your location OP. :D
It's 30 Celsius in Karachi and I feel like dying. I wish I could build a house in GB or Srinagar and retire there. I feel hot in weather above 10 degrees.
-10 C during the day dropping down to -17 C at night. But who cares either way we are in a damn lockdown :rofl:
Damn life must be difficult overthere.
Is pakistani community in large numbers in Saskatoon canada?
Not really the outside temperature doesn't really bother me becuuse we rarely spend any time outside instead it's the indoors when it becomes really hot becuse of heating. our pakistani community at most prob 1k and is very cohesive.
Not really the outside temperature doesn't really bother me becuuse we rarely spend any time outside instead it's the indoors when it becomes really hot becuse of heating. our pakistani community at most prob 1k and is very cohesive.

Is it the same place where chief medical officer is Dr Saqib Shahab, the son of famous late Qudrat ullah Shahab ?
Is it the same place where chief medical officer is Dr Saqib Shahab, the son of famous late Qudrat ullah Shahab ?
Ya Dr Shahab he is on local cbc news all the time after covid 19 and somewhat famous . I actually never realized that saskatchewans chief medical officer was pakistani until some coworker mentioned it to me.
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