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Current status of Indian Russian friendship treaty ?

sorry to say that no country interfere with others problem
rather it is russia, india, pakistan or china .... because every country has its limitation ... we can not say about america .but without any profit they cant even spend a single dollar

so forget that in india and pakistan war russia support india or china support pakistan

this is not practicable because all four country has nukes no one want their peoples life in danger

there is one big difference,russia is not the neighbor of pakistan and india,and public opinion is important to politician's decision
Also as of now the stated russina doctrine is to use nuclear weapons in case of atack on itself and its allies.

this makes me really confused.....standing by th friendly country I understand,but nuking another country seems hard to digest....wether its russia in case of India or china in case o pakistan...this will affect themselves as well and will lead to a world war...
As of now end this debate, coz as of now the reality is that Russian nuclear doctrine is to reserve the right to nuke any country which attacks its allies. Period.

now this is sufficient enough to stop Pak and China to think of Nuking India, coz first of all India will surely mamage to strike back...its not that u can cripple second strike totally. and even if India somehow cannot manage second strike, with Russia's nuclear doctrine, I dont think it is worth to take the risk of being history in history books.

are you sure about the application of this doctrine to india its allies mean countries which are forming a defence unit together like belarus and cis nations ,kazak included because they are planning a joint air defence system and other common parameters

if india joins a missile sheild or some other defence organization then they come under the allied nations status where attack on their territory or space will be deemed attack on own land
this makes me really confused.....standing by th friendly country I understand,but nuking another country seems hard to digest....wether its russia in case of India or china in case o pakistan...this will affect themselves as well and will lead to a world war...

check my post above allied nations does not apply to india its for CIS so as i said before
Not quite, GOI wants to annex Tibet from China, hence the past annexation of Sikkim, the obsession with "NE" and "Aksai Chin" (both of which are Indigenous Chinese people).

wat have u been smoking huh..?

GOI has accepted Tibet to be a part of PRC.

Sikkim is an integral part of India and ur papa CPC has accepted that.

Aksai Chin has been annexed during the 1962 war with us and it is rightful on our part to raise the issue during talks.

NE - none of ur business...


Got what the ppl of Aruncahal think abt China..?
sorry to say that no country interfere with others problem
rather it is russia, india, pakistan or china .... because every country has its limitation ... we can not say about america .but without any profit they cant even spend a single dollar

so forget that in india and pakistan war russia support india or china support pakistan

this is not practicable because all four country has nukes no one want their peoples life in danger

they can provide India with nukes and other support to launch second strike....it is same coz ultimately India acheives second strike and horrible one....Why do u think India claims hydrogen bomb...even if we use few no one can question coz we have them......:cheers:

It utter nonsense that people saying Russia will nuke some country for us..why should they??they are our allies alright..but we are not living in a cold war era..In the end we are our own in the event of war..do you think we will help Russia when a war with China or US broke out??the answer will be no then why should Russia help us??

buddy niot the normal small scale conventional fight...that even India fought alone few wars..... that times it is mostly political support and calls for restrain..... yes if threatened out of existence Russia wont need India coz Russia itself has enormous nuclear muscle to launch a nuclear strike on any part of world and on as many countries as it wants.

are you sure about the application of this doctrine to india its allies mean countries which are forming a defence unit together like belarus and cis nations ,kazak included because they are planning a joint air defence system and other common parameters

if india joins a missile sheild or some other defence organization then they come under the allied nations status where attack on their territory or space will be deemed attack on own land

check my post above allied nations does not apply to india its for CIS so as i said before

where did it mention the countries...??? to say as CIS, Kazak only...

if that is only what Russia wanted it does not need to be unclear like a loose word like allies...it could have stated it simply that countries belonging to CIS...

Also anyone knows India and Russia are allies...it is one of the strongest and oldest military and political and time tested alliance
in the world...... to think that there wont be people up there who care for each other is naive..a.nd to think there is no secret agreements on defeence and security is again to simplicistic a scenario.

India-Russia dont need to disclose their real bonds to the world.....
paper bonds are for those who are from outside the family.....
u dont do paper bonds with ur real brothers, u talk to them at home and away from public eye....

all are just assumptions....... but the fact is only one,

"as of now the Russian doctrine is to attck anyone who attacks itself and its allies...."

first prove that wrong.

Secondly prove
India is not a ally of Russia.

Thirdly prove wrong that in case of India being nuked completely by Pak or China and India failing to acheive second strike....
Russia if it doesnt attack it will or cannot provide India with nukes and other means to strike back with a deadly second strike......


prove that there is a 100% GUARANTEE that Russia will not launch a strike and NOT EVEN SUPPLY MATERIALS TO LAUNCH SECOND STRIKE(s)...(coz otherwise it will be foolish to take such a risk by China/Pak againsty India even if they assume they can acheive no second strike from India...coz that is too big a risk to take)

Even the slightest perception that there is a Chance that Russia will strike back or provide India with nukes and other thinkgs to strike back is reason enough to make the enemy think zillion times before doing such a thing....
yes 1971 true but you think US would nuke india then ? really did you ever think that... is yes then still russia wont not have nuked anybody
thats the truth

there is a word used Deterrent<maybe i mispelled> that was what USSR was doing then the US dare not attack USSR and vice verca because both would go down the drain ...

that is exactly deterrent.... ,
what i mean was a small skirmish was possible in the bay of bengal...
i can speak 3 different subcontinent language including bengali,kannada which i learnt separately in moscow state univ so dont bull crap me about india ok...

u really know these man ...thats unbelievable....
First India needed US permission to launch surgical strikes which they ultimately could not then India wants US to punish Pakistan to punish 26/11 perpreators then India needs US to destroy Pakistan's Secret Services, then India even needs Russia to launch nukes at Pakistan..Guys please grow a pair of balls.
First India needed US permission to launch surgical strikes which they ultimately could not then India wants US to punish Pakistan to punish 26/11 perpreators then India needs US to destroy Pakistan's Secret Services, then India even needs Russia to launch nukes at Pakistan..Guys please grow a pair of balls.

dude we are talking here about second strike ... u understand about second strike .. that means nothing left there

using one or two nukes is different but to use in big no...
i dont want to imagine this

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