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Cup kahan leke ja rehay ho......

Mauka ad is one of the best ads of all times..The creator should be saluted for his innovative and out of the box thinking...that ad will be remembered for next 40 years
If he had bombed our Bunkers on LOC , then what ?
So u are saying every country should mock the soldiers of its enemy nation?
Grow up man....even enemy, whether alive, dead, captured, defeated or victorious deserves respect.
So u are saying every country should mock the soldiers of its enemy nation?
Grow up man....even enemy, whether alive, dead, captured, defeated or victorious deserves respect.
As i said , try teaching that to your own janta and sena first , i can say with 100% surety that if it had been one of our pilots instead of abhinanadan and he had crashed into india , then your public will have done even worst than what ours did to abhinandan ...
In fact there is and has been interpreted by various armed forces according to their propaganda. Let's see if you have the attention span to go through this entire article before you start advocating the lynching of POWs again
As i expected ... soon after my reply you went searching for a point that prohibits mocking of POW , well done btw this is you searching for the point :D
Ok jokes aside , i have my own personal views and you have your own , so lets end this argument here because we won't agree with each other
As i expected ... soon after my reply you went searching for a point that prohibits mocking of POW , well done btw this is you searching for the point :D
Unlike you I don't need to prove my point using clips from Indian movies which despite your vocal hatred of all things Indian, you seem to be a big fan of. FYI I already knew about the conventions regarding mocking POWs. Hence my first post which you first quoted. I searched it for the likes of you who I knew would be too lazy to look it up
Ok jokes aside , i have my own personal views and you have your own , s
What was the joke? Do you see me laughing? The only people laughing will probably be the Indians reading your posts. My views are based on international laws. Your views are based on (and I hope) watching movies completely detached from reality
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Unlike you I don't need to prove my point using clips from Indian movies which despite your vocal hatred of all things Indian, you seem to be a big fan of. FYI I already knew about the conventions regarding mocking POWs. Hence my first post which you first quoted. I searched it for the likes of you who I knew would be too lazy to look it up

What was the joke? Do you see me laughing? The only people laughing will probably be the Indians reading your posts. My views are based on international laws. Your views are based on (and I hope) watching movies completely detached from reality
As i said i can't agree with your views nor will you with me , its a tie and i want it ao badly then ok , i'll say it "you my friend are a genious and you've won" ...
Abhinandan’s Capture Mocked in Racist Pakistani Ad For World Cup Clash Against India

...the ad also has racist overtones as it shows Abhinandan’s face blackened to show his dark complexion....



I actually thought it was kind of funny and not super mean spirited. We did get him back fairly quickly, and unlike FL Nachiketa, who was tortured, Wing Commander Abhinandan is apparently returning back to his fighter squadron.

You win some, you lose some. India lost a lot of propaganda points following the downing of our jet and capture of our pilot. I'm glad he's back alive and well enough to carry on. His experience will prove invaluable as teaching material to airforces around the world, not just the IAF.

Was it a cheap shot ? maybe... do suppose one could argue on moralist grounds and I'd agree, to an extent but I like teh "dark" humour lol

everybody please relax about it. Both the Abhinandan thing and the Champions trophy win..

Abhinandan is back in India with a lot of invaluable experience of dealing with not just being captured behind enemy lines, but with literally billions of dollars worth of information, invaluable even... Raytheon, Vyempel NPO, air forces and military pilots around the world want to learn from a survivor !

and the current Pakistani rickety crickety team sucks _|_
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