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Crescent Bay, Live The Dream

Hopefully when complete this will be the signature skyline Pakistan needs.

No more Lahore city small building shacks as postcard when Pakistan is mentioned in the news around the world.
I recently visited phase 8 area of defence and it was looking wonderful, I was surrounded by tall buildings.
Creek vista buildings , Arkadians , marina , Crescent bay and few other projects :-)
looks nice hope its done quickly karachi skyline looks nice now a days
Once completed, it should look something like this,

Once completed, it should look something like this,


With the lights on at night, you have your flagship skyline. I can't wait. I am sick of seeing poor people on a donkey in some craphole in Lahore everytime Pakistan is mentioned in the news.
With water rise anticipated due to global warming buidling so close to sea specially sky scraper , time will tell if it was a error
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