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Creating an EA-16 B/D


Aug 18, 2015
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Been checking on EA 18G and F-18 E, after seeing the weapon and pod compatibility with F-16. Both F-18 and F-16 were basic planes in A/B configs and both have reached E/F stages through upgrades in past decades. Both can carry AGM-88 HARM and similar AIM series missiles.

What i am wondering is that EA-18G carries three dignified pod types (6 in total) for its EW work.

1. ALQ-218 (2 pods) on wing tips
This receiver is the main sensor, the ears for the aeroplane. That’s the 60 odd antennas that cover the spectrum. Highly sensitive, highly capable of geolocation, and also, clearly, highly capable of identifying the different threats in the battle space. Linked with AGM-88

2.ALQ-227 gives all round communications capability. That is the system that brings the aircraft down into the communications spectrum, right down the bottom of the EM spectrum.

3.ALQ-99 (3 pods in high/low frequency bands) The main jamming pods. They enable one versus many electronic attack from stand-off or modified escort positions.

Now PAF F-16's have DRFM already as established before, an AESA is missing along with AGM-88. The rest of tech like JHMCS, Link 16 etc are present.

Reportedly PAF has ALE-47, but since we dug up a link that ALE-50 is integrated, so lets go with that. for ECM, they have ALQ-131 and ALQ-211, along with a very important ALQ-213 EW management system, which makes me think that F-16 can be configured for EW like EA-18G.

So the question is:
For the right price, can PAF acquire the above 3 mentioned EA-18G pods, or a combination if not all and configure them to be used on F-16's, creating an EA-16 B/D ?

Would that give F-16 a chance for conducting offensive EW Ops against Indian IADS and S-400 ? A chance that EA-18G holds, considering DA-20 might noT enter IAF airspace.

Wing tips replaced by ALQ-218 instead of Aim-9 missile. Gun pod removed for controlling module for ALQ-218. 3-4 x pylons for ALQ-227 and ALQ-99 pods or AGM-88 HARM.

@Khafee @Tps43
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Been checking on EA 18G and F-18 E, after seeing the weapon and pod compatibility with F-16. Both F-18 and F-16 were basic planes in A/B configs and both have reached E/F stages through upgrades in past decades. Both can carry AGM-88 HARM and similar AIM series missiles.

What i am wondering is that EA-18G carries three dignified pod types (6 in total) for its EW work.

1. ALQ-218 (2 pods) on wing tips
This receiver is the main sensor, the ears for the aeroplane. That’s the 60 odd antennas that cover the spectrum. Highly sensitive, highly capable of geolocation, and also, clearly, highly capable of identifying the different threats in the battle space. Linked with AGM-88

2.ALQ-227 gives all round communications capability. That is the system that brings the aircraft down into the communications spectrum, right down the bottom of the EM spectrum.

3.ALQ-99 (3 pods in high/low frequency bands) The main jamming pods. They enable one versus many electronic attack from stand-off or modified escort positions.

Now PAF F-16's have DRFM already as established before, an AESA is missing along with AGM-88. The rest of tech like JHMCS, Link 16 etc are present.

Reportedly PAF has ALE-47, but since we dug up a link that ALE-50 is integrated, so lets go with that. for ECM, they have ALQ-131 and ALQ-211, along with a very important ALQ-213 EW management system, which makes me think that F-16 can be configured for EW like EA-18G.

So the question is:
For the right price, can PAF acquire the above 3 mentioned EA-18G pods, or a combination if not all and configure them to be used on F-16's, creating an EA-16 B/D ?

Would that give F-16 a chance for conducting offensive EW Ops against Indian IADS and S-400 ? A chance that EA-18G holds, considering DA-20 might noT enter IAF airspace.

Wing tips replaced by ALQ-218 instead of Aim-9 missile. Gun pod removed for controlling module for ALQ-218. 3-4 x pylons for ALQ-227 and ALQ-99 pods or AGM-88 HARM.

@Khafee @Tps43

Not a good idea from feasibility point of view. Dassault-20s are doing a good job but it PAF needs a wild weasel air defense suppression jet then it will be the JF-17 because of its ability to carry LD-10 and MAR-1As in collaboration with Falcon-20s.

The reason US chose the F/A-18 as EW warfare plane is primarily because it can operate from carriers, not a limitation for PAF. This role is usually given to aircraft with lots of internal space and loiter time.

Other than the Dassault Falcon-20s I believe the AWACs in use by PAF have SIGINT and EW capability as well.
1. PAF F-16s do not have DRFM as per the FMS announcement

2. Where will these modules get enough electrical power to get a credible jamming range with only one engine?

3. Do you think the US will sell us AESA radar knowing how much we can damage their Indian pawns with it?
JF17 Thunder would have to get scaled up with together with a more powerful Chinese Engine to Achive

  • JF17 Thunder Block I
  • JF17 Thunder Block II
  • JF17 Thunder Block II B
  • JF17 Thunder Block III (Being Developed)
  • JF17 Thunder Block IV/V configuration (Block E/F) Scaled Up
    • WS-13E Chinese Engine
    • More Hard Points 12
    • More Pods

F/A- 18 program seen a scale up between C/D and E/F
So it is quite possible that JF17 Can also evolve with a slightly bigger body

A JF17 Block IV could be the Prime Air Superiority Jet for Pakistan Air Space
With a larger missile carrying capability for Air to Air missions with larger interior fuel Tank

Main Adjustments would be on Length of Body column and Wings would be bigger

The new powerful Engine would ensure extra weight compensated with greater Power
Would not imagine RD-93 would be ideal for a JF17 Block IV

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The AN/ASQ-213 Pod now has a precision geo-location capability to target Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs) to destroy fixed and mobile enemy air defense elements. Additionally, by relocating the AN/ASQ-213 HTS R7 Pod to the aircraft’s left inlet hard point, the F16 can simultaneously carry the HTS R7 Pod and an Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) for AGM-88 HARM.

The F-16 HARM Targeting System (HTS) is currently the only programmed reactive SEAD capability and enables targeting the HARM missile in its most lethal “range known” mode.
Not a good idea from feasibility point of view. Dassault-20s are doing a good job but it PAF needs a wild weasel air defense suppression jet then it will be the JF-17 because of its ability to carry LD-10 and MAR-1As in collaboration with Falcon-20s.

The reason US chose the F/A-18 as EW warfare plane is primarily because it can operate from carriers, not a limitation for PAF. This role is usually given to aircraft with lots of internal space and loiter time.

Other than the Dassault Falcon-20s I believe the AWACs in use by PAF have SIGINT and EW capability as well.

I pointed before that DA-20 cannot go into enemy airspace and PAF has 2-3 of them, losing 1 would be a major loss for PAF. Neither would PAF send across AWACs into enemy air space. I don't see any pylons on them for carrying SEAD equipment or even self defense. It's best to have 1 aircraft perform both roles, instead of cluttering up air space with different platforms for different roles.

For strike role, F-16 could be the main strike platform along with Mirages or JF-17. It has the bells and whistles already installed and capable of delivering any goods. In current PAF fighters, 12 F-16C's have the largest combat radius, followed by F-16D's and F-16A MLU's. Although JF-17 has been assigned ARM's, F-16 is much more capable in every sense.
  • JF17 Thunder Block IV/V configuration (Block E/F) Scaled Up
    • WS-13E Chinese Engine
    • More Hard Points 12
    • More Pods
F/A- 18 program seen a scale up between C/D and E/F
So it is quite possible that JF17 Can also evolve with a slightly bigger body

A JF17 Block IV could be the Prime Air Superiority Jet for Pakistan Air Space
With a larger missile carrying capability for Air to Air missions with larger interior fuel Tank

Main Adjustments would be on Length of Body column and Wings would be bigger

The new powerful Engine would ensure extra weight compensated with greater Power
Would not imagine RD-93 would be ideal for a JF17 Block IV

Stay out of your wishful thinking/fantasy world, we have no $$$ and mature military industrial complex to upscale JF-17, and assume that if your proposed UPSCALE JF-17 Block IV will develop, it already will become obsolete @AZADPAKISTAN2009 :crazy::crazy:
The F-18 E/F platform has certain shortcomings. It's maintenance is tedious and hectic. Two engines also means more maintenance hours always. F-18 will burn more fuel while F-16 will do all combat missions in lesser cost. F-18 range is shorter than that of F-15 or F-35. If PAF has to go for a US twin engine aircraft, F-15E will be a better option. EA-18G is based on F-18F. EA-18G will be an entirely new platform, inducting a new platform for sole purpose of EW warfare is not cost feasible.

PAF knows the in's and out's of F-16 and has experience of modifying the F-16 since its induction in 1980's. The integration of pods is the challenge. There is however some commonality in both machines especially in weapons. The Radar of F-16 can be upgraded, its more of a CSF issue. PAF will always be on a lookout for more F-16's.
For USAF, F-16 is a nimble aircraft for various missions, where as F-15 is left to do other major tasks. in PAF, F-16 is the top line fighter, it is supposed to deliver anything and everything.

PAF will be getting 4.5 gen aircraft in the form of JF-17 Block III. If F-16 Block 70/72 is ordered or V-upgrade is considered for MLU, then F-16 will also reach 4.5 gen capability. If PAF goes for a new platform, it should be 5th gen, that makes the investment worthwhile. Any 5th gen aircraft will have major EW systems as default, minor modifications could be required to make a dedicated EW platform out of it while still retaining multi role capability for various missions, where as EA-18G is just a specialized EW platform and PAF wouldn't be interested in F-18 E/F.

My point is to utilize the current platform in hand with tried and tested american electronic warfare systems (of EA-18G or better) on F-16. Just integrate the electronics, no need to get a newer platform for now.

JF17 Thunder would have to get scaled up with together with a more powerful Chinese Engine to Achive

  • JF17 Thunder Block I
  • JF17 Thunder Block II
  • JF17 Thunder Block II B
  • JF17 Thunder Block III (Being Developed)
  • JF17 Thunder Block IV/V configuration (Block E/F) Scaled Up
    • WS-13E Chinese Engine
    • More Hard Points 12
    • More Pods

F/A- 18 program seen a scale up between C/D and E/F
So it is quite possible that JF17 Can also evolve with a slightly bigger body

A JF17 Block IV could be the Prime Air Superiority Jet for Pakistan Air Space
With a larger missile carrying capability for Air to Air missions with larger interior fuel Tank

Main Adjustments would be on Length of Body column and Wings would be bigger

The new powerful Engine would ensure extra weight compensated with greater Power
Would not imagine RD-93 would be ideal for a JF17 Block IV

View attachment 557567

At some point, JF-17 will have to face the S-400 threat. Enlarging the frame is good, but bear in mind that RCS could be reduced by enlarging the frame. How ? Modify the body, use a stealthy design if you want to enlarge the frame, wings etc.
The way Israelis dealt with S300 and the fact that even our Mirages can carry the 350km RAAD missile. Although we shouldnt take it lightly as it is a genuine threat but its not an invincible system.

A refresher, couple of months ago Indians were claiming there S300s can track and shoot down PAF jets as they take of from air bases inside Pakistan. As well as boasting about first shot capability on their SU-30s. We all know what happened in real.


“In our report we establish that Russia’s A2/AD capability is less effective than what is claimed by either the Russian military or the Western press. For one thing, it’s more difficult than many people think to detect and strike a target that’s tens of kilometres away,” says Robert Dalsjö, Deputy Research Director at FOI, who wrote the report with Michael Jonsson.

The S-400 uses four missiles of different range capabilities: the very-long-range 40N6 (400 km), the long-range 48N6 (250 km), the medium-range 9M96E2 (120 km) and the short-range 9M96E (40 km).

According to the report, the missile with a purported 400-km range, the 40N6, is not yet operational and has been plagued by problems in development and testing. In its current configuration, the S-400 system should mainly be considered a threat to large high-value aircraft such as AWACS or transport aircraft at medium to high altitudes, out to a range of 200-250 km. In contrast, the effective range against agile fighter jets and cruise missiles operating at low altitudes can be as little 20- 35 km.

The report also analysed several possible countermeasures for Russian A2/AD-capabilities. Russian capabilities are mainly based on three systems: the S-400 anti-aircraft system, the Bastion anti-ship system, and the Iskander ballistic missile system for use against land targets.

There are several measures for countering A2/AD systems. Some are passive, such as flying around the coverage area of sensors, or stationing troops at a location in good time. Others are active countermeasures, both “soft,” in the form of electronic jamming or chaff dispersed from aircraft, and “hard,” where portions of overall capability are physically knocked out, the report stated.

“One can neutralise an entire system by knocking out just one link in a functional chain, for example a data link or fire-control radar. And since seeing over the horizon requires airborne radar, it may then be enough to shoot down the radar aircraft,” says Robert Dalsjö.

However, making Russia’s A2/AD capability into a manageable problem requires commitments, according to the report.
The way Israelis dealt with S300 and the fact that even our Mirages can carry the 350km RAAD missile. Although we shouldnt take it lightly as it is a genuine threat but its not an invincible system.

A refresher, couple of months ago Indians were claiming there S300s can track and shoot down PAF jets as they take of from air bases inside Pakistan. As well as boasting about first shot capability on their SU-30s. We all know what happened in real.


“In our report we establish that Russia’s A2/AD capability is less effective than what is claimed by either the Russian military or the Western press. For one thing, it’s more difficult than many people think to detect and strike a target that’s tens of kilometres away,” says Robert Dalsjö, Deputy Research Director at FOI, who wrote the report with Michael Jonsson.

The S-400 uses four missiles of different range capabilities: the very-long-range 40N6 (400 km), the long-range 48N6 (250 km), the medium-range 9M96E2 (120 km) and the short-range 9M96E (40 km).

According to the report, the missile with a purported 400-km range, the 40N6, is not yet operational and has been plagued by problems in development and testing. In its current configuration, the S-400 system should mainly be considered a threat to large high-value aircraft such as AWACS or transport aircraft at medium to high altitudes, out to a range of 200-250 km. In contrast, the effective range against agile fighter jets and cruise missiles operating at low altitudes can be as little 20- 35 km.

The report also analysed several possible countermeasures for Russian A2/AD-capabilities. Russian capabilities are mainly based on three systems: the S-400 anti-aircraft system, the Bastion anti-ship system, and the Iskander ballistic missile system for use against land targets.

There are several measures for countering A2/AD systems. Some are passive, such as flying around the coverage area of sensors, or stationing troops at a location in good time. Others are active countermeasures, both “soft,” in the form of electronic jamming or chaff dispersed from aircraft, and “hard,” where portions of overall capability are physically knocked out, the report stated.

“One can neutralise an entire system by knocking out just one link in a functional chain, for example a data link or fire-control radar. And since seeing over the horizon requires airborne radar, it may then be enough to shoot down the radar aircraft,” says Robert Dalsjö.

However, making Russia’s A2/AD capability into a manageable problem requires commitments, according to the report.
It will bit of a long read, takes long time to write also.

@Tps43 if you could stop flirting in the members section and visit this thread please to help me where i miss and point out where i am wrong.

There is a requirement for a strike mission to include an Electronic Attack aircrafts('s) to ensure mission success and survivability of all aircrafts taking part in that mission.

In a general scenario, if the attack is going to be carried out by 4-6 PAF's strike aircrafts, atleast 1-2 EA aircraft could support them. The enemy Radar detects them and then attempts to starts tracking them as they enter the enemy air space. The receivers of the EA aircarft pick up the radiations from the Radar and starts sampling them to bring up a counter measure. So assuming that S-400 radar is tracking PAF's aircraft, where as the mission is not taking out the S-400 missile battery or S-400 Radar, but taking out any other strategic target. And its not just S-400 radar but other IAF ground based radars as well as IAF Mig-29's or SU30 MKI on CAP. This is where PAF's EA aircraft will provide cover to PAF's strike aircraft (this scenario was seen on 27th Feb through Falcon DA-20 which you mentioned before). In this assumption PAF's EA aircraft is not Falcon DA-20 but either JF-17 or F-16, armed with ECM/ECCM pods. So PAF's EA aircraft starts sending out effective radiated power on IAF's radar, whichever is conceived to be the biggest threat (strong signal level, enough to send a missile towards PAF aircrafts). So two ways to go around that:
1. Stand Off: stay away and direct jammer towards that Radar.
2. Go in: keep flying towards the radar (if it comes in the way or along the way of the target) and barrage with Electromagnetic energy.

The IAF Radar (or any Radar for that matter) will not have the same power and signal strength in all of its coverage area or coverage radius. The power will be reduced in certain areas, such as on edges of the coverage radius. So as PAF's aircrafts fly towards it, it has more chances of detection, targeting and locking on to PAF's aircraft. Other factors are RCS of PAF aircraft, weather conditions, altitude at which PAF aircraft are flying etc. I have not come to S-400 missiles as yet, as that would be a DEAD (basically destroy IAF's radar and if possible batteries) mission, and this current scenario is part of a SEAD mission (suppress IAF radar's and jamming ability).

So if PAF EA aircraft cannot fully jam the Radar, it could still provide enough cover to strike aircraft to weaken the signal from Radar in the area where PAF aircraft are flying so the IAF Radar cannot lock on to PAF aircraft. IAF Radar would know that something is happening in that area and the radar is being jammed, so IAF may vector in Migs or SU30MKI's to investigate, but the threat of a SAM lock would have dried down mostly. It also depends on the amount of time that PAF aircraft stay in IAF airspace, strike and leave. PAF EA aircraft will be the first to go in and last one to leave IAF airspace and land in PAF airbase.

When jamming comes to mind, its like a fight between jammer and radar, like if u see Star war movies or cartoons, pointing swords and rays coming of swords and the one with more power wins. Its in a way like that but not entirely because jamming has many types. PAF EA aircraft has to do the following things in a high threat environment when IAF radar or IAF aircraft are trying to Jam or target or lock on to PAF strike fighters:
1. Deny IAF jamming attempts
2. Deceive IAF jamming by counter jamming (or ECCM)
3. Degrade IAF jamming, detecting, tracking, targeting attempts.

PAF EA can do 1 or all 3 of the above. Its a cat and mouse game. IAF Radar sends in Freq A (as example), PAF EA aircraft's DRFM memorizes (stores) that and re-transmits back, then IAF Radar jumps to Freq B, PAF EA aircraft memorizes and sends back, so on and so forth. A constant endeavor from both sides. Then IAF Radar tries to lock on PAF's strike aircraft, their RWR and other related sensors light up, so PAF EA aircraft starts creating false/misleading targets OR denies/delays/confuses locking onto PAF's strike aircraft by re-transmitting same frequency. IAF S-400 Radar will pick up whether these decoys has "skin returns" or not, and it will pick up those false targets as decoys. Therefore PAF EA aircraft will use DRFM's coherent jamming technique by creating slight variations in transmitted frequency to create doppler errors for IAF's S-400 Radar. IAF Radar will increase power, proving its location which will be picked up and marked by PAF EA aircraft and relayed back (if data transfers are enabled). Since the IAF's S-400 Radar will have more power available to it (logically), therefore PAF EA aircraft will start jamming its side lobes, instead of main lobe of radar beam tracking PAF's aicrfats, as it will reduce radar coverage area to lock on to PAF aicrafts. This will force S-400 Radar to enable its function of "side lobe jamming canceler" or side lobe blanker to counter PAF EA aircrfat's side lobe jamming. This could reduce some power from the main lobe of IAF Radar so PAF EA aircraft will shift to noise jamming or deception jamming to prevent a lock-on again. This is all going to happen with-in seconds.

Now if PAF EA aircraft was employing MALD's (just google it.. for those who dont know) or UAV's as decoys, or even as jamming support, the S-400 Radar will pick up multiple targets. A capability which I am not sure if PAF has or not currently.

Moving on, IAF's Migs and SU30's: One of the main aims of PAF EA aircraft is to deny a lock on by IAF's S-400 Radar and once IAF's Migs and SU30MKIs reach the scenario, it will continue to do so in air combat now. It will start jamming IAF Migs and SU30MKI's radar to prevent a lock on. In an ideal world, IAF aicrafts should not catch up with PAF's strike package of strike aicrafts and EA aicrafts. But if it does then the main threat are AAM's whose seeker once activated is very very difficult to jam or break lock. AAM has a vision or radar coverage area of its own. BVR AAM"s have narrow but long coverage areas, IR or short range AAM's have wide but short coverage areas. Either towed decoy would help or breaking 90 degrees to get out of field of vision of BVR AAM could possible save PAF's aircrafts.

Just a bird's eye view why an EA aircraft is necessary to escort a strike package entering enemy's airspace and making it back in one piece.

@Khafee . any corrections ?

F-16's DRFM is priceless, whether Block 52+ or UAE-AF's Block 60.
The new ECIPS/CJS product will be on show for the first time on both companies’ stands at Farnborough Airshow during 16-20 July.

Farnborough, UK- Terma has partnered with electronic warfare experts Leonardo to offer a variant of its Electronic Combat Integrated Pylons System (ECIPS) with an integrated Leonardo Compact Jamming System (CJS). The new ECIPS/CJS product will be on show for the first time on both companies’ stands [Terma at Hall 2, stand 2440 and Leonardo at L1] at Farnborough Airshow, which runs during 16-20 July.

Uniquely, the new system gives an upgrade path to F-16 users who want to equip their platforms with a persistent, high-powered, modern defensive jamming capability without losing a weapons station: the ECIPS/CJS retains a full weapons carriage capability. The system provides effective protection from radar-guided threats by emitting powerful Radio Frequency (RF) signals to confuse enemy radar systems and prevent radar lock on to the host F-16.


The ECIPS/CJS, which employs Leonardo’s advanced Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) capability, can protect an F-16 against even the most modern radar-guided threats. Additionally, because of the Company’s approach to providing ‘open’ and user-programmable electronic warfare (EW) systems, the jammer can be kept up to date with a nation’s own EW threat library, maintaining sovereign capability.

Terma will offer the ECIPS/CJS as an ‘off-the-shelf’ product, having worked closely with Leonardo to fully integrate the CJS. Because the new system sits within the current envelope of the certified and operational Terma ECIPS+, on a typical F-16 Mid Life Update (MLU) jet there are no additional aircraft modifications required, making ECIPS/CJS simpler and less expensive to install when compared to an onboard jamming solution or towed radar decoy. Because the new product is designed and manufactured by Terma and Leonardo in Europe, it is also readily exportable around the world.

Benefits include:

  • ECIPS/CJS provides a modern self-protection jammer solution for the F-16 within the current envelope of the certified and operational Terma F-16 ECIPS+.
  • The CJS is a Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) combined with a techniques generator, receive antennas, transmitters, and power hardware in a compact form factor.
  • The ECIPS/CJS pylon is based on a certified and operational solution for Jammer installation while still retaining the Missile Warning System configuration.
  • The aircraft control is via the current Terma ALQ-213 EW Management System, including the Advanced Threat Display and may also include Terma’s Aircraft Audio Management System with 3D-Audio and Active Noise Reduction capabilities.
  • The ECIPS/CJS is complementary and fully compatible with Leonardo’s BriteCloud 218 expendable active decoy, to provide a further level of protection for F-16 jets.
  • The ECIPS/CJS can be installed on wing stations 3 or 7.
  • The ECIPS/CJS is designed to operate together with Terma’s PIDS+ countermeasures dispenser pylon on opposite wing stations 3 or 7.
  • SW changes are limited to implementation of a CJS driver in the ALQ-213.
  • No aircraft OFP changes required.
  • ECIPS/CJS envelope and weight is similar to current ECIPS configuration.
About Leonardo
Leonardo is among the top ten global players in Aerospace, Defence and Security and Italy’s main industrial company. Organized into seven business divisions (Helicopters; Aircraft; Aero-structures; Airborne & Space Systems; Land & Naval Defence Electronics; Defence Systems; Security & Information Systems), Leonardo operates in the most competitive international markets by leveraging its areas of technology and product leadership. Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange (LDO), in 2017, Leonardo recorded consolidated restated revenues of 11.7 billion EUR and has a significant industrial presence in Italy, the UK, the U.S., and Poland.

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