The 'army' I'm thinking of would have two focuses:
1) Dissemination information and clearing misconceptions
2) Pushing for change in how the media portrays Pakistan
How would we go about with either?
For the first goal, I was thinking along the lines of having members write short articles or create infographics on issues related to Pakistan, clearing up the clouded view the world has of the country. I've been on this forum for 2 years and in that short time I've found that there're plenty of intelligent and articulate users here. Sadly, their threads and posts are limited to a few thousand PDFers. This is where the 'army' would come in. Spread these articles and infographics throughout the internet. Not just Facebook or Twitter, but websites like Reddit and other major forums.
Now it's not enough to simply try and dominate social media. As mentioned by our Bharati friend, the Chinese attempted the same thing with a very poor result. The problem is they haven't or simply cant influence the media. I think the issue revolves around the fact that most Chinese netizens frequent the Chinese portion of the web. When an article critical of the Chinese is published by the NYT or BBC, you wont get the same uproar you get from from Chinese people as you do from Indians when their own country is criticized. The Chinese don't have consumers who can influence the media. Now this is something we do have, but we haven't ever utilized it. Our own news sites such as Dawn and Tribune regularly publish articles with anti-Pakistan tilts. What we should be doing is organizing and writing to these news sites. Criticize them on social media. PR impacts companies heavily in this day and age. The last thing any news group would want is a decline in viewership. Start with Dawn and Tribune and work our way up to international news agencies.
That's my 50-cents (
) on what the aims of the social media army would be. I admit it's a little too ambitious, but this is all just plain discussion. As much as I would love to see Pakistanis organized on the web, I know that it woukd be an expensive and time-consuming effort.