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CPEC Will Take Pakistan To A Place It Doesn't Want To Be

According to many Indian experts, Pakistan was supposed to be dead by 2010.

What's too much? Like's India's $485 billion external debt?
correction 472 billion as of 2016, and indian GDP is also near 2.3-2.4 trillion. fraction wise roughly same debt ratio as of pakistan but even a shopkeeper will tell you who is in better position as of now. I was anyways talking about 2019-2020 because of sharp rise in pak debts, snt say CPEC is fr free

That's none of your bloody business.

Did I asked you ???? I simply shared a thought and asked the question from the editor of this thread. Why you guys always think every post as trolling. Just because of my indian flag row up. Dn't quote me unless you are ready for some sensable discussion SINCERE THANKS.
LOL to much tension
We'll deal with it the SAME way that we successfully dealt with the severe debt that resulted from Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons state with the ability to now produce thermonuclear weapons :azn::


Not that it's any of your indiotic business.

THIS!!!!!!!!!...................POTW!!!!!!!............Give this man a Feirerro Roche milkshake!!!!!!!!!!

Your above reply would have been enough, but last comment shows ur getting hurt to the bottom hehe. Anyways thanks fr the reply will not quote u again, just wanted to have some informational discussion but defently not wd you
Pakistan debt to GDP is better than India

View attachment 407615

We are here for 70 years and we will be there for 100`s of years dont worry

Such a childish statement if IMF is not there who else be there wait ,China will be there reason CHina has more stakes and more to lose
China bails out Pakistan with $1.2bn loans
Rising imports and falling exports and remittances revive threat of forex crisis



1. India: 69% bribery rate
4. Pakistan: 40% bribery rate

So we are pretty much better than India remmember India is already growing with all these numbers so we will be fine

In the end declining Exports are worrisome but still it makes up the number thru remittances .Thanks for your concern but we have already decided where we will be

Yes, I was not at all comparing Pakistan wd india, because india is far more stable economy and it will take longer to be bankrupt. Pakistan surely has lesser debt to GDP ratio but it is rising very quickly thats what my point was. And even with the power boost of CPEC pakistan needs to balance the fiscal deficts in order to payout the loans and grow exports.
Yes, I was not at all comparing Pakistan wd india, because india is far more stable economy and it will take longer to be bankrupt.
Don't worry about us we will be Ok we have several guarantor to back us up we know our cards well for India to be more stable economy I will give you EC101 lesson that will guide you how Gov lies specially the Indian to its people
Indian GDP chunk is balances mainly by FDI infact FDI are invested to export items and in the process Indian economy is pushed forward If you look closer the FDI numbers and countries you will understand the 1999 Malaysia/Indonesia crisis and how stable economies were collapsed over night there is a reason why the rating of India is poor as compared to similar economies
2017-05-02 BBB- (Stable)

It is close to be Speculative ,you see how these big powers play there role with all these

And even with the power boost of CPEC pakistan needs to balance the fiscal deficts in order to payout the loans and grow exports.
I agree already there is amendment in finance bill to convert all loans from China to be converted in to FDI since loans are taken by Chinese as well as Pakistani companies thru Chinese EXIM bank and in the end all these companies have signed contract to install and GOvt of Pak buys from them the capacity (Specially the power plants) . In my view reserves have to be increased to 35- 45 Billion $ to control the rupee other wise all looks fine ,

YOu seems a reasonable guy so i tried to share with good intentions and for knowledge purpose as well

LOL to much tension
Its the task as India is handed over this task to destabilize OBOR ,funny thing is OBOR is very much CPEC if you know how important
correction 472 billion as of 2016, and indian GDP is also near 2.3-2.4 trillion. fraction wise roughly same debt ratio as of pakistan but even a shopkeeper will tell you who is in better position as of now. I was anyways talking about 2019-2020 because of sharp rise in pak debts, snt say CPEC is fr free

Did I asked you ???? I simply shared a thought and asked the question from the editor of this thread. Why you guys always think every post as trolling. Just because of my indian flag row up. Dn't quote me unless you are ready for some sensable discussion SINCERE THANKS.
Be ready to be confroted if you come to our forums and make nasty comments about our country and the projects. Now, imagine a Pakistani went to an indian forum and said something similar about any of the indian projects. He will be abused and banned.
Be ready to be confroted if you come to our forums and make nasty comments about our country and the projects. Now, imagine a Pakistani went to an indian forum and said something similar about any of the indian projects. He will be abused and banned.

First of all i never made any nasty comments, refer to my post. I was looking for what is called gentlemen discussion. But if you come to this forum just to get your but hurt always, then their will always be trolls, I agree some indians do that but same do the pakistanis. Its a two man show please refrain from dragging anyone like me who is not willing to get involved into this. Anyways do you have any useful information ? or leave it

Don't worry about us we will be Ok we have several guarantor to back us up we know our cards well for India to be more stable economy I will give you EC101 lesson that will guide you how Gov lies specially the Indian to its people
Indian GDP chunk is balances mainly by FDI infact FDI are invested to export items and in the process Indian economy is pushed forward If you look closer the FDI numbers and countries you will understand the 1999 Malaysia/Indonesia crisis and how stable economies were collapsed over night there is a reason why the rating of India is poor as compared to similar economies
2017-05-02 BBB- (Stable)

I Frankly tride to understand the rating and your reason, but only thing that I got was you FDI logic. here is the link for 1997 crisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_Asian_financial_crisis as I consider wikki to be a credible source. It clearly states that their were two reasons for the collapse
1) Excessive Loans where the payout were more than what country can affoard
2) Lack of foreign reserves which abided their currency to stand by US dollars.

Now for india FDI, 2 years back the maximum FDI was limited to 25% which has been increased to 49 % and 100% in special cases. This was done to again just as you saying FDI in export items help your economy move. Prior to that indian economy growth was mainly due to 2 reasons 1) Agricultural outputs 2) IT services which were alot cheaper from any part in the world hence enabling companies to utilise the cheap workforce and helped the nation to move so basically india has little to worry about such crisis in near future. These were also the reasons why india remained pretty stable while the world was shook in 2009 financial crisis.

Lets come to CPEC, the original plan was 41.6 billion which increased to 52 and now 62 billion in 2017. What I believe is https://www.dawn.com/news/1225339 see this the non transparent investments. Pak does not know what money is spend and how much.
Workforce is chinese so pakistan is actuly enploying chinese that too on loan
Actual cost estimations is not with the government it basically accepts whatever chinese say, because of little transparency govt is not able to calculate on own the costs and hence if I go by some random economists they prdict costs to be as hich as 94 billion by 2019.
What am I saying is that no matter its very good boost for pakistan, but is it all that is there ?? A big question in my mind
Yup - It will integrate 90% of human population in Pakistan with bigger markets and eradicate poverty in 20 years. A place where Pakistan has never been but definitely wants to be.
If it's integrating 90% of human population .then why is only 5% of the population paying back the money with interest .

EPIC FAIL......indiots also said that Pakistan would would go bankrupt and cease to exist if it became a nuclear weapons state by the year 2000. We all know what happened to that indianism. Just as then so is now......
Year may be different but still you don't have money in 2017 to buy 8 fighters and I am not sure if you had in 2000 :partay:
If it's integrating 90% of human population .then why is only 5% of the population paying back the money with interest .

Year may be different but still you don't have money in 2017 to buy 8 fighters and I am not sure if you had in 2000 :partay:

We don't have enough fighters or money to buy then???????????..........which is why india was too weak, impotent and powerless to do anything to Pakistan after mumbai 2008 and uri 2016. Even though you are more than 7x bigger than us and have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege.............:azn:.......:D
A simple rule, if your sworn enemy is butt hurt over something you do....means you are bang right on the spot :).

The more they cry, the better it is :)

So indians keep posting your mind here for our entertainment.

Pakistan becoming an economic colony of anyone is not a problem for us, but the colonial ruler is China's which is our enemy. So it bothers us. Just like any other country's military presence in Afghanistan don't bother you, only India's. Same here.
Pakistan becoming an economic colony of anyone is not a problem for us, but the colonial ruler is China's which is our enemy. So it bothers us. Just like any other country's military presence in Afghanistan don't bother you, only India's. Same here.
Take your piece of land into the ocean because China in your north and can kick your a$$ anytime it wants as it did in 1962. We are free to do whatever we want in our country.

india is most welcome to sends its army to Afghanistan and the Afghan Taliban will make a nice roast of your soldiers so keep an equal number of coffins ready to use.
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