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CPEC mention in UNSC resolution good news

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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CPEC mention in UNSC resolution good news

ISLAMABAD: The mention of China’s grand “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) initiative including the China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Friday's adopted UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution has come as good news for Pakistan.

However, this reference also showed the consensus of the international community on embracing the concept of Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

The CPEC that also passes through Azad Kashmir has thus received backing from the highest global forum, which is not obviously disheartening for India that keeps bragging about the success of its foreign policy, threatening Pakistan to isolate it in the world.

The CPEC is classified as closely related to the Belt and Road Initiative. It in particular is often regarded as the link between China's maritime and overland Silk Road with the port of Gwadar forming the crux of the CPEC project.

The resolution which extended the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) by one year called on countries to strengthen the process of regional economic cooperation, including measures to facilitate regional connectivity, trade and transit, including through regional development initiatives such as the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (the Belt and Road) Initiative.

India has strongly opposed the CPEC and protested to China more than once, but its efforts to block the grand project have always met with abject failure as Beijing has rejected them vehemently. New Delhi has also told Beijing that while it was in favour of connectivity projects, the CPEC violated its sovereignty as it passes through Azad Kashmir.

However, Chinese diplomats have portrayed the reference to the Belt and Road as a community of shared destiny, both of which are Xi Jinping's pet initiatives, as a victory of sorts, hailing it as a first for China's diplomacy.

The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road, also known as The Belt and Road (B&R), OBOR or the Belt and Road Initiative is a development strategy and framework, proposed by Xi Jinping that focuses on connectivity and cooperation among countries primarily between China and the rest of Eurasia, which consists of two main components, the land-based Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) and oceangoing Maritime Silk Road (MSR). The strategy underlines China's push to take a bigger role in global affairs.

It was unveiled in September and October 2013 in announcements revealing the SREB and MSR, respectively. It was also promoted by Premier Li Keqiang during the State visit in Asia and Europe.

The coverage area of the initiative is primarily Asia and Europe, encompassing around 60 countries. Oceania and East Africa are also included. Anticipated cumulative investment is variously put at $4 trillion or $8 trillion.

OBOR has been contrasted with the two US-centric trading arrangements, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

When Xi Jinping had visited Central Asia and Southeast Asia in September and October 2013, he had raised the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the MSR. Essentially, the 'belt' includes countries situated on the original Silk Road through Central Asia, West Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The initiative calls for the integration of the region into a cohesive economic area through building infrastructure, increasing cultural exchanges, and broadening trade.

Apart from this zone, which is largely analogous to the historical Silk Road, another area that is included in the extension of this 'belt' is South Asia and Southeast Asia. Many of the countries that are part of this belt are also members of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

North, central and south belts are proposed. The North belt goes through Central Asia, Russia to Europe.

The Central belt goes through Central Asia, West Asia to the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean. The South belt starts from China to Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Indian Ocean. The Chinese One Belt strategy will integrate with Central Asia through Kazakhstan's Nurly Zhol infrastructure programme.

The MSR is a complementary initiative aimed at investing and fostering collaboration in Southeast Asia, Oceania, and North Africa, through several contiguous bodies of water – the South China Sea, the South Pacific Ocean, and the wider Indian Ocean area.

The Maritime Silk Road initiative was first proposed by Xi Jinping during a speech to the Indonesian Parliament in October 2013. Like its sister initiative the Silk Road Economic Belt, most countries in this area have joined the AIIB.

East Africa, including Zanzibar in particular, will form an important part of the MSR after improvements to local ports and construction of a modern standard-gauge rail link between Nairobi and Kampala is completed.

In May 2014, Premier Li Keqiang visited Kenya to sign a cooperation agreement with the Kenyan government. Under this accord, a railroad line will be constructed connecting Mombasa to Nairobi. When completed, it will stretch approximately 2,700 kilometers costing around $250 million.

In September 2015, China's Sinomach signed a strategic, cooperative memorandum of understanding with General Electric. The memorandum of understanding set goals to build wind turbines to promote clean energy programs and to increase the number of energy consumers in sub-Saharan Africa.

The AIIB, first proposed by China in October 2013, is a development bank dedicated to lending for projects regarding infrastructure. As of 2015, China announced that over one trillion yuan ($160 billion) of infrastructure projects were in planning or construction.
The whole outcome of OBOR is dubious. China is investing $$$ with no concrete returns. Many countries are not opposed to the idea of OBOR, hence this UN resolution to show it as an 'international' project. Except CPEC, I haven't seen any thing move forward on OBOR

Pakistan is going CPEC and India is going Senile!

CPEC is a glorified corridor to connect China's wild west to Oceans. First, Majority of China lives on east coast and China's west is sparsely populated, so the utility is quite limited. India will oppose CPEC because it passes through Kashmir.
The whole outcome of OBOR is dubious. China is investing $$$ with concrete returns. Many countries are not opposed to the idea of OBOR, hence this UN resolution to give it as an 'international' project. Except CPEC, I haven't seen any thing move forward on OBOR

CPEC is a glorified corridor to connect China's wild west to Oceans. First, Majority of China lives on east coast and China's west is sparsely populated, so the utility is quite limited. India will oppose CPEC because it passes through Kashmir.

CPEC is the pilot project of the OBOR (now renamed just One Belt or OB).

As a pilot, you usually don't start the other stages till the pilot had been proven. The OB project is a longer term project and CPEC's success is being tabled as a basis to move forward on the other corridor.

The whole outcome of OBOR is dubious. China is investing $$$ with no concrete returns. Many countries are not opposed to the idea of OBOR, hence this UN resolution to show it as an 'international' project. Except CPEC, I haven't seen any thing move forward on OBOR

CPEC is a glorified corridor to connect China's wild west to Oceans. First, Majority of China lives on east coast and China's west is sparsely populated, so the utility is quite limited. India will oppose CPEC because it passes through Kashmir.

Are there other roads in Gilgit-Baltistan that india opposes... before CPEC?

First tame the occupied Kashmiri people you occupy before asking for more to occupy.

Sorry, you can't hate the kashmiri people yet envy their land... doesn't quite work that way.

Another sorry, CPEC is here to stay... besides... as you say... it just goes to the wild sparsely inhabitant part of China... why such a fuss over measly lonely hardly used employ unproductive road?

I'll let you know why... because it isn't useless... hence the wet dhoti of Modi
CPEC is the pilot project of the OBOR (now renamed just One Belt or OB).

As a pilot, you usually don't start the other stages till the pilot had been proven. The OB project is a longer term project and CPEC's success is being tabled as a basis to move forward on the other corridor.

There is nothing pilot here. Chinese economy grew on construction boom. Now Chinese construction market is saturated. Hence China plans to grow further at the expense of other country. That is fine, but what is the utility of OBOR for other countries? China wants OBOR to replace sea lanes for transport and trade. However, transport and trade for long distances by road is costly and high risk. So I don't see other countries agreeing enthusiastically to OBOR.
There is nothing pilot here. Chinese economy grew on construction boom. Now Chinese construction market is saturated. Hence China plans to grow further at the expense of other country. That is fine, but what is the utility of OBOR for other countries? China wants OBOR to replace sea lanes for transport and trade. However, transport and trade for long distances by road is costly and high risk. So I don't see other countries agreeing enthusiastically to OBOR.

Read my previous post.... Nothing to worry about a measly underused uneconomical ill planned road then?? The border through that region existed before... so going by you logic... no issue

Or is there an issue?? ... CPEC the game changer?.. :)
Read my previous post.... Nothing to worry about a measly underused uneconomical ill planned road then?? The border through that region existed before... so going by you logic... no issue

Or is there an issue?? ... CPEC the game changer?.. :)

Road is fine, but India's problem with CPEC is as India claims Kashmir China's involvement is not fine.
Road is fine, but India's problem with CPEC is as India claims Kashmir China's involvement is not fine.

OK, good you are OK with the road... you are half way there...

Here watch this video, it will help alleviate some of your fears. Its from the American Institute for Peace. It is right now going viral. Over 10,000 views and a new video... while rest of the videos from American Institute for Peace hardly get over a 1,000 views..
Viral baby!... Huge!... CPEC!

The whole outcome of OBOR is dubious. China is investing $$$ with no concrete returns. Many countries are not opposed to the idea of OBOR, hence this UN resolution to show it as an 'international' project. Except CPEC, I haven't seen any thing move forward on OBOR

CPEC is a glorified corridor to connect China's wild west to Oceans. First, Majority of China lives on east coast and China's west is sparsely populated, so the utility is quite limited. India will oppose CPEC because it passes through Kashmir.
Yes keep telling yourself that. Clearly it floats your boat
Road is fine, but India's problem with CPEC is as India claims Kashmir China's involvement is not fine.

The whole of CPEC is illegal right from inception, the fact that it runs through disputed territory. supplementary the so-called "rise of peaceful China" as we know it, is anything but peaceful. The constant needling it does to India with its border skirmishes, absolute disregard for territorial integrity.

Seeks to achieve its infrastructure projects through illegal methods, this is blatant land grabbing in the name of infrastructure, baiting the Pakistani's with huge loan's that will struggle to pay off own its own. the Sinister plan is all too obvious for everyone to see.
The whole outcome of OBOR is dubious. China is investing $$$ with no concrete returns. Many countries are not opposed to the idea of OBOR, hence this UN resolution to show it as an 'international' project. Except CPEC, I haven't seen any thing move forward on OBOR

CPEC is a glorified corridor to connect China's wild west to Oceans. First, Majority of China lives on east coast and China's west is sparsely populated, so the utility is quite limited. India will oppose CPEC because it passes through Kashmir.
why, how are you still responding to daft comments?
Pakistan Rejoices as the UN Security Council Endorses CPEC

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project, also known as CPEC, is something you must be familiar with. Even though its meant to connect Pakistan and China, many countries have signalled their interest in joining the trade corridor being developed.

And now, a recent development has given the project more legitimacy and strength all over the world, resulting in a major diplomatic victory for Pakistan.

Acknowledged and Approved by The UNSC
United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has officially endorsed CPEC and has acknowledged its role in promoting peace and prosperity in the region. In simpler terms, the UN (including major world powers) agrees with the direction of the CPEC and support Pakistan for this project.

In an interview, Pakistan’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr Maleeha Lodhi said that the world recognizes Pakistan’s role in the region. The UNSC has recently approved a resolution to increase the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan by one year.

The resolution also mentioned the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) project by China (which includes CPEC as a sub project) and endorsed it. Dr. Maleeha said,

If the Security Council endorses CPEC as factor for stability, obviously there is international endorsement for the project.

Now that the international powers have recognized the importance of this project, we can expect more countries to join in with this project.

Countries Willing to Participate in CPEC
Several countries have expressed their interest in joining CPEC. They include:

Central Asian Republics
Saudi Arabia
United Kingdom

Central Asian countries will be building extensive rail-roads and land crossings with Pakistan. More projects will have these countries receive access to Gwadar port. Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani met with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in September 2016 and expressed his willingness to join in as well.

U.K. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Boris Johnson called it a “wonder project” and hoped that UK would be able to join the project.

If more countries join in it has the chance to further boost our economy and infrastructure. Companies like Renault, Kia Motors, Hyundai and others are also keen on setting up shop in Pakistan, indicating greater confidence in the economic prospects of the region.

Via CPEC info

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