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CPEC infographics


Sep 19, 2008
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we should have had a agriculrure side of cpec too.untill today some agri products are imported from india.we should modernise our agriculture to make it more efficient
good details, however, the timings are wrong, most of the project havent been started yet, let alone slanted to be completed by 2017!

You're correct. I believe that this is an older map, and hence the dates that are shown. But yes, I posted it for the information it provides in regards to the projects themselves and their locations.

You're correct. I believe that this is an older map, and hence the dates that are shown. But yes, I posted it for the information it provides in regards to the projects themselves and their locations.

hence, chinese fustration on delay of these projects..there are not use to bureaucratic BS
Why are there any bureaucratic delays? Due to kickbacks?

I'll be very much interested about high speed railways and energy projects.
Why are there any bureaucratic delays? Due to kickbacks?

I'll be very much interested about high speed railways and energy projects.
Not the bureaucratic delays but our beloved politicians sitting in KPK assembly. CM KPK didn't even bother to attend the meeting help by Chinese to tell them who is getting what and now a days they have started to spread rumors and confusion. Works is not delayed any where because Army is directly involved.
we should have had a agriculrure side of cpec too.untill today some agri products are imported from india.we should modernise our agriculture to make it more efficient
our govt agri policies are moronic! take water conversation technology for example through WB sindh govt is providing subsidy on drip irrigation and since every component is imported cost of drip irrigation is 2000 usd per acre after subsidy it still is 800 usd per acre thats crazy! had they encourage local manufacturers to make drip irrigation components locally i am sure cost would have been 30-40% less and more farmers would have adapted it easily

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